The Mosh Pit - How to find threads

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Moderator: Jani Soderhall

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Chris Chaput
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Post by Chris Chaput » Fri Aug 08, 2003 6:58 am

Call me old fashioned. Call me old. Maybe I'm just not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Maybe I'm a creature of habit. Maybe I'm just too damn lazy to use the available resources to find out where all the action is but... seems to me that in addition to the multitude of catagories, forums, topics, threads, sub-threads, posts, etc, there could be ONE big "mosh pit" of a forum that's always on the top of the list on the Forums page. You know, like a party. Before everyone goes into his or her favorite room, you can come through the front door and see what's shakin'. Then go to the balcony, bedroom, bathroom or closet.

I get a little overwhelmed at trying to find out where the action is. Are all of you trying to ditch me?

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:23 pm

CC - I've found that the easiest way to keep up with the forums at is to use the [Search] function, but rather than entering anything to search for, simply leave the form blank and press the Search button - You'll get a list similiar to the summary page at NCDSA.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Fri Aug 08, 2003 1:23 pm

Chris have you been wandering around wondering where the party is? I used to have to scroll down looking at all the dates or enter a recent date.

I was wondering if you had boycotted this forum because another Plank manufacturer was out there also using lower cost migrant laborers- though from Russia not Mexico (-see Rusian made boards forum). Though it is possible his top secret drop through model is targeted at using ABEC11 83mm custom trimmed flywheels.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Aug 08, 2003 1:57 pm

Basically "Random slalom topics" is the place to post whatever, but if you want to be more structured then post it in the appropriate forum. We used to have pretty good speed in the Random forum, but now certain popular topics have found their places in their dedicated forums.

I personally think we have too many board forums, too many truck forums etc, but the idea was to have a forum adapted for a long life and many visitors. If there is no activity in certain places we may decide to join a couple of them.

The Search thing is great to see the posts of the last couple of days.

If I have some time later in the autumn I'll be looking into creating a new forum highlight page instead of the current (too) static home page of this site. I've seen examples of portals built upon the type of forum we have and I like the idea.

Any more suggestions for improvement?

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Fri Aug 08, 2003 5:03 pm

The search feature that Rick mentions is the ticket for finding all the most recent posts: [clicking search in the upper right corner on the forum index page, then without entering anything in the spaces click the search "button" to see all the most recent post]

But how about a single quick link button for the same feature at the top of forum index page?

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Fri Aug 08, 2003 6:41 pm

Welcome back Chris.

Jani, is it in the programming where we can have the thread in reverse order?

When you click on a topic, the last post comes up instead of the original?

Chris and I talked about the layout of the site and he has some great ideas but like most, he is used to the architecture...

PHP has a plug in module for a calendar. It's capable of having users post to it and has other features. I think we need to build the site up around this feature as it puts the emphisis on races.

The programmer who helped me get the site rolling did it gratis. He is an old skateboarder and I may be able to get him to "upgrade" the site if I had something to persuade him with.

A really nice complete presented to him from the community of us. He get's the thanks for what he has done and what he is bringing forth. His name is Ted and his web site is He's a fly angling friend, a mentor of sorts and someone who has helped me through my divorce and difficult subjects in life. I think he would really stoke on a board.

I can't ask him to do any more for me for free. He has gone far and beyond to get this forum and three others like it cooperative projects. The guy is just plain nice...

PHP is the way to go, it's a good way to present the information, a good database. This version is quite old now, all the messages can be dumped into a new database and we will not lose the content but this programming is beyond me. I'm only at the administrator level.

Anyhow, good to see Chris around. He has long history, hosted some of the ISSA stuff wayback when and he is a really nice guy. We talked about 45 minutes on the phone about a gamut of subjects and lot's of good things were suggested.

Your helping us out Chris by just being here,it's a community project.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: adam trahan on 2003-08-08 12:49 ]</font>

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:03 pm

Jani, is it in the programming where we can have the thread in reverse order?

When you click on a topic, the last post comes up instead of the original?
That should be fairly easy to do. I'll just think of a way to let users decide which way they prefer it. I'll probably do it some simple way for now and then try to integrate it better (such as saving it with the user preferences) once we've upgraded.

PHP has a plug in module for a calendar. It's capable of having users post to it and has other features. I think we need to build the site up around this feature as it puts the emphisis on races.
I'm not really sure how this would work. I don't think there are enough races yet. But your ideas are normally well thought through so give me more details so I get a better idea of what you want to achieve and we'll see where we can take it.
The programmer who helped me get the site rolling did it gratis. He is an old skateboarder and I may be able to get him to "upgrade" the site if I had something to persuade him with.
Let's use him when we really need him. I should be able to do the upgrading. I just want to get more familiar with the environment before I go for it.
phpBB is the way to go, it's a good way to present the information, a good database. This version is quite old now, all the messages can be dumped into a new database and we will not lose the content but this programming is beyond me. I'm only at the administrator level.
Of course messages will be kept when upgrading. I just want us to use a more recent version of the phpBB stuff so we can access the latest features.

The upgrade is probably not going to happen in the next few days, but I'll do little things at least to take us a few more steps. This might be a good thing for when the season is coming to a close. We'll see, I'll keep you posted.

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Aug 11, 2003 6:00 pm

Great reply.

I'll find the example of the calendar. More than one knowledgable racer/enthusiast has suggested a "contest calendar" that is free and easy to use.

I've seen it somewhere in php programming. I'll find an example and post it so we can check it out.

You're doing a great job Jani, I appreciate the cooperation that we have as a community.

Best to you.

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:15 pm


Found this on another phpBB

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