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User groups

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:56 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Today I have added a link "Usergroups" in the forum main menu on the top of the screen.

Adam Trahan will monitor the creation of usergroups which will allow us to create user groups as subgroups of the community as a whole. For example there will be user groups created for each of the active GRS chapters. Other user groups can also be created upon demand as we see fit.

As always when a new feature such as this is added there is some trial and error and a learning curve for us to go through to establish the use of this feature. Any ideas, experience and help is most appreciated.


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:10 am
by Adam Trahan
ok, here is the deal.

this is a lot of work and at the moment, my wrist is in a cast so please be patient.

you will see a "usergroup" button in the upper right of the page, click on it and explore the Arizona G.R.S. usergroup. i am the moderator and there are a few people (that's all we have in Arizona that slalom) added already. as a moderator, you can ad members on your own. as a member of you can request membership to a area G.R.S. chapter to see "at a glance" the people from that area and their contact information. when someone applies for membership, the moderator get's an e-mail and should let that person in the group by "approving" his or her application in the usergroup. once we have usergroups established, i will start working on a designated web page template or you can make a page however you want to represent your area for promotion.

if i have not added your state, it's just because my hand hurts and i will get to it. please send an e-mail reminder to me if your area does not show up in the next week or so.

welcome grass roots slalom organization to

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:25 pm
by Wes Eastridge
How does one join a user group? I have logged in, and “Log out [ WesE ]” is displayed near the upper right corner. But after I then choose the “Usergroups” link, the “Log out [ WesE ]" changes back to “Log in” again.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:34 am
by Adam Trahan
...gees, sounds like cookie problems. i am running nearly the same system as you, try to delete your cookies and log in again.

joining the usergroup of your choice is nothing more than choosing the group and clicking on the request.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:40 pm
by Jani Soderhall
adam trahan wrote:I will start working on a designated web page template or you can make a page however you want to represent your area for promotion.

I would suggest not doing any static HTML, we've tried it for the front page of this forum and it's just too boring to keep updated. The forum is a better place to put it. I would suggest such an introductory post would be done as an Announcement, just like the Contest calendar. That makes sure it is always towards the top of a specific forum. I'm not sure if everybody can post announcements, but I guess not. Admins and Moderators should be able to though.