Exit 46 Redux In August

Slalom Skateboarding in the Southeastern U.S.A

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Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Jul 14, 2003 5:58 pm

Well, BP scheduled a DC Outlaw race on August 16 and 'da Byrd is racing the next day (Sunday) in Mississippi on the 17th. 'Da Farm is August 2nd and the Georgia State Race is August 30th.

That leaves August NINTH (9th) and August TWENTY THIRD (23rd) as open dates in the month. Let's take a quick poll THIS WEEK and find out who's hip to making it to Exit 46 on:

August 9th
August 23rd

The 9th is four weeks away from today and the 23rd is six (funny how that works out, ain't it?)

So everyone check your calendars, check with your wives, check with your babysitters (maybe check with the babysitter if the wife ain't around? (Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,) and post a response here what works best. If I get a bunch of "I don't care, either one will do," then I'll probably go with the 23rd. A good practice session one week before the Red Clay event would be in everyone's best racing interest.

Anyway, I ain't proud and it really doesn't matter to me. I live two hours from the hill and can go up there anytime. So let's hear what y'all want.

Oh,one last thing. If I get NO RESPONSE at all, I'll probably just blow this idea off and continue with my own thing of just trying to hit that hill once a month before Labor Day. And speaking of Labor Day, please remember the disclaimers about the Exit 46 Hill: no, we really can't do anything up there in the fall between LD and Christmas. Too many hunters, too much traffic. If you're from around here, you know what I mean.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:33 am

The long range forecast show that SATURDAY JANUARY 10 looks decent if brisk. The expected high is 55 with light winds and bright sunshine. (Check Zip Code "29210" if you want to keep an eye on it.) That's pretty good for this time of year. (I have to admit I really think we all missed an excellent window of opportunity this past weekend. It was just incredible outside Saturday.)

Anyone up for a session on the hill this weekend? No need to answer immediately. Hell, wait til Friday night to make a decision. I figure we can plan on waiting til about 1:00 until it's really warm and then get in four or five good hours of slalom until it starts getting dark. It's January, so for all intents and purposes we'll be by ourselves in the country with no traffic or hunters.

One last disclaimer: the forecast shows rain on Friday. As we all know that could easily progress to Saturday, or maybe happen Thursday with Friday and Saturday dry. Who knows? Still, though, from Monday this weekend looks pretty good.

I'll bring 100 cones, cokes and ice. A timer might be nice but in no way mandatory. And Tway can testify to the fact that we can set up LOTS OF COURSES SIMULATNEOUSLY. We can put a 50-cone hybrid toward the bottom and a 50 cone GS farther up the hill. There's more than enough room on this grade to keep the stoke for hours. Tway hasn't skated this hill, but he dropped by one afternoon in October when he swung through South Carolina on a sales trip. Even though it was raining that afternoon, he was impressed. He claled me on his cel phone to tell me he was sitting on top of the hill looking down. He agrees with me that it's at least a 50-mph hill in a tight fairing on a good longboard. Oh, he also told me something else. The State of South Carolina (or maybe Fairfield County? I don't know) put up a ROAD SIGN marking the frontage street. What's it called? "PARALLEL DRIVE." I'm not kidding. I'll be torn whether or not to leave it on the post or bring it home! :-)

Like I said, think about it, decide what's possible and just post here whether or not I'll be skating alone.

Wesley Tucker
1961-2013 (RIP)
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:12 pm

Hey, y'all,

After posting that invitation to ride this past Monday, things got a bit hectic for me this week. Also, the weather has degenerated a little to the point that now the forecast is for a high of 44 instead of 54. That's too cold for me to ride cones.

Also, I've got lots of family in town and they'll be here over the weekend visiting with my father, brother and me. So heading out to go skate Saturday or Sunday probably ain't happening.

I want to tell everyone I appreciate the e-mail notes. I'll do what I can to respond a little more personally after thing settle down over the weekend.

I never want to go through this again. It is, however, a part of who we are and I'm sure it's inevitable. Thanks again.

Sven Lippert
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too cold

Post by Sven Lippert » Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:31 pm

hey wesley,

please allow me a small comment - i come from berlin-germany - i had my last two slalomsessions on new years day and on the the 4 th of january with sun and a blue sky but i had about 28 degrees fahrenheit. not a joke.
we have a perfect pavement on our hometurf but i had to take the softer duros to "fight" against the cold pavement.

the last two days it was snowing and it looks like the outdoorseason in berlin is now definetly over.

so be happy with your temperatures (-;
cheers from berlin

feel free to check our local website tons of cool pics and small videos

Wesley Tucker
1961-2013 (RIP)
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Anyone For Giant Slalom on May 15, 2004?

Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri May 14, 2004 12:01 am

Well, the bad news is I can't make it to the Park & Ride Saturday. I'm working LATE Friday night and that makes a trip up the interstate impossible in time for the races Saturday.

The good news is I thought I was going to have to work both Saturday and Sunday, but that's changed. Now it looks as though I'll only have to work either day this weekend and it's my choice. As long as some projects are done by start of business Monday, then I'm good.

Anyone up for FINALLY making a session at Exit 46? I am definetely going to go do some Giant Slalom this weekend, it just depends on whether or not anyone else can make the trip and what day works best for them. My thinking is to hit the hill around 11 or noon and skate til I drop and go home.

If anyone within the sound of my voice wants to do the deed, reply here or call my at 843-875-9005. The weather for Saturday looks best with a slight chance of rain late in the afternoon and temps in the mid-80s.

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Fri May 14, 2004 6:00 am

we'll miss ya Wes

You were starting to be more of a regular than some folks that live within an hour of Gaithersburg.

Hope you make the next one.


Tom Thompson
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Post by Tom Thompson » Fri May 14, 2004 7:06 am

Wow. I hope you can get some folks up there Wesley. I'll likely be working everyday for the next month or so. Cone rippage, or any skating for that matter, has suddenly taken a backseat.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon May 17, 2004 12:35 am

Normally one guy sessioning isn't cause for a report, but today was so fabulous I just have to brag. For the first time since I got Avalons in 2002 and my new boards last year, I was really able to open it up today on a real honest-to-god Giant Slalom course. I've been riding so much hybrid and tight stuff lately that I had almost forgot how much FUN a really big course on a big hill can be.

Another interesting development today is I had my turner cones. Now, I realize to some of you that's no big deal, but put this in perspective: for 26 years, all I had were 42 yellow and 42 orange Poni-cones. That's 84 cones total. Well, now I have 100 Turners plus the Ponis. That's a lot of cones and makes for a course bigger than I have ever set before. So I had a 120-cone layout stretched out over 1600 feet (3/10ths of a mile) from the flat runout at the bottom all the way up about a third of the hill. Big stuff. Plus, with the Avalons and the Blackbird I was able to attack the course with a little gusto and not worry about any slip or grind.

I left here this morning about 7 and got to the hill around 9:15. It took me about an hour to figure out what I wanted to do and when I finally decided to just go for it, it took almost a half hour to layout that many cones. So around 10:15 I start skating and was able to ride uninterrupted til 12:30. By that time I was completely whipped. Trust me, skating down that hill is a mind-blowing blast, but going back up is like ascending Mt. Ranier. What's more is the grade gets steeper and longer with each trip.


So by 12:30 I was done. I got home about 3:30 after stopping for some primo BBQ at Ray Lever's joint out on the country. He still has the most incredible pulled pork I've ever eaten. If the weather permits I want to hit it again this Saturday or Sunday. If anyone in the Southeast wants to try their hand at probably the most unimaginable Giant Slalom course you can have this side of Aspen, let me know (again,) which day of the weekend works best for you. Hell, if things work out I might go ride both days.

P.S. If you think I'm BS'ing about this hill, ask Bill Tway. He's visited my favorite skate spot and can tell you that Parallel Drive can swallow 120 cones without even blinking.

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