Moved posts to Thrash can

Organization and Administration

Moderator: Jani Soderhall

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2002 2:00 am

Moved posts to Thrash can

Post by Adam Trahan » Sat Dec 13, 2003 4:52 pm

I have moved several posts to the Thrash Can that were not positive to the promotion of skateboard slalom.

If you have any questions about my decisions to move these posts to the Thrash Can, please direct your questions here so that I may answer them.

I would also urge you to send a Private Message to me if there is any further objectional posts, in your opinion, and I will consider your request to move those in question.

There will be no deletion of posts, they will be moved to the Thrash Can.

Thank you.
