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HisStory [skate - surf - soar - fish]

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 12:35 pm
by Adam Trahan
My personal web site contains a lot of my past adventures but definately there is a little of the future in my story. More of this history can be found at this web site. I think out of it all, the hang gliding and the desert pipes are some of my longest lasting memories.

I am positve that there are pockets of his story in all areas of the globe as such. Many are from California, a media rich environment propogates this his story.

France has it's pioneers, Patrick de Gayardon, Bruno Gouvy just to name two heavys. Gerry Lopez, Laird Hamilton, Derric Doerner and Ken Bradshaw are a couple more in the islands. I am NOT elevating myself to this status, just naming names in the history I enjoy.

We did a lot of things in our youth, pioneers we are, but always there is someone who did it before, usually older brothers...

There are Arizonan's at your home break, skateboarding, flying right next to you all the time. Or they could be from New York, Florida, Kansas, it's not about where you are from, it's all about how you free your mind.

Here are a few pictures from the site...
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Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:04 pm
by Chris Eggers
Great site Adam!
I havenĀ“t read everything but bookmarked it, so I will return from time to time to read it all! Nice photos too!
Especially liked those powder shots from Utah and the fullpipes!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 4:08 am
by Adam Trahan
Thanks man.

I've had a lot of fun so far, I'm not done by any means.

I've got a kitesurf picture to add and some of my kids doing some stuff too.

Hope to see you again at the races.
