The 1st Annual Downhillbillies Dixie Cup November 5,6, 2005

Slalom Skateboarding in the Southeastern U.S.A

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Marion Karr
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The 1st Annual Downhillbillies Dixie Cup November 5,6, 2005

Post by Marion Karr » Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:20 pm

The Downhillbillies will be putting on their first major weekend of slalom racing in Statesville and Winston-Salem, North Carolina the weekend of November 5th and 6th, 2005!
Format, schedule, and details are still under development along with obtaining the approval process for the use of both venues. Stay tuned to this forum as details develop!

Saturday, November 5th, Downtown Statesville as part of the annual Statesville Pumpkin Festival

Dual Lane Hybrid/Tight Slalom.

Sunday, November 6th, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Hobby Park Soap Box Derby Hill,
Giant Slalom with speeds in excess of 25 mph!

Downhill Bombing Competition-Bring your downhill boards! Fastest time through a set distance will be the winner. Fastest time run from top to start/finish line so far has been 9.97 seconds (543 feet)! (Start/finish line is on an uphill runout).

Experience riders such as Tway, Brian Parsons, Tom Thompson, Marty Schaub, Wesley Tucker, John Dillon, and Lenny Poage have all ridden the Hobby Park Hill and most of them have seen the purposed venue for the hybrid/tight on Saturday. Get their opinion!

Stay tuned for details as they develop! Video and still pics will be posted on this thread shortly.

The DownHill Billies are preparing to open a tanker truck load of stoke fuel on ya'll's asses! Can you handle it?
Last edited by Marion Karr on Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:20 pm

Today I met with the city downtown develoment manager for Statesville and we have preliminary approval for the use of Court Street for the hybrid/tight race on Saturday November 5th! This is HUGE!

By the way, check out today regarding an article about the DHB's!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:06 pm

UPDATE: We have OFFICIAL APPROVAL from the Statesville Chamber of Commerce, Statesville Convention and Tourism Board, and the Downtown Statesville Development Corp., to be a part of the 2005 Statesville Pumpkin Festival on Nov. 5th. We have access to the roads, the runout area, and all the space we need! Now the planning begins for the Tight/Hybrid dual lane event!

Final approval is still pending for the GS at Hobby Park Soap Box Derby Hill on Nov. 6th. Stay tuned for further details.
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

John Dillon
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Sign me up...

Post by John Dillon » Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:00 pm

I'm in the house, Marion, for a fun wknd in NC!

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:02 pm

Marion what is the nearest airport close to your home. Eddy Texas Outlaws Just Curious.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:23 pm


The DHB's are jamming today at Hobby Park, so I'll answer for you. Marion lives in Statesville, the site of Saturday's dual hybrid race.

• Douglas International Airport is in Charlotte and it's 50 miles away from Statesville and 70 miles from Sunday's race at Hobby Park in Winston Salem.

• Smith Reynolds Airport is in Winston Salem 40 miles from Saturday's race in Statesville and of course in the same town as Sunday's.

• Raleigh Durham Airport is in Raleigh and 90 miles from Statesville and 50 miles from W-S.

I mention Charlotte and RDU specifically because they are both hubs for major airlines and probably you can get a cheap flight to either one of those. Anytime you can avoid changing planes and getting a connector flight it's worth investigating. I don't know about you, but I always weigh the costs of a rental plus gas compared to buying a ticket direct.

Also, Eddy, don't forget: two days of racing - hybrid duals in Statesville on Saturday and single-lane GS jam in Winston-Salem 40 miles away on Sunday.

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:00 am

Hey thanks WT. I have been talking to the Texas Outlaws. Way may fly or drive up there. It would be a long road trip. But it sounds to good to pass up. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Wesley Tucker
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Gas Prices vs. Air Fare.

Post by Wesley Tucker » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:14 pm


I was checking out my road atlas this morning in regards to a non-skate trip and while I was at it looked at the Harlingen-North Carolina route.

My best estimate is 1,450 miles ONE WAY. And you know the first 355 miles is just getting to Houston without an interstate. I have no idea what you're mileage is, but a guess of 20 mpg city+highway would mean @150 gallons of gas. (I'm positive the stop-and-go for the 700 miles to and from Houston would kill your mileage plus the driving around between Statesville and Winston Salem during the weekend.) At $2.75 a gallon or maybe more by November, you're looking to buy at least $400 worth of gas.

If you do it that, my man, I'll buy you a Fosters the size of Arkansas!

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:32 pm

WT we are hoping to make it out there, my X-Terra is a gas hog. Between Marcos, Gumby, Brandon, Will J and myself we could pull it off, we split the gas 4 ways. Mike $ will be coming out of his cast and still healing, so I do not think he will be race ready. It can be done. Will keep you bros updated. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:46 pm

Hey MarioN this race officially a "go"?......thinking i should start checking into airfares

Kevin M. Gamble
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Statesville, Winston-Salem November races

Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:28 pm

Marion's busting his hump to get all of the details done and then posting it. He has even been in touch with Corky to make sure we all get points. Knowing Marion as I do, you can bet that his DHB group will be putting on one fine race.
Since the MSSS '05 is on hold, could this race be considered "prime"?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:38 pm


The race on SATURDAY is officially a "go." Marion posted previously that he had received all clearances and approvals from the town for the dual hybrid race on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th in Statesville, NC.

He is still working on getting final approval for the race on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th at Hobby Park in Winston Salem. So it's safe to say that no matter what there will be racing in Statesville, North Carolina on Saturday November 5th. The only question now is if you need to get an extra night at the motel for racing the next day in W-S.

I won't put my foot in my mouth and say it's a sure thing, but consider it 99% certain we'll race on Sunday. There is no scheduled conflicts with other events at the Park and the only remaining issue is getting approval from the parks department to have a lot of cars and people descend on the park. As I understand it, Marion has already got the insurance question squared away and is out there soliciting swag.

Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:23 am

Good idea Kevin. Does that mean your coming?
La Costa Boy For Life

Kevin M. Gamble
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North Carolina

Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:25 am

Well Marty,
I'm definitely thinkin' about it.

I WAS planning on going to the MSSS '05, but I think that point is moot. There are only 2 "prime" level races in the USA East division, and the MSSS was one of them. I don't think that last year's event was up to the level one would expect for a prime event, but that wasn't Dave Gale's fault. We made the best of a bad situation, and had a blast.

Unfortunately, Fayetteville seems to be continuing along the path of their inhospitality towards slalom skateboarding. Seems a shame not to have another prime event to round out the season. I'm curious to hear what Corky thinks about substituting another race into the 2nd prime spot. I know it will be the first year for this event, but rules can be bent in unusual circumstances.

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:20 pm

UPDATE ON Downhillbillies Fall Race:
Nov. 5th dual lane tight/hybrid is a definite GO and will be on the contest calendar for sign by the end of this week.......

Nov 6th GS at Hobby Park in Winston-Salem is still pending final approval from Winston-Parks and Rec.

I will post on here before I put it up on the calender/sign up so you guys that have been following can jump on it.

Chris Bara: Airport choices are Charlotte and Greensboro. We will have the hotel by the end of the week.

Talk to you all soon! Call me or send me an email if you have questions. My mobile number is 704 657 9531.

Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Chris Favero
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Post by Chris Favero » Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:21 pm

i agree with kevin,since msss looks like its toast,could not this race be a sub?the freak bros are
Freak Bros. Racing

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:49 pm

Hobby Park GS Race Approval Process Update
I just got off of the phone with the Park Manager and have sent him our finalized proposal for the use of the Soap Box Derby Hill for the Sunday GS race. The next step is for the Winston Salem Park and Rec's Risk Management Department to review the proposal and make their recommendations. I will keep you all updated as to our progress on this part of the race weekend as we move forward.

We will be posting this race on the NCDSA Contest Calendar by the end of this week with a note saying that the Hobby Park GS will be pending final approval. As I said in my earlier post, I will give you all a heads up first via this forum and through the Downhillbillies website. Because of the date of the race being after Daylights Savings Time we are somewhat limited on our daylight. We will be limiting the field to 56 competitors (just like The Farm) in order to manage all of the racing properly.

If you have any questions or comments starting today I will be checking this forum daily or you can send me an email or call me on my mobile.

The Downhillbillies organization is working very hard to put on a very good event for our first major undertaking so all of your advise is welcome and needed.

Thank you!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:21 pm

ANNOUNCEMENT- Sign up on NCDSA will be up Thursday morning. Sign up will be up Thursday morning.

I talked with Winston Salem Parks and Rec Dept today and they are still working on approval but I am going to put the sign up sheet on NCDSA early Thursday morning.

Email me with questions.

Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:28 pm


The field will be limited to 56 riders like the Farm Race so please sign up early. Entry fee will $60 and that will cover both days of racing. We are still waiting on final approval for the Sunday race at Hobby Park but we are in the process of putting together a back up plan for another venue for GS if that falls through (this is worst case scenario).

We have a local hotel that is offering rooms for $49.95 per night. Details will be on the sign up sheet.

Thank you for your patience.

Call me on my mobile if you have questions: 704 657 9531

EDIT: The price of the race has been increased to $60 for the entire weekend. With this additional price all racers will receive a free Thai Food Buffet at the official restaurant of the Downhillbillies, Chopstix Thai Restaurant, on Saturday Night for the first day's awards presentation. Chopstix is closing the restaurant just for this event for the DHB's on their busiest night of the week. Your meal will include an all you can eat Thai buffet with a beverage. Alcohol will be available to purchase. Additional meal vouchers can be purchased the day of the race for your friends and family who will be attending.

Marion Karr
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marty Schaub
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It's up...

Post by Marty Schaub » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:11 pm

It's up now...

Gamble beat me to #1 by 30 minutes. Kevin, good to see your coming.

C'mon everybody, bring it on!!!!
La Costa Boy For Life

Robert Sydia
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Post by Robert Sydia » Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:55 pm


In my mind, you have a target on your back - I am gunning for you

Ready race - Southern Style!!!

All the best,


Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:17 pm

Bring it Syd........

And can I point out that the pic in your post shows you hitting cones?

Some things never change......
La Costa Boy For Life

Robert Sydia
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Post by Robert Sydia » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:59 pm




Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:44 pm

Hey Syd,

Are you flying or driving?

The reason I ask is that I don't know how big of a cooler you can check as baggage. And I have never tried to check a full one either. Boy if your flying you guys have a big problem.

And what of Pierre and Claude. No signy upy, no racy, no glory, no beer.....It's that simple.
La Costa Boy For Life

Robert Sydia
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Post by Robert Sydia » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:54 pm


Flying - so I don't think the cooler will be considered "carry-on' luggage.

So I guess we will have to buy the cooler, beer and ice once we get there.

Can't speak for the other Canadian's - they are big boys

All the best,


Chris Barrett
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Post by Chris Barrett » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:06 pm

If everything works out, the canadians (atleast the ontarians) might be flying Air-Slalom.

I call shotgun ;)

Robert Sydia
Robert Sydia
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Post by Robert Sydia » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:27 pm


No pressure, but if you can pull this off - it would be HUGE.

Compliment your Dad on his plane.

See you tomorrow

All the best,


Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:13 pm

Canadien Contingency: We have an airport in Statesville! If you guys bring the plane we will make sure some one can pick you up! Also, Enterprise Rental Cars has a local office so we can get you to transportation! The Statesville Airport is wher the the majority of thte Nextal Cup/Nascar teams fly out of so it is pretty cool! The DHB's will come get ya!

UPDATE: Hotel information is now on the Contest Calendar entry.
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Mr Surly
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Post by Mr Surly » Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:17 am

If anyone needs to fly into Raleigh/Durham RDU Airport [for some strange reason], I can help with a ride.

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:57 pm

I emailed Corky and we can not get the Prime status that some had suggested we ask for. Frankly, being that this is our very first race promotion I think staying Basic is the right way to go...and out of friendship and respect for Dave Gale who is core DHB and has been so helpful, we should do everything we can to help him put on a race if possible so that Prime race would be available on the East Coast.

There is good news, however, (no, I didn't just save a butt load of money by switching to Geico) if we can get 3 more pros to our race I think the Basic points are increased somewhat. We have 5 as I can tell signed up for our race already and I suspect Harms will come since the Daggers crew are coming...JBH just finished 3rd in Super GS Pro at the Worlds! Congrats Bro!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
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Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:14 pm

The Downhillbillies Welcome SUBSONIC SKATEBOARDS to our every growing list of Sponsors for The 1st Annual Downhillbillies Dixie Cup.

Thank you Subsonic!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:38 pm

Christopher Bara wrote:Hey Sheriff....Looks like you've got a great line up for your race...and it really is a blast riding in town....especially a small town....but finances are going to be tight for me. the weifee's 40th is about a month after your race and i have to rub some penny's together for this one (may even have to buy a card) So unless the guys decide to do the 11 hour drive, we're a nada.....cant cut a 500.00 weekend....
And after all that he goes and signs up this morning.

Go figure.

I know what it is: he promised the missus a fabulous birthday present of a whole weekend antique browsing in BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN STATESVILLE!

What woman could possibly pass up an offer like that?

See 'ya in a few weeks, Chris.

Christopher Bara
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Three guys and all their gear cross country in a Ford Focus

Post by Christopher Bara » Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:51 pm

did ya really think it'd be tough to make me change my mind?

Still cant afford a 500 weekend, but we're driving in.....
Getting in Friday night and leaving after Sundays race...

the let-down of NOT being there and carrying that thru the winter would make me a real prick to live with.....and Nancy knows it....

"dixie cup"....heh heh............hey, i just got that........

besides....i want to check out that big ole Turner first hand
see ya soon WT

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:46 am

W T keep that Fosters on ICE Bro. Gumby and I are doing the road trip. Got to check with Marcos, Will J and Brandon and hope that they are up for the challenge. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Chris Barrett
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Post by Chris Barrett » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:54 pm

Eddy Martinez wrote:W T keep that Fosters on ICE Bro. Gumby and I are doing the road trip. Got to check with Marcos, Will J and Brandon and hope that they are up for the challenge. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws.
SWEET! Hope I see you cats there!

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:53 pm

I am completed stoked up to see all of you guys coming to our race in November! We are working hard to make it a great experience for everyone attending! Please let me know if you need any information. I will start posting updates on here often as we move forward!

You guys ROCK!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:07 pm

Hey Marion,

Here's a suggestion. When I run Statesville hotels in Travelocity I get quite a few choices. They run in pricing gamut from the Masters Inn around 35 per to choices up to 100 per. Could you post for all of the out of towners a list of choices that are at the exit, I forget the name, and any that head toward town? This way they can name match with locations you might recommend. Then we don't get anybody staying at a less than desirable property by accident. Masters Inn's have always looked pretty dumpy to me & I could be wrong. (I hope no one works for Masters corporate.)

Just a thought.....
La Costa Boy For Life

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:55 pm

Good suggestion. I will try to get the details up by end of the week. The Statesville Conventions and Visitors Bureau is funded by the hotels and that is why we are offering the Best Western as their recommendation. (The SCVB is paying for the materials for our start ramps as their sponsorship....they ponied up $500!) The Best Western rate is $49.95 that includes a full breakfast. I will get the other options checked out as well.

The Masters Inn is a good location on I-40 near town but is not real savory.

By the way we are at 55! UR13 is the latest to sign up. I see a waiting list in the near future. This is freakin blowing my mind!
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:52 pm

You've got to be friggin kidding me....

the 56th and final slot was filled in ......

By a Costa Rican?.........Congrats Marion on having a contest with riders from 3 countries...

Costa Rica.........

Hey, just a little question....where are most people saying they'll be staying at.....having most people in one hotel makes for a good party.....

costa rica??

Miguel Marco
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Post by Miguel Marco » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:57 pm


I really wish I could make it but money and taking time off at work is a problem for me in november this year. But I will try to make it happen next year! :)

Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:32 pm


I like the way you think. One hotel equals less of a walk for all of the groupies the Canadians attract. If I were you I'd find out where Syd & Civ are staying, as the party starts right there......
La Costa Boy For Life

Chris Favero
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Post by Chris Favero » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:16 am

i saw eddy martinez signed up.i hear he's drivin a truck full of lonestar and marcos is runnin lead car in a black 79 trans am.
Freak Bros. Racing

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:26 am

Our deal through the Statesville Convention and Visitors Bureau is at Best Western here in is located close to the first days race and easy access to I-40 for the trip to Hobby Park in Winston Salem for the second day of racing.

Here is the contact info:

Hotel Name: Best Western AAA property

Hotel Rate: $49.95 includes full breakfast

Hotel Location: I-77 Exit 49-A in Statesville

Hotel Phone Number: 704-881-0111

Marty has pointed out that there are several options in Statesville. We are a small town but at the intersection of two major interestates so we have alot of hotel/motel options. I want as many people to support the Best Western deal because they were directed to us by one of our sponsors, Statesville Convention and Visitors Bureau, who gave us the money to pay for our start ramps!

Call me or email me with questions. Thank you ALL so much for your interest in our very first race!

And dammit Civ! YOur ASS better be there!

Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Robert Sydia
Robert Sydia
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Need to Defend Ourselves

Post by Robert Sydia » Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:49 pm

I need to defend Civ and myself.

What we have is this piss ass newbie, who comes to us for equipment, advice and coaching, then he insults us.

I think Chris will be travelling solo for this one - with the kinda talk he is shooting off - I don't think we will call him a Canadian anymore.

Speaking of wierd habits and interests, here is a secret photo of what Chris likes to do with his skateboard:


I think he has to pay other guys to enjoy his real skateboard passion.

Looking forward to racing and partying with everyone.

All the best,


Chris Barrett
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Post by Chris Barrett » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:32 pm

hahahah, ooooh I hit a nerve... a sore spot even. Youchie ;) C'mon rob, you know I was just expressing my respect and admiration the only way I know how; with random outbursts of passive-agressivism. :( No need to torch the newb...
Mike Cividino wrote:Man I hope everything works out for this race (as far as me getting there).
Are things looking grim mike? If I have a substantial cash flow going I might be able to float you a small amount of cash for food and lesser expenditures...if need be.

Marion Karr
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Post by Marion Karr » Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:49 am


Due to the overwhelming response of participants and SPONSORS we have changed our plans for the Saturday Night Awards Dinner! It is now going to be a full fledge PARTY with Catered Barbeque Chicken and local speciality BBQ Pork with all the trimmings and will be held only two blocks from the Saturday's race site and 2 miles from the Best Western! Racers and their traveling guests will be treated by the DHB at no further cost!

Live Music featuring The Hillbilly Liberation Front, a blues/rock local trio, with opening local Punk Acts SAPCO and Stinky Britches

The Downtown Statesville Development Corporation, a non-profit group that supports the business district of downtown where the race is being held has graciously offered the use of a restored circa 1911 train depot for the party! After Saturday's racing is complete, riders will have time to go back to their hotels, get cleaned up, fired up, and ready for a STOKED FILLED TIME At The Depot!

Stateville's Historic Depot

We are looking forward to seeing all of you here in Sk8sville!!!

Marion Karr
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Mike Cividino
Posts: 289
Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2002 1:00 am
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Post by Mike Cividino » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:06 am

man, your gonna go and throw the best race of the year on your first try!!!!!!!! I cant wait...I need to find a way!.

Marion Karr
Posts: 405
Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:23 pm
Location: Statesville, North Carolina

Post by Marion Karr » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:27 am

Civ, you got to find that way! This town is freakin blowing my mind. I made a presentation this morning at a Downtown board meeting about the race where the mayor of the town was attending. Dude, he got so stoked he told me to call the Parks and Rec Dept's director and tell him that the Mayor wanted him to put some bleachers along the race course for the Festival attendees to sit! Before I left the building the downtown manager offered the Depot, which happens to house our other sponsor, Statesville Convention and Tourism Board (who purchased the material for our start ramps..we just have to put on the sides!), for the Party!

Then, one of our own, to go nameless at this time, had his own company make a cash contribution that is going to offset a good portion of the cost of putting on a full fledge BBQ supper and party!

Here is the compelling info that blew the mayor and the board members minds:

So far the DHB has been able to assemble=

Riders representing from 18 States as far west as Oregon, as far north as Michigan, as far South as Florida, as far Southwest deep TEXAS, Major cities like Chicago, St. Louis, NY, and Fatboy, NY!
Six Riders coming from Canada
One Rider from Costa Rica
2 time and defending World Champion
2005 National Champ
Multiple world ranked pros/ams

8 skateboard companies offering some swag, raffle, and awards
2 skateboard magazines offering some swag, raffle, and awards

Local real estate company cash sponsor

18 local volunteers committed so far and expecting that number to grow significantly

Two local newspapers prepared to cover it with at least one to do a pre race article

A developing relationship with an adjacent larger municipality's parks and recs department for the second day's race.

A growing number of potential sponsors!

We have been so blessed! We are working hard to pull this thing off! The meeting tonight was highly productive and there are some stuff you will learn only when you get here!
I can't wait for the most of you to meet my local DHB crew! They are all awesome and are as full of the stoke as I am! They are the ones doing the work!

Marion Karr
Marion Karr DHB
Sk8sville, North Carolina


<br>LUCKY 13 TATTOO STUDIO<br><br>
Ninja Bearings

Mike Cividino
Posts: 289
Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2002 1:00 am
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Post by Mike Cividino » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:42 am

yeah, im missing this...I havent been practicing so much GS for nothing.

Ben Buckles
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:11 pm
Location: Illinois

Post by Ben Buckles » Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:02 pm

Marion I am really looking forward to coming to your race. Your stoke is evident even through your posts. I've been having a bad night at work, and that post made my night.

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