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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:05 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Y'all pay attention to TS Bill. From all accounts, it should reach hurricane strength here in the next few hours. After that, the most recent storm track I've seen has it headed straight from Louisianna to Mississippi, maybe downtown Jackson.

Everyone keep the Byrds and the MS Slalom crowd in mind. This might turn out to be an unfun week.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 8:05 pm
by Ricky Byrd
Thanks Wesley,
I'm perched in my third floor window of the IBM building and at this point it doesn't look to bad. The breeze is picking up though.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 8:30 pm
by Wesley Tucker

Just remember the cardinal rule of post-hurricane survival: EAT EVERYTHING IN THE FREEZER FIRST! If the power goes down, then its FEAST TIME! Assuming your freezer is like mine, it's steak for breakfast, steak for lunch and steak for dinner. Roast beef for a midnight snack and pork chops for everybody!

Of all the things that pisses me off about bad weather, the worst part is first losing the power and then facing the traumatic duty of throwing away perfectly good red meat! What a revoltin' development.

Sure, sometimes you lose clean water and have to drink beer all the time, but at least the beer will keep at room temperature. The meat, though, either goes down the gullet or in the trash. I just can't bear to take all that sirloin and pork shoulders to the trash and say, "farewell, my friends. I barely knew you!"

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:17 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Byrddog and all the Road Kill crew,

It's been a year, but things don't change. The Hurricane Warning makes it appear as though Mississippi is somewhere close to Ground Zero. Plus, this sucker's so big you can be 100 miles from the eye and still get soaked and blown over.

Let us know what y'all are going to do. Jackson may avoid the brunt of this monster, but I just can't see from the map how y'all are going to keep power and maybe water. Just remember: don't wait too long to make the decision to get out. The only thing worse than riding out a hurricane is riding out a hurricane in a traffic jam somewhere out on the interstate!

Y'all be cool and good luck. And don't forget: it's only September 14. We got another two months of this!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:49 pm
by Frank Henn
I think we will just get some wind and water. We should be west enough of the eye to be ok. Most of the shelters are here in jackson so it should be fine. Somehow memphis is out of hotel rooms. How does that happen. If it gets bad we'll run cones in ricky's living room.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:05 am
by Wesley Tucker

Yeah, the latest track actually has it moving more my way than yours. That bastard 66 and the guys in central Jaw Ja might also get their feet wet.

Don't forget one thing, though: this thing is 200 miles wide. That means gusts up to 80 MPH even out on the edge. That's enough to bring down a lot of trees and kill a lot of power lines. Fill your bathtubs, store as much water as you can and if you got a gas grill, make sure you got an extra propane tank.

Trust me, building a fire in your back yard just for hot coffee IS NOT part of the American Dream!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:23 pm
by Frank Henn
Wesley Tucker wrote:Trust me, building a fire in your back yard just for hot coffee IS NOT part of the American Dream!
Its not? A good cooking fire behind the duplex means I've arrived! I am somebody. All the nieghbor sardines are jealous.

Its really nice here right now. A nice breeze, no humidity, the clouds look like something out of a time lapse video.

Hope it steers clear of you good luck and stay safe.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:31 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Well, there aren't any slalomers in Alabama, so I guess the storm doesn't matter anymore.

Best line of the day came early Wednesday. Some weather hacks were talking about the storm (naturally, on all 115 cable channels,) when one said, "well, FORTUNATELY, the storm looks as though it will steer clear of New Orleans and instead will hit Mobile, Alabama."

Well, just f*&k Alabama, anyway!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:25 pm
by Will J
Wesley Tucker wrote: "well, FORTUNATELY, the storm looks as though it will steer clear of New Orleans and instead will hit Mobile, Alabama."


considering that NewOrleans is avg. 12 ft below sea level and surrounded by 3 very large bodies of water (lake/river/ocean) and half of the population has no way of evac. (roughly 200,000 ppl), Mobile is in a better spot to deal with the storm and it's damage. New Orleans would have to destroy half of their levies just to drain the city if it hit, and utilities would be off for an estimated 4 months and death tolls would be in the 10k's.

now it's just gonna suck trying to get back into the city for work this week as about 1 million people from there and south evac'd up into MS/TN/AR, i'll probably just call in untill the traffic dies.

good luck on the west-side

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:23 pm
by Frank Henn
Wesley Tucker wrote:Well, there aren't any slalomers in Alabama, so I guess the storm doesn't matter anymore.
Working on that. Theres intrest in the huntsville area. Enough intrest that they would like to try and put on a race, eventually.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:41 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Huntsville is cool. Where else in the world can you drive in on the Interstate and be greeted by a 365-foot Saturn V looming over everything? The only drawback to the place is it's kind of out of the way (sort of like Charleston.) You can either go to Birmingham and drive north forever or take a 2-lane highway through a thousand miles of Alabama back country. Either way, unless you're in Chattanooga, Huntsville is a DRIVE to get there.

What the hell, I'd be there. Any excuse to hit the road.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:01 am
by Chuck Gill
We're pretty well dug out from the mess that was Frances, but the most lingering problem is that the local skatepark will be closed for the third weekend in a row come this Sunday! The Horror!

I might actually have to drag a slalom board and some cones out if I'm gonna get my skate on.

August 2005: Katrina

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:39 am
by Wesley Tucker
Well, it's that time of year AGAIN. The current track shows that somewhere between 11:00 AM and Noon on Tuesday Road Kill Racing will get a rather unwelcome guest. We go through this about every year and fortunately every year we all seem to miss a bullet. McCree took a hit last year, but for the most part came through no worse for wear.

The worst thing anyone can do is become complacent. Every storm is another opportunity to suffer the worst. Just because it missed last year or last week has nothing to do with what the next one will do. Pay attention, be careful and if the word goes out, then get out.

Jeez, it's only August. We got three more months of to go. Y'all be careful.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:44 am
by John Gilmour
McCree took a hit- but his business took off after all the storms....lots of work. Probably without them MM might have had a harder time pushing the sport as far as he has.

If you look hard enough- you might find something in good- even in catastrophes.

I say these storms might be the tailwind we need.