[Announcement] Site ownership transfer - November 28, 2004

Organization and Administration

Moderator: Jani Soderhall

Jani Soderhall
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[Announcement] Site ownership transfer - November 28, 2004

Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:22 pm

After Jack Smith announced that he no longer wanted to be the sole owner of this site a group of eight got together to bail him out of the costs he incurred in August this year as he purchased the rights to the site from Adam Trahan.

These eight guys wanted to make sure the site continues its life as an international slalom community and were ready to put up the cash (75$ each):

Sam Gordon (UK), Dan Gesmer (USA), Jack Smith (USA), Daniel Poweleit (Germany), Heiko Schöller (Germany), Jani Söderhäll (Sweden/France), John Gilmour (USA) & Donald Campbell (Germany).

Exactly what will happen to the site we don't know, but we all agree that some work needs to be done. This should be the premier choice of where to send newbies, sponsors and others interested in our sport. It's good now, but it could become better.

A natural consequence of making this forum a true community is to revive the slumbering International Skateboard Slalom Association. Back in the 1980's and 1990's this organization was how race organizers got together and agreed upon world cups, contest guidelines and much more. The magazine Slalom! was created to spread the news about what happened in the sport and further encourage exchange between racers and race organizers.

Today we have the internet and when this site and forum was first created in 2002, the original intention was to create an online version of Slalom! magazine. Now as we're about to reinvent the wheel, we're reusing the name and the original intention of this organization, but everything else is up for discussion.

What do you want the ISSA to do?

It's up to you!

Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sven Lippert
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Post by Sven Lippert » Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:40 pm

...sorry i am not the man of big visions, not a 100 % contest shark, not the big organizer - i wish all you guys, a lot of luck, power and a good hand for the right decissoins.

hey i am pretty stoked about my german mates beeing on board - cooool engagement really.
keep the steering wheel in the right direction ... i am pretty sure you guys got the right hand for this !!!!

cheers from berlin .... sven

Daniel Gesmer
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Revival of ISSA

Post by Daniel Gesmer » Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:12 pm

In my opinion, it is high time for slalom to once again have the guidance and support of a truly representative international governing body. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the ISSA, often under the direction of Jani Soderhall, was of invaluable service to the European slalom scene. I can think of no more positive development than the ISSA's revival at a time when slalom is once again thriving not just in Europe but in America as well. We are especially fortunate that Jani has agreed to lead the organization for the next year. He is not just a friend of mine, but one of the classiest, most intelligent, and most dignified individuals on the scene.

Heiko Schöller
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Post by Heiko Schöller » Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:35 pm

What means ISSA to me?
At the moment the ISSA means nothing to me. I don´t not know what the ISSA did in the 80´s and I don´t want to know it because this is history...I´m a Skateboarder since 1988 but I never heard something of Slalom in these years. In 2003 I got my first Airflow deck and in 2004 I entered the first contests...Now at the end of 2004 I can say that buying that slalom deck was a really good decision because I had a lot of fun at the races and it changed many things in my life. I must say that I´m a newbie in Slalomskateboarding but for the future I will support Slalom and because of this I got in the boat of the ISSA.

Now it´s up to all of us what we do with it!!!
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Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:58 am

Wow, I did not have a proper internet access the last 7 weeks, so this is the first thing I hear. I think this is great and I will be back into the scene with a new arm in the coming season.

What do I want the ISSA to do?

Well, this is hard.....I cannot ask for something that is not possible, like creating a worldwide race series with a point system everyone agrees and finding a sponsor who covers all the expenses and a TV station for worldwide live coverage...........

Realistically maybe the ISSA in conjunction with this forum could concentrate all the enthusiasm that came out the last few years and form it into something.....I don´t know, hard.

Maybe it is time to ask these dudes who bought the site: Why did you do it and what are your plans?

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:49 pm

Abraham Lincoln, 1894 wrote:Don't ask what ISSA can do for you. Ask what you can do for ISSA.
The future of ISSA and the international skateboard slalom scene is in the hand of all of us who wants to. Everybody are invited with ideas and working gloves. And anyway, by being a member you at least support the international slalom community and may vote in what direction you want it to go. Being a member and supportive of something like ISSA is a proof that you care about the sport also outside of your immediate self-interest. All the directions that an international body like that will take will maybe not always be exactly as your personal whish. But it will be in the wish of the majority of the slalom community and it will take us forward. It’s hard breaking our human tribe genes but if we want to show that slalom skateboarding is serious to the outside world this is a step we must be ready to take.

How do I do to be a member?
Pay pal 25$ to ISSA@slalomskateboarder.com

Daniel Poweleit
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Post by Daniel Poweleit » Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:50 pm

Hi all!

My intension to support this forum was to not let it die because of lack of necessary decisions.
I do not wanted to have any vote rights or something like this. I just wanted to enable someone or better a group to decide what's the best for this forum because we need it for international slalomcomunications.

The ISSA thing now is an add-on for me and I don't know really how to handle it.

If ISSA is good for making Slalomskateboading more public and helps sponsoring events and so on, than it is ok.
If ISSA only is good for regularising riders in their stuff and fun than it is not OK.

In another thread there has a begun a discussion about the size of the wheels. I do not think that this is the right way. We all know that a skateboard can look very different. From a shortboard for grinding rails over to a slalomboard and longboard to a mountainboard. All of these are skateboards. And if the future will bring us to a slalomcontest where we all have to slalom through trees in the woods with mountainboards than this will be good. And there we have wheel diameters from 250 mm.

I think we have to create an ISSA which will enable Slalomskateboarding to develop and not to remain static.

Thats so far from me: One of the dudes who has bought this great site.

I see my part in this group better in enhancing this forum with new features. Look at slalomranking.com and you know what I mean.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:17 am

what do we wnat to do?
chris described it in his wish list...
same goes for daniels statements.

i just want this sport to grow and help where i can and where i am allowed to do.

what i don't want is a boring skate circuit,stuffed with rules and regulations which might strangle the whole sport.
i enjoy seeing guys such as olson, the whole blr crew,berlin,siwtzerland guys and so on.
i want this aspect of skateboarding become as colorful in his facets as the rest of skateboarding.
i wnat this sport to look cool to the masses.
only the future can tell how successful we all will be in creating intense energy and focus on marketing the sport we all like to the benefit of the community.
