Thank You From HammerHead

Slalom Skateboarding in the Southeastern U.S.A

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Marion Karr
Posts: 405
Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:23 pm
Location: Statesville, North Carolina

Thank You From HammerHead

Post by Marion Karr » Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:20 pm

Wow...what a whirlwind of a year: The Worlds and The Dixie Cup Back To Back!!! That's INSANITY BOYS...Pure INSANITY!!! I am going to be taking a step away from all this mess for the rest of the year so I won't be checking the forums much. IF you need to get in touch with me the best thing to do is to give me a call. I also won't be checking my Downhillbillies email that often but you can catch me at this one: DOT com

I will be checking it at night and will be tying up loose ends.

I have to get focused on my real job, family, my faith, and getting my fitness level where it needs to be.

I want to thank all the DHB crew who have sacrificed and worked so hard themselves this year to make 2007 STOKED TO THE FREAKIN MAX!!! I also want to thank the wives, families, girlfriends, and friends of the DHB that have worked so hard and supported us in our mission.

In addition, a big thanks to the City of Skatesville!! Your Rock you know iT!

2008 holds alot in store for the DHB. I will be taking a step back from being on point for the Dixie Cup but will be involved in projects and skating. The DHB Core and Crew will be throwing down some jams, special events, workshops for newbies, the 4th Annual Dixie Cup (October 31st, November 1,2, 2008), and a variety of other awesome opportunities for the skaters. Hope to see you all there.

DHB Slalom Development Program-
Big Thanks to the generous donation of Attila Azodi who kicked down a huge box of wheels, bushings, hardware, and bearings along with the donation of a board and wheels from Mike Ohm and two complete slalom set ups from Jeff Boswell. With this equipment the DHB will be hosting Slalom clinics throughout the winter for young skaters in and around our area to introduce them to our great sport. In cooperation with the local YMCA and other non-profits, we hope to spread the stoke of slalom and skateboarding in general and present it in a positive lifestyle and pasttime.

Thanks To You All
I also want to thank everyone who came and participated, all of our sponsors, supporters, detractors (yes, even detractors make me want to be BETTER!), and volunteers. YOU ALL INSPIRE ME more than you will ever know.

See you in 2008 on a hill somewhere. God Bless you all.
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

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