
Slalom Skateboarding in the Southeastern U.S.A

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Tim Shawl
Posts: 27
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Post by Tim Shawl » Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:56 pm

Anybody out there from the mid-Tennessee region? I'm a newbie to slalom and would like to catch some races first hand. Thanks -

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Sep 19, 2003 11:24 pm


You're about 300 miles from anywhere :smile:

There's pretty good scenes going down in St. Louis, Jackson MS and Atlanta/Athens. Although you do benefit from being in a large metro area, you're in the same boat as me being in Charleston, SC: racing is going on, just not right around here.

Get out, ride your board, run some cones, talk to EVERYONE who shows the slightest bit of interest. Memorize all the good websites and send people to check it out. That's about the best way going to find other racers: expose as many people as possible to how much fun it is to slalom.

Let us know how it develops. And we'll see you soon at the next southern hoe down. Probably the next event within a decent distance from you is the West Virginia Slalom Skate October 19. It's about 450 miles from you and is a SUNDAY event. Hope you can make it.

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Fri Sep 19, 2003 11:36 pm

I'm stoked to see someone from Nashville posting - welcome aboard, Tim!

Wes speaks the truth, you have to plant seeds and grow your own scene. But one of the best things about grass roots slalom racing is traveling to places you otherwise never would. It was the same way with the backyard vert ramp scene in the 80's - we traveled to Charleston (Blaise Blouin's ramp), Fort Lauderdale (Cambodia), Jacksonville (Kona) and Virginia Beach (Trashmore). Never made it to Tennessee though I know some great skaters came out of there (Batmite comes to mind).

Atlanta may be is on the verge of becoming the "D.C." of the southeast. Alan Benson, former Progressive Skateboards (remember Excellerator wheels?) team rider and winner of a slalom race in Athens way back in 1978 - showed up at our race last month and was stunned. I talked to him last night at a local public park just outside Atlanta and he is on a mission to re-group the slalom racers of the 70's here in the deep south.

Here's to racing in 2004!!!!!

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Fri Sep 19, 2003 11:54 pm

My advice to you is to set up a slalom course. Print out Wesleys PDF. Snag some photos off the web and print them out- mount them on a display board placed where spectators might watch. Mount a contest scheduleon the display board so people know what you are training for- tell them you want to put Nashville on the map. And get a timing system so at least you have the clock to race with- even a crappy system will do. Having a clock really attracts participants immediately.

Set a dual course even if you are only running alone.

It takes a bit of consistentcy and patience to start a slalom scene....but you have two great things on your are no where near any good ski hills or surf. That means skiers and snowboarders, surfers or people who always wanted to try surfing will understand that this is dry land training. Up north people wait for the snow to get that carving feeling- but in Nashville you can bring that feeling to them without having to board a jet aircraft. I would think you would have quick success in growth similar to the DC area.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: John Gilmour on 2003-09-19 17:55 ]</font>

Tim Shawl
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Post by Tim Shawl » Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:01 am

Thanks guys. I've already kind of figured out we were going to have to create a scene down here.We have a growing number of old school skaters (I'm 43) and everyone is pretty stoked to try new stuff. I used to skate a little slalom in the late 70's. Had a Logan Torger Johnson model with Bahne trucks and Krypto reds, still have the deck and trucks.The park scene isn't really my thing, too crowded, so I mainly longboard and cruise on my pigs. Then I got a Bahne Black Hill and it's a blast, already looking into a Pocket Pistol. Thanks again for all the advice !

Tim Shawl
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Post by Tim Shawl » Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:47 am

BTW - Anybody riding a Pocket Pistol? I'm trying to decide on which model. I want something that will double as a cruiser.

Brady Mitchell
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Post by Brady Mitchell » Sat Sep 20, 2003 9:31 am

Not only does Rick speak the the truth and gospel. he lives it.


I tried to tie an outlaw race with the OLLiewood Bowl Bash of fall 2002. Up front, I`ll admit, I wasn`t prepared to host this event in any form.

Let me play this out....

I was plannimg an outlaw race at the Dump RD in Davie, FL. I had a lot of locals that expessed intrest in this.

Well, the only long distance traveler that showed was none other than Rick Stanziale, and also with family ebtourage in tow.

But mother nature sure showed her worst. At the planned time of the event, a tropical wave moved in and dumped a record amount of rain in just a short time. I`m talking 15" in just hours.

So obviously the location we had planned was jus a wash-out.

BUT, I had a back up location, just in case ( we are in the tropics mind you).

Well do to the weather, absolutely none of the locals showed up.

So it was just three of us... Chuck from west Palm, Rick from Jawja, and myself in a carpark in downtown Hollywood.

I got you covered on your next trip fown here....... the three of us were setting cones in that garage, I was setting a loose course on the upper ramps while Chuck and Rick were eager to set a cyber course and use the time to test thier skills wih Ricks timer.

I, on the other hand showed, little interest in that.

In hindsight, that was very not gracious of me to my guests.

Maybe it was that spill I took a few days earlier and cracked a helmet that caused my lack of ettiquette?

My point being...Rick goes out of his way for slalom. He`s not that far away, hook up with him...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brady Mitchell on 2003-09-20 04:33 ]</font>

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Sat Sep 20, 2003 9:48 am

As the UK importer of Pocket Pistols I've had most of the range under my feet at some point, and had great feedback from riders of them.

The GS Hybrid 32" and the Super Cruiser 36" would probably fit your needs, but if your going to want a deck that can handle tighter, turny stuff AND be good fo skating around then I'd consider the Brown Bomber. Its a little shorter than the others, but the wheel base is adjustable as well and it has wheel wells, or rather the under side goes in a bit where wheels might rub. This allows you to run big wheels where needed without too much riser. (look carefully at their site and you'll see the underside shape). This model is truly an all rounder, and it is the width at the rear that gives a very stable platform. Everyone who rides this model has been more than pleased at its all round abilities.

Next, choosing the graphic is hard hard hard...but one of my great pleasures. When they have arrived I have told Chicken that I'm going to hate seeing them go....and he has told me that he feels the same!!! They come shrunk (shrinked?) wrapped with about 15 stickers...nice. Fantastic grip too, but be sure to specify if your goofy or not as they come in angled stripes.

My favorite graphics so far are the Blue Snakeskin, and the Halved Olives in Blue or Red...these puppies SHINE! The Dancing Skeletons looks great on thye BB too. Have fun choosing, its difficult!

Biggest seller here is the Smokestack model, really because Si is such a character and we like tighter courses. Our last race at Brands Hatch had a ton of PPs in the sun.

You know what...I'm actually a little jealous that you might be getting one...! Good Luck.

Tom Thompson
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Post by Tom Thompson » Sat Sep 20, 2003 9:36 pm

Hey Tim! Glad to hear of more southerners wanting to dodge cones. Definitely try to hook up with Stanziale and the Athens crew any time you can. They're probably the closest to Nashville amongst slalomers.....Do you know Darin(sp?) Masters?? I think he runs a skateshop in the Nashville area....

Yes, Pocket Pistols are a very good choice in racing boards. Actually, they're the best IMHO. I ride the GS/HYBRID for everything at or over 6 ft. on center and am currently getting to know the new STS custom. It is working great for me on courses under 6 ft. on center.

Announce here when you'll be sessioning. Maybe some of us Ga. boys can come up your way or vice-versa.....

Tim Shawl
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Post by Tim Shawl » Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:38 am

Thanks for all the input! I have noticed the "wheelwells" on the Brown Bomber model, that's a big plus for me at 6'1" 235 lbs. Yep, I do know Darin. Going by his shop next week to sell him some Alva and Bulldog Skates stuff. Darin had a ramp jam at his house a couple months back, really nice ramp, I didn't skate, had a good time regardless.

Ricky Byrd
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Post by Ricky Byrd » Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:34 pm

Hey Tim!
Welcome, It's great to hear from Tennessee.
I would be very happy to help in anyway I can. I'm in Jackson, MS and have been running cones for around 3 years now. We have start ramps and timers and would love to load it up and head your way.

Form an active branch of Grass Roots Slalom, pick our brains, slalom where you can be seen if possible, talk it up at local shops and do demos at parks. Before you know it you're not alone anymore.

Here's a link to the main GRS website:
Volunteer to take on Tennesee.

My Red Bull rep wants to do something around Ole Miss (Oxford). Do you have any contacts in Memphis?

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:16 pm

Tim, find a hill and let's organize a slalom race....I'm sure Mississippi, St. Louis and Georgia can all find our way over for a killer day of racing before the end of the year.

Send me an email to if you're interested.

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:54 am

Tim you have peaked the interest of some of the Souths and East Coast best slalom skaters. Welcome. I myself own two Pocket Pistols the Brown Bomber witch has plenty of camber and is pretty wide in the front. It is perfect for giant hybrid slalom. The second board is a 32 inch GS Hybrid ( which belonged to Chicken Barret Deck himself ) eat your heart out Jeff Goad! The board is very quick and very stable. Look forward to seeing you at races in 2004. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:55 am

Tim you have peaked the interest of some of the Souths and East Coast best slalom skaters. Welcome. I myself own two Pocket Pistols the Brown Bomber witch has plenty of camber and is pretty wide in the front. It is perfect for giant hybrid slalom. The second board is a 32 inch GS Hybrid ( which belonged to Chicken Barret Deck himself ) eat your heart out Jeff Goad! The board is very quick and very stable. Look forward to seeing you at races in 2004. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

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