Static site to be disassembled...

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Moderator: Jani Soderhall

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Slappy Maxwell
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Static site to be disassembled...

Post by Slappy Maxwell » Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:54 am

Jani Soderhall wrote:The current "static" part of this site will eventually be disassembled and put aside. The forum has turned out so well there is no reason to maintain a separate front page. If I have time and the right amount of motivation I might turn the frontpage into some kind of portal thing which reflects the activity in the forum. There are a couple of add-ons for this forum which would allow us to post a kind of news thread which would display in a similar way to what we have now and could be updated by more than just one person. That might be the way to go.
Jani the site is terrific right now. Thanks for even putting more time into making it even better.

Maybe the "static" part could be incorporated into the forum section? I always liked the way, a Canadian sports network website, will sometimes have an article and a forum thread directly below it.

Just a thought.

<Ed note: post moved from another topic where I was kind of off topic... /Jani>

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:21 am

At first it seemed like a good idea to have both a more traditional web site and a forum, but the traditional site requires a lot of manpower to keep it continually up-to-date and none of us has enough time for that (at least nobody has volunteered to do it so far and I've realized it's too much for me alone).

I think the idea of each and everyone of us posting articles directly in the forum is a much better idea than having "static" pages. Like that we can also directly comment upon the articles in the thread in which it was posted.

I usually created a "comment" thread for "static" articles but most of the time those weren't used that much, probably because there weren't on the "same page". The way you Canadian newspaper has done it is better, but they still have a page which is mostly traditional html and that's what I want to get away from.

The pages with articles from past competitions that already exist will probably continue to exist, but you won't be able to access them from the frontpage. I'll incorporate links in the forum instead to link to them.

The idea Adam and I had was to use a kind of portal which exists as a front end to phpBB forums but it'll take some time to configure the way we want it and I have haven't given it much of a priority to far. I'll probably get around doing it only in the next few months, not earlier.

Thank's for your continued support of the forum.


Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:53 pm


I would appreciate it if you would just "archive" the "static" portion of the site. To me, it would be like cutting up one of the old "Slalom" mags. Just file it away somewhere so that we can go back and look at it. That takes less time and represents a time that we grew from.

The "portal" idea is excellent, I hope to see you move us towards that.

Best to you in the 04 season and beyond...


Jani Soderhall
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New front page update

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:04 pm

While waiting to replace the home page of this site, I made a quick update, so that it doesn't look that out dated anymore.

Glenn supplied a picture five months ago, saying "Hey Jani, it's time to do an update". Since then I have intended to but never got around doing it.

Well here it is, nothing sexy, but at least it's different. Or well, maybe it is sexy after all, there's both Olson, one of the legends of Black Leather Racing, and Vlad, the worlds number one Plankrrr, in that picture.

I made a quick update to the equipment pages too, but I probably forgot a whole bunch of manufacturers (again). Let me know and I'll fix it.

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