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The 2006 Southeastern Slalom Series Race # 4

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:38 pm
by Wesley Tucker
I just put this up on the NCDSA Contest Calendar: ... testID=238


The 2006 Southeastern Slalom Series Race # 4
Winston Salem, North Carolina
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Centre Park Boulevard


10:00 AM - Practice
11:00 AM - Qualifying
12:00 AM - Eliminations

Race will be dual hybrid. Decision will be made based on turn out whether to run step brackets or ladder bracket eliminations.

I'll be on the hill by 8:30 and will have the course and timer set and ready to go. With daylight we will be able to use much more of the hill than we did for the Down-Here Retreat Friday Night Outlaw. The course will be fast without being a tight wiggler.


If time permits we will have a LONGBOARD SLALOM RACE.

What is "longboard slalom?" Well, it's pretty much what it sounds like: MINIMUM 25" WHEELBASE on a course that will allow for more carving and cruising and stylin' when going around cones. Think of a "little Giant Slalom course" that will still allow a skater to maintain speed.

Longboard Slalom usually means a single lane jam, but Centre Park Boulevard would lend itself well to a dual-lane longboard course. It all depends on time and energy.

Yes, I'm bringing my Downhill Gun.

See y'all on the 22nd.


Get on I-40
Take the US HWY 311 Exit to "High Point."(I-40 Exit 196 to US Hwy 311 SOUTH.)
Take the very next exit off of Hwy 311 to "Ridgewood Road."
Turn RIGHT onto Ridgewood Road (A green sign will direct you to the "Business Park.")
Take the first RIGHT onto COLE ROAD into the Business Park
Take the first left onto CENTRE PARK BOULEVARD.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:57 pm
by Wesley Tucker
After MONTHS of aggrevation, my Trak Mate is here. All I have to do now is figure out how to wire it up!

NO ONE has signed up for the Outlaw Saturday. I'm not complaining because I know three weeks was a bit short notice. If no one, though, signs up by Thursday night, I'm going to cancel. No need to drive all that way, get a room and set a course if I'm going to ride alone.

So, if you can make it, go to the Contest Calendar on NCDSA and sign up.
