no joke ?

Off Topic Subjects

les francais ne peuvent plus circuler sur le territoire americain

il faut envisager une protestation symbolique
il ne faut pas réagir
Total votes: 9

Etienne de Bary
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no joke ?

Post by Etienne de Bary » Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:37 am

Un passager français d'un vol Saint-Domingue - New-York est détenu par la police américaine depuis le 10 janvier, pour avoir dit en plaisantant à une hôtesse de l'air qu'il n'avait "pas posé de bombe".
Frank Moulet, un résidant de Châteaurenard (Bouches-du-Rhône) âgé de 27 ans, a été écroué à sa descente d'avion à New York le 10 janvier dernier.
Revenant d'un séjour touristique de trois semaines en République dominicaine, le jeune homme et sa compagne se trouvaient sur un vol de la compagnie American Airlines à destination de Paris, avec escale à New York.
Durant ce vol, Frank Moulet qui se sentait mal, a éveillé les soupçons d'une hôtesse de l'air, en passant du temps aux toilettes.
Il lui a lancé: 'Ne vous inquiétez pas, je n'ai pas mis de bombe'.
Il a été arrêté durant le transit à New York, tandis que sa compagne était interrogée puis libérée.
Depuis le jeune homme se trouve en détention. Il a été présenté le 11 janvier à un juge de la cour criminelle du Queens (Etat de New York), qui l'a inculpé pour "fausse alerte".
Il encourt jusqu'à quatre ans de prison. Sa comparution devant le tribunal est prévu le 26 janvier prochain.

La situation présente est que ce garcon ne pourra pas être libéré s'il ne plaide pas coupable.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:08 pm

Didn't know that the flight staff knew french that well. And if he said what you said in english it is fully understandable what happened. They say that people that joke about bombs in these situations do increase the chances that they actually have bad intentions.

I remember a story about a French pilot at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris who was asked to take off his shoes for control. He also did a remark in the same style. He lost his job.

Just like we try to avoid the F-word in general there is now also a B-word to be avoided on airports and flights. Spread the word!

P.S. As a slalomer I recommend you to also avoid any jokes about "the brown bomber" on your Atlantic flights.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:15 pm

hi Corky !

Well the stewardess did obviously suspect him, so why not mention it ?

no atlantic flights at all for me i guess, sometime i'll tell you my last experience, i can think of lots of nicer ways to spend my leasure time, burns a scandalous load of gazoline anyway !
my mother in law was questioned for quite several hours by cops for having "dissimulated the genuine color of her hair" last time she went overthere, she does pretend she's 18 actually ;) :D :D
i just checked the cyberslalom times table, you haven't posted yet have you ?

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:36 pm

i cannot find informations about in what language he spoke to the stewardess, very clearly he said he did not pose a bomb, while she clearly suspected he did. So he is sequestrated under abusive motive whatever language he used, furthermore he was not on american territory by the time of the facts and he was not supposed to enter the US territory at all. And of course he was the object of some kind of discriminative harassment first of all to end with.
Now we must consider european citizen are to be kidnapped for whatever reason if they enter, or even don't enter, US territory. This is useful information for european riders isn't it ?

Guillaume Olivieri
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Post by Guillaume Olivieri » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:24 am

Etienne, our American slalom fellows are absolutely not concerned about that...I don't even understand why you need to talk about such a shitty story on a skateboard forum...if you hate america so much, just keep postin' on!
that'll teach this guy not to play so fu@!ng lame jokes in a plane tough...

Bien sur que je comprends ton énervement Etienne, mais mets toi 30 secondes a leur place...tu ne trouverait pas ça normal?
qu'un abruti de derniere catégorie aille faire bouillir ses hormones dans un avion americain alors qu'il sait pertinamment que ça va lui apporter des noises ça ça m'enerve plus que le fait qu'il se soit fait coffrer comme un vulgaire blaireau (il le mérite d'ailleurs, ça le calmera...)
j'ai meme honte pour la France et plus particulierement pour Marseille...

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:27 am

Comme je vois que tu réagis youjours avec mesure, j'imagine que si tu avais été à sa place ils t'auraient executé immediatement. Le mec était malade alors l'hotesse a commencé à le fliquer sans arret, je suis sur que toi, homme avisé, dans ta grande sagesse tu ne lui aurais pas fait la moindre remarque! ;)
Quand au choix de la companie c'était un vol St Domingue - Paris, probablement choisi par un tour-operator, le mec n'était pas sensé mettre les pieds aux USA.

J'aime bien les americains, et je les connais bien aussi, bien-sur; j'ai un peu vecu à Totonto et à Salem à divers moments de ma vie, respectivement dans les communautés italiennes et irlandaises, j'ai et j'ai eu des amis americains, certains tres proches, et j'ai des amis qui vivent aux USA, enfin surtout j'ai eu une fiancée americaine, californienne en-fait, ici à Paris quand j'étais aux Beaux-Arts.
Je pense qu'il faut verbaliser les conflits, je ne sais plus quel philosophe grec disait "le conflit est mere de toute chose", car un different bien exprimé peut etre resolu, en tous cas compris, et donc ne pas déboucher sur la violence.

Il y a actuellement une volonté diffuse mais generale d'intimidation de la part des administrations americaines vis à vis de laquelle il faut trouver une posture juste, l'histoire racontée ici n'en est qu'un exemple, ce n'est pas un cas isolé. Tu peux te renseigner sur l'évolution de la proportion d'étudiants étrangers dans les universités americaines, c'est quelque chose d'étonnant, c'est la fuite en masse.

Je pense que nous francais nous ne pourrons plus circuler aux Etats-unis dans un proche avenir, ce qui a un impact sur les participations aux diverses competitions internationales par exemple.

Arbitrary intimidations are becomming common, US campuses are losing all foreign students.
In the present situation it is unwise for Europeans, mostly french, to go to america, which has an impact on the competitons.
This is fact, and everyone is concerned, each one most do what his part to solve this.
And this young man should be set free, it could be you, Guillaume, and it might be you if you go.

This is an international forum, french section

Guillaume Olivieri
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Post by Guillaume Olivieri » Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:08 pm

s'il faut verbaliser le conflit, gardons nous bien de le nationaliser...
c'est vrai qu'ils font chier ne serait-ce que l'attribution préférentielle du projet ITER au japon du fait de l'envoi de troupes non-combattantes me reste en travers de la gorge et si c'etait tout...
mais la seule posture intelligente a adopter est l'indifférence, si on devait réagir a tous les stimulis merdeux que la vie nous impose, eh bien moi je prefere le suicide immédiat, laisse les couiner et chialer un bon coup, tu verra que dans deux ans ce sera arrangé, qu'ils appeleront leur frites des french fries et qu'ils nous traqueront avec le beaujolais...


Guillaume Olivieri
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Post by Guillaume Olivieri » Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:42 pm

elle est effectivement tres bonne!

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:18 pm

Actually I think it would be a shame not to consider traveling to the USA for a skateboard competition. The political conflicts between the French and the USA are relatively minor. You certainly would not experience the tension a Palestinian would feel in Israel.

etienne de Bary I do need your address, I have something I wanted to send to you. Pm me if you would.

IMHO the best way to allieviate bad feelings between countries is to go and visit them. A vocal minority can skew the real thoughts people have for others.

Mollica, Brewington, and I all went to Paris and we never felt any anti american sentiment. I sincely think if Etienne were to come to 'Da farm race his views might change. Bring a little wine with you.

As for the burning of gasoline- I am one of the worst offenders. Even though I did not have a driving license until I was 22 and did not own a car until I was 26 I have flown a lot. I fly to slalom races at 555mph for 10 hours on a plane incinerating thousands of gallons of gas to race at 20mph for about 13 seconds.

I flew to Japan (32 hours at 555mph) for a race and took a private plane to West Virginia for a race with Troy Smart (burned about 150 gallons of aviation fuel). For a total of less than 5 minutes of actual racing.

So why do it? I have felt that all the burning of fossil fuel for a few seconds of racing is ridiculous. I've felt this way since the first time I boarded a plane to Los Angeles for the November 2000 WLAC race.

I ask myself that question each time I board a plane to race- or drive for more than 20 minutes to skate. I could go on at length about how suburbia is the great plague- and leads to many of the troubles in our society (depression, car fatalities, loss of family time due to commuting, isolation, a dead end for the elderly...etc....)- but that would be another thread.

So was it worth it? Well after going to WLAC and meeting so many fun skaters I decided that it was worth it. Traveling helps "bring regions" to meet. Ed Economy for instance has never gone East of Arizona so instead I came out to meet him.

My feelings are that if people did not travel there would be even more war and more misunderstandings. Burning gasoline for Jet travel might just be one of the things that has kept the Human race further from the brink of nuclear holocast. War, burns far more than just gasoline.

Everyone who travels should feel like they are an ambassador to their country. The best way to make your country get along with others is to travel and show some good will. Typing from afar ..... won't have the same effect.

BTW I drove a Honda Hybrid the other day...but I would rather have walkable communities paved silky smooth than drive.

Not traveling makes for extremeists. Everyone who is capable should try and travel a little.

I think we could all agree that George W. Bush has a very extreme foreign policy. Did you know before he was elected he never once left the USA?

If President Bush had burned a few thousand Gallons of Jet Fuel traveling and living abroad before becoming President.... things might be very different.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Guillaume Olivieri
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Post by Guillaume Olivieri » Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:41 pm

Oh c'mon we don't even have to think about these stupid Franco/American tensions, let's ride guys...

politicians f@!k off!

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Jan 25, 2004 12:04 am

All right, you guys do convince me,
now what can we do for this poor guy ?

John i'm pretty sure i sent you a mail or pm right away when you first asked me, i'll send you a pm from here now

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sun Jan 25, 2004 12:48 am

Just what kind of jet are you guys flying on that takes gasoline? JP-4 and 5 are LOW-GRADE KEROSENE. In other words, jets fly on crude lamp oil. Yes, puddle jumpers run on gas, but when's the last time anyone flew to Europe with props on the wings? (Well, unless you're military.)

Secondly, there is NO WASTE in flying a 1000 miles for five minutes of racing. The waste comes in sitting in your home afraid to live and experience all there is to enjoy in this fabulous 21st Century world we live.

Conserve til you explode and in the end you will find yourself surrounded by things with a life empty of experiences. Whether it's flying across the Atlantic or driving up the coast, it's the journey that makes life worth living.

Oh, and please spare me all the nonsense about how we're burning all the oil and there won't be any for our children. I have no fear about my descendants living in the dark. Their industry and imagination will make our petty fears and concerns make us look like flat earthers do to us today.

I have no animosity or derision towards the French or anyone in Europe. I rest assured knowing that they'll always be there when they need us.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Jan 25, 2004 11:42 am

Well i love train, i think those who love plane traveling were sheep in a previous life.
When your children are grown up the Saoud will be gone, so gazoline and kerozene will both be too expensive.
We need your politicians to sign the Kyoto protocol before that.

Now tell me what you can do for that kid in jail.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:04 pm

etienne de Bary wrote:Now tell me what you can do for that kid in jail.
I'll write a letter to someone in a position of authority and express my strident displeasure over the whole affair.

How's that?

Better yet, I'll just think about writing a letter. After all, it's intentions that count, right? Results are of no consequence. All that matters is having good intentions. That's what will make a better world: just thinking about doing something. Then we'll all get together and drink heavily while condemning all those who accomplish something.

Now, perhaps you'd care to express some more displeasure over the United States' intentions to ignore Kyoto?

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Jan 25, 2004 3:06 pm

John you're a great embassador yourself, thanx for giving a bit of attention to my off topic crack pot, and at least understand what i talked about (though it 'd have been wisest not to, maybe) ...

Yes, Wes, action of doing may have more effect than action of speaking, words did not seem uneffective to this stewardess though,... and since all this trouble actually rests on a pack of lies (particularly a sense of danger that is mostly fabricated), only words can make a change.
So i'd be gratefull if you dare expressing your discontempt widely all around you, a simple idea can spead like a virus and actually change the world.
Do not take your gun it wouldn't have any good effect ;)

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sun Jan 25, 2004 3:20 pm

etienne de Bary wrote:a simple idea can spead like a virus and actually change the world.
Absolutely. Marx and Engels proved that (although their ideas were a bit complicated.) It spread like a virus, killed millions of those infected, millions of those who resisted infection and after 86 years of ongoing decontamination efforts the world still suffers from the plague.

It did change the world. Imagine the world we would live in if among those millions slaughtered at the hands of the Red Masters there was a biochemist with the cure for cancer or the agriculturist with the skills to feed the world?

Yes. A simple idea that spread like a virus and changed the world. Glad we could agree on something, Etienne.

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:20 am

etienne de Bary wrote:and since all this trouble actually rests on a pack of lies (particularly a sense of danger that is mostly fabricated),
I have to disagree: I think "all this trouble" is a direct result of real danger and a heightened sense of security as a result. Even before the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center with hijacked airliners, it was never a good idea to joke about bombs on airplanes. I think it is an insult to the families of the people who died in the attacks for you to say "a sense of danger that is mostly fabricated". It is NOT fabricated, just go to "ground zero" and you can see for yourself.
etienne de Bary wrote: And of course he was the object of some kind of discriminative harassment first of all to end with.
I have to disagree: I don't think it is discriminative harassment to arrest someone who spends a lot of time in the airplane's bathroom and then says "I don't have a bomb". This is not discrimination, it's good security policy. I have heard of other people (Americans) being arrested and questioned when they joked about "not having a bomb" -- so I don't see how it is discrimminative.
etienne de Bary wrote: In the present situation it is unwise for Europeans, mostly french, to go to america, which has an impact on the competitons.
I would reword this: "In the present situation, all travelers to the USA (from Europe, Asia, France, wherever) should be sensitive to the heightened security measures in effect, and should not under any circumstances say the word "bomb" while in an airport or in an airplane. Travellers are advised to be patient and courteous and to comply with all security requests, no matter how ridiculous they may seem."

Etienne, your words sound just like those spoken by the friends of our local Mike Hawash who was arrested for aiding terrorists. A strong outcry from all of his friends and relatives was the initial reaction. "Discrimination!" "Arbitrary!" -- That is, until he confessed and plead guilty.... Now there is an errie silence from his friends and relatives.

Only one thing I can agree with: After 2 weeks detention, it should be clear by now whether or not the person really did have a bomb or ties to terrorist organizations. Perhaps there is no need to further detain him? And perhaps there IS a reason -- do we really know?

-- Pat

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:56 am

Jay Adams was recently arrested at the San Diego airport for trying to board an airplane home to Hawaii with a fake hand grenade. Jay had recieved a pack of skateboard bearings that is packaged in a plastic hand grenade, when he was boarding the plane, he asked if it was OK to bring "This" on the plane.

Jay is a US citizen, flying between states, I wonder if he was discrimenated against?

Like Pat said, it's about abiding by the rules.

This is not a US against the French thing, it is the US against Terrorism thing, Maybe if the Eiffel tower and the Louvre had been targets of these Terrorist you would feel differently, have compassion for the families that have lost loved ones, and have compassion for a country that lost innocent victims and an international landmark to terrorist.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:53 pm

Listen, i think you guys are a bit emotional
Let's stick to facts:

NO the guy did not "joke" about a bomb, he was harrassed by the girl and he did what anybody NORMAL would do, he faced her with some mood and said "-No lady, i do not..."
it's what guys down south call "attitude" isn't it, he should not have faced her ?

if i refer to a very precise statistic from Michael Moore, the objective risk for an american civilian to get caught in a terrorist attack of any kind has been inferior during the last two years to the risk of getting a meteorite falling on their head.

The sense of danger resulting from 9/11 has been exploited to justify Irak N°2, and we now know this attack had been planned before 9/11 for all kinds of excellent reasons.
9/11 was hawfull, ah, it's beyond words.
now, just here in France cigarette smoking kills 80000 people every year, including 3000 passive smokers, mostly young children.

my mother in law is the kind of 60+ glittering woman you see gliding in a Mercedes thru Monaco or LA on sunny afternoons, if she was interrogated for more than 6 hours, what would they do with the young riders i have here ???
The fact you treat one-another quite as bad, well not quite but yet quite a bit, it makes no difference.
This is NOT efficient, i've seen efficient security in England a few years ago, when they had to face both the IRA and Khaddafi, efficient security is smart, discreet, slick and polite, no arguments, no waste of time, they were incredibly nice and polite, and why is that, because being rough it would have took them twice as much time. In terms of efficiency this is pure waste, this is pure demonstration, a collective fear party.

My wife has a trip to the west coast planned for this summer, and i do my best to convince her not to go: i am frightened, I AM JUST FRIGHTENED.

Lenin had unlimited budget for his communication campain, which was mostly written material, f*** Lenin, who cares of the stupid ***hole any longer ?
Jesus Christ would be a better exemple: his words were only collected in writing under Constantin, maybe 10 generations after his death, nevertheless they had quite a bit of influence.

Now let's make a bet: you think talking is unefficient ? you go around and tell this:
"-We have a problem with the World Championship: it's becoming national, foreigners don't come anymore, they are kind of freightened, you know what they call that ? the "North Korean Syndrome", man, you know what these guys are."
If this goes unnoticed i owe you one bottle of genuine champain.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 3:51 pm

France has actually been the target of serious terrorist attacks in recent history, killing lots of innocents, didn't you hear of it ?

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:10 pm

etienne de Bary wrote:Listen, i think you guys are a bit emotional
Let's stick to facts:

if i refer to a very precise statistic from Michael Moore, the objective risk for an american civilian to get caught in a terrorist attack of any kind has been inferior during the last two years to the risk of getting a meteorite falling on their head.
This "Fact" cannot be true. 2749 people died in the attacks on the World Trade Center due to terrorists. This is much more than 1 in 100 billion, which is the annual risk of death by being struck by falling meterorites according to the Chemical Manufacturer's association "Risk Communication, Risk Statistics,
and Risk Comparisons:
A Manual for Plant Managers"

For this "fact" to be true, there would have to be approximately 5 people killed by meteorites each day for the past two years in the USA. How ridiculous!

The only recorded fatality from meteorite impacts is an Egyptian dog, who was killed in 1911. The cause of death was identified in the 1980s as being a Martian meterorite. The first, and as of 2003, only known modern case of a human being hit by a space rock occurred on November 30, 1954 in Sylacauga, Alabama. There an 8.5 pound sulfide meteorite crashed through a roof and hit a Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges in her living room after it bounced off her radio. Other than a nasty bruise she was OK.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:03 pm

quote : during the last two years
this figure is about 2002 and 2003...
i hate to sound like that, but only last month earthquake in Kom killed 30000,
survivors not only had lost their relatives, but their historical city had completely disapeared in an hour, leaving them with no shelter nor any belongings in a cold desertic country, how's your compassion for those ?

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:19 pm


The US was one of the first nations to send aid to Kom. Besides the "official" goverment aid; money, emergency supplies and earthquake search teams were organized by American citizens and sent to help.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:12 pm

Yes, that is right.

We're constantly slipping off the point... for this carries so many things.
Yet would you say your inner feelings for the people in Kom and for 9/11 victims have something in common ? Aren't you forgetting ? and isn't it quite normal ? Of course it is, one drama chases another...

After the bombings of Tati Supermarket and Port Royal metro station - there is still a plate on the wall in Port Royal, people bring flowers sometimes, for Tati i guess the plate might be gone when it has closed, we still pay a lot of attention to left luggages - one could see lots of troupers around public places then, and there was tension in airports too, ...
but here it's something different. guys who interrogated my mother in law did not think they were doing something useful for some safety means, they meant to frighten and dominate, they meant to intimidate, and while they were doing so, they were actually not protecting anyone of course. Two or three guys who had nothing more useful to do than questioning this old lady on the dye of her hair for hours, you bet they were feeling safe.

Keeping a guy in jail costs like 500$ per day or more, a guy who should not have put one foot in the USA, if he stays in jail for four years, how much money is that ?
And what will his feelings be ?

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:51 pm

Pat Chewning wrote:I would reword this: "In the present situation, all travelers to the USA (from Europe, Asia, France, wherever) should be sensitive to the heightened security measures in effect, and should not under any circumstances say the word "bomb" while in an airport or in an airplane.
and it applies to a french citizen flying from St Domingue to Paris :D
try rewording a bit more here ;)

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:27 pm

etienne de Bary wrote:
Pat Chewning wrote:I would reword this: "In the present situation, all travelers to the USA (from Europe, Asia, France, wherever) should be sensitive to the heightened security measures in effect, and should not under any circumstances say the word "bomb" while in an airport or in an airplane.
and it applies to a french citizen flying from St Domingue to Paris :D
try rewording a bit more here ;)
OK: "In the present situation, all travelers to the USA (or passengers on an airplane registered in the USA -- e.g. American Airlines) should be sensitive to the heightened security measures in effect, and should not under any circumstances say the word "bomb" while in an airport or in an airplane

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:59 pm

This is assault and battery if i trust my dictionnary, a kidnapping

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:48 pm

Etienne, first I will say I have to agree with you on some of what you are saying. There is actually many Americans that think the terrorist threat is being manipulated by certain groups of politicians and media outlets to points of concern.

Just as Pat stated above, It is (and was pre-9/11) never smart to mention or joke about a bomb in any airport or airplane in any country. It is just plain and simple common sense. There is always communication problems in these situations. This isn't something specific to US airlines and airports. The word bomb must be taken seriously.

I believe careful thought needs to taken when making judgments on one incident. You need to look at the circumstances. There was probably some difficulty in the language translation; his english may not have been the best or the flight attendant's french comprehension may have been lacking. Air noise, alcohol, tight, cramped quarters all can lead to unfortunate situations. The US doesn't have a blanket policy of interrogating French citizens.

If your wife acts with common sense she is safe in the US.

To use this case as an example for not traveling to US is as ridiculous as telling Muslims not to travel to France because the schoolchildren aren't able to wear veils in schools.

I would suggest instead of isolating yourself in Europe you actually visit the US and see for yourself. Take an airplane. (I would also remind you electric trains are powered by plants that are predominantly powered by coal, nuclear energy, hydropower (dams). All of which have their own environmental shortcomings.)
etienne de Bary wrote:i hate to sound like that, but only last month earthquake in Kom killed 30000, survivors not only had lost their relatives, but their historical city had completely disapeared in an hour, leaving them with no shelter nor any belongings in a cold desertic country, how's your compassion for those ?
I have enough compassion to get the name correct of the city that was destroyed. It is Bam, not Kom. (I checked some French news sites to make sure this wasn't a translation problem. Le Figaro and Le Monde both have plenty of articles on Bam, but no Kom?) I'm happy to pay taxes in my area for my local Emergency Search & Rescue team, one of the best in the world. It was sent to Bam on December 28. They also recently worked in Turkey and both the Pentagon and NYC after 9/11. There was also a fundraising event at the convention center for the Iranian victims here in Washington last Saturday.

Questioning the compassion of citizens from any country lacks forethought and shows ignorance.

As a person that also questions the 'war against terrorism', I would suggest you gain more knowledge on the subject before posting more misleading statements. Your current opinions are doing more harm than good.

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:22 am

etienne de Bary wrote: Now let's make a bet: you think talking is unefficient ? you go around and tell this:
"-We have a problem with the World Championship: it's becoming national, foreigners don't come anymore, they are kind of freightened, you know what they call that ? the "North Korean Syndrome", man, you know what these guys are."
If this goes unnoticed i owe you one bottle of genuine champain.


Maybe I'm losing something in translation, did you make this comment or was it made by somebody else?

Why are you so biased about the US, and why does it seem that you are trying to discourage people from coming to the World Championships?

I just looked at the results of the last 3 worlds and there has been many foriegners that have come and had a "safe" time competing in the US.

I didn't see your name on that list, how can you make such assumptions?

Last year Luca came after not taking the advice of somebody that tried to persuade him not to, I can't say if he had a good time or not because I was not there, but just the fact that he showed is proof enough to me, if there is a ground swell of anti US propaganda going on within the slalom community, I have failed to see or hear about it on any message boards, then again I don't read french so I cannot comment on what it is you and your friends are discussing on

Vlad Popov
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Armyz peeplz are der funnest mofos!

Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:40 am

Bush just called.

-------Advised not to go to Paris Slalom World Cup 2004.
-----------------If you win, he said, you'll destroy the French and they won't do slalom no more.
------------------------------If you take second, tenth or don't qualify, he said, in the Southern France you'll be known as a spandex wearing Americantrash green-wheel-riding faggot for the rest of your life.

But somebody has already paid for my ticket and my hotel. So, I’m going to Paris…to become a ******* hero with a sticker on my ass.

No comment on politics as usual.

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:26 am

'Ted Clement', you really should come out of the closet and post under the name people know you as.

Once you come out people might respect your posts.

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:29 am


I appreciate you guys keeping this on the level.

France gave us a gift, the Statue of Liberty and they also helped us with their Navy in the time of our independance. This site happens to have a little of France in it because of this and one of the administrators is a Swede living in France...

Etienne, the people who run our government are educated. They have degrees from Universities where you must have a high grade point average to attend. Often, you will read a "Media Star" making political statements with little more than a high school education and lots of American people will agree with a STAR to their popularity. They may not know ANYTHING about running a country or the SECRET things of national security, they make assumptions and because they are stars, their opinion becomes popular. They speak poorly of educated people.

Somewhere I have a document that has the education history of some Hollywood stars and the people they speak against, it's quite an interesting document yet for me, this is a sad thing indeed.

Sometimes a good choice is not easy or popular to make in light of this.

I want to learn, I want to know what people of other countries of like interests find interesting, politics and all.

Please enjoy this web site and feel free to say what ever it is that you want to say. If you are going to talk politics, make sure you balance your opinion here with information on skateboard slalom somewhere else on the site.

Please do not assume that you or I know what "America or Americans are thinking" because of stars or sensational media.

I'm stoked to the ninth that all of you can keep the bar high here, it's a tough thing to do...



Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:50 am

Yo! See if you can get passed 322 in this more humane politics game!

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:58 am

...I could only get 296

Is that Reinold Messner's Yeti?

Glenn S
Posts: 522
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Post by Glenn S » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:37 am

This could be a safer way to cross the pond:

cross the pond

Who is Ted Clement anyway?

Pat Chewning
Pat C.
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No Joke???

Post by Pat Chewning » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:50 am

As in most cases, there's more than 1 side to the story. Here's a different view of what led to this person's arrest. If it is true, then the authorities did the right thing (in my opinion). If you are not going to act like this, then there should be no problem travelling....


A HOLIDAYING French student was in a New York jail here awaiting a court appearance following his arrest over an aircraft bomb "joke".

He left the plane at New York's Kennedy Airport after allegedly joking that he had put a bomb in the plane's toilet, court sources said.

Frank Moulet, 27, was in custody in a floating detention centre called "The Boat" in Long Island Sound off the borough of The Bronx pending charges of making a "false scare".

His girlfriend, arrested with him after they arrived on an American Airlines flight from Santo Domingo, was put on another plane and sent back to France.

Police were called to the plane after a cabin attendant reported that Moulet raised his fist in the air as the plane was landing and shouted, "Oh sh*t, I guess the bomb I planted in the toilet didn't go off".

He faces up to four years in prison on the charge.

US immigration officials have said they are also interested in questioning him.

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:51 am

Slappy Maxwell,

I'm not sure who you might be confusing me with, my name is Ted Clement of Amarillo, TX. To this day, my mother Shirley who resides in El Paso still calls me Theodore, if you would like her phone number I am sure she would be happy to confirm this information for you.

I have a passing interest in Slalom Skateboarding, I dabbled in slalom back in the 70's and 80's and have gained interest in it again after nearly 20 some odd years.

Not long ago I came across this website while trying to find information about an S-Camber Slalom Board I accquired in the 80's while stationed in Italy.

Why is it that whenever somebody post's on this website, the cyber nannies have to attack and accuse them of ridicules things like hiding behind a name.

If it is required to use your birth name to gain respect here, maybe you should start with your own, "SLAPPY"?.

Vlad Popov
Posts: 1543
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Location: Moscow, Russia

Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:58 am

Ya mun. Climb Everest mit no Oxygen, you'll zee Jani play chello too. Maibee da tyu-bee-dooh-bee-dooh Budlight theme was born there as vell.

I should start signing mit mie own name.

Fat Vlad known as Slim Sport

Ted Clement
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 2:00 am

Post by Ted Clement » Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:12 am


Thanks for your most recent post(I was typing my last while you posted), it makes things a little more clearer now. I feel the authorities had every right to do as they did and this person should be punished for his crime, 4 yrs might be pretty harsh, but then again, what if there was a bomb?.

Regardless of where he is from, I'll have no problem with the judge making him out to be the "Poster Child" for people that think joking about bombs on planes is funny.

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:03 am

Ted Clement wrote:Why is it that whenever somebody post's on this website, the cyber nannies have to attack and accuse them of ridicules things like hiding behind a name.
OK 'Ted', keep playing the game.

I gotta run, my cyber baby-daddy is hangin' out. I need to attack and accuse him of ridiculous things. (You need to use the spell check for every post if you're gonna pull off this Ted persona thing.)

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:55 am

Ted Clement wrote:why does it seem that you are trying to discourage people from coming to the World Championships?
I just looked at the results of the last 3 worlds and there has been many foriegners that have come and had a "safe" time competing in the US.
This one is rather funny, isn't it ? Considering the crowds of french who come racing to Morro Bay.
I had rough comments before about Morro Bay, well i'm sorry i did, ideas slip thru my mind, and then they're gone, i spread my ideas, this also means i don't keep them. i have few opinions for myself, i guess. (sounds crazy ?)
i think it's perfectly safe to ride in Morro Bay as far as i know, if you wear protective gear, etc. this is very for from the point.
Well if i were to warn a french guy, i would talk to him tuesday, or else thursday, or if he don't show up because of the rain, give him a call, etc.

There's been a lot of posts since yesterday, some of it i do not understand at all actually.
i think i should say that i enjoy staying in the US when i do, and i love being with americans, who are always nice at first, quite different from the french from that point of view. i had a girlfriend who was from LA in the heighties, and one of my very best friends who died from aids was from Arkansas, i last saw him on my wedding party, i still miss him while i write this.

Of course my very huge mouth, and very nasty humor sometimes do not help much. i can be extremely rude, even for a french, when it turns out like a joke. And that is why i identified with that guy. Whatever he said, i can do much worst for sure. And keeping my mouth shut for 8 hours seems rather out of reach.
Whatever i'm still probably the slowest racer on this forum, that's for the lists
Last edited by Etienne de Bary on Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:15 am

adam trahan wrote:Etienne, the people who run our government are educated.
Adam when i read your post i feel a bit like if roles were upside down, like i'd try to moderate, and you'd spread gazoline on the fire.
That swede, he is certainly not concerned with this topic. He would not "spread his opinions" before thinking twice, or more, much more.
and let's drop the statues
Well rereading this 2 hours later, it sounds rather harsh,... Thanx again for your tolerance Adam, but you're the one inviting polititians and media in here, and your innocent declaration of faith has something of a call for refutation. University degrees and a dozen experts does not protect one from a hasardeous decision.
Last edited by Etienne de Bary on Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:20 pm

Ted Clement wrote:but then again, what if there was a bomb ?
if there was a bomb, he wouldn't tell, efficient terrorists, like efficient customs agents, avoid all kind of show off.

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:36 pm

etienne de Bary wrote:
adam trahan wrote:Etienne, the people who run our government are educated.
Adam when i read your post i feel a bit like if roles were upside down, like i'd try to moderate, and you'd spread gazoline on the fire.
That swede, he is certainly not concerned with this topic. He would not "spread his opinions" before thinking twice, or more, much more.
and let's drop the statues
Well rereading this 2 hours later, it sounds rather harsh,... Thanx again for your tolerance Adam, but you're the one inviting polititians and media in here, and your innocent declaration of faith has something of a call for refutation. University degrees and a dozen experts does not protect one from a hasardeous decision.
Yes, a bit harsh.

It's no problem though, our words define who we are.

This is a skateboard slalom site and a "off topic" forum and posting here on this topic is appropriate, I would just ask that you keep balanced and not be a reactionary...

Vlad: Peter Habler did Everest with Reinhold sans bottled oxygen way back when. There is a Czech, er Tomo something is his name, climbs solo at night sans bottle, does them big. He may not be around any longer, haven't heard about him for some years...

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:00 pm

317........i give up
Last edited by Rick Stanziale on Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:22 pm

adam trahan wrote:Yes, a bit harsh.
Sorry again Adam, sincerely
(it was hard for me not to put exemples)
i found an excellent leMonde article that seams to respect all points of view and replace in a bit of context, tune is very neutral,
sorry for the french, i started this in french section, seemed more acceptable there to post in french
this article is in french too, i don't really feel like translating all this...

Une adolescente qui avait gardé les enfants de ses hôtes a été expulsée des Etats-Unis pour travail clandestin. Le Quai d'Orsay estime ce genre d'affaires "aberrantes" mais courantes.

Le baby-sitting et les plaisanteries sur le terrorisme sont devenus des activités très risquées pour les touristes français de passage aux Etats-Unis. Le 10 janvier, un étudiant originaire des Bouches-du-Rhône a été arrêté à sa descente d'avion à l'aéroport Kennedy de New York, pour avoir répondu ironiquement à une hôtesse en évoquant une bombe. Il a été inculpé pour "fausse alerte" et incarcéré en attendant d'être présenté devant un tribunal à la fin du mois, où il encourt jusqu'à quatre ans de prison. Le même jour, une jeune Française était retenue pendant plusieurs heures par les agents de l'immigration à l'aéroport de San Francisco, où elle était menacée de prison avant d'être expulsée quelques heures plus tard pour "travail clandestin". L'adolescente avait reconnu avoir effectué quelques heures de baby-sitting lors d'un précédent séjour aux Etats-Unis.

Frank Moulet, un étudiant de 27 ans originaire de Châteaurenard (Bouches-du-Rhône), se trouvait avec sa petite amie à bord d'un avion American Airlines en provenance de Saint-Domingue, où il venait de passer ses vacances. Sollicité par un membre d'équipage alors qu'il s'attardait aux toilettes, il avait fini par regagner son siège sous le regard soupçonneux du personnel de bord. "A l'atterrissage de l'avion, l'hôtesse continuait à le regarder avec insistance comme s'il avait fait quelque chose", raconte sa sœur Annick. C'est alors que le jeune homme lui aurait lancé : "Vous ne croyez quand même pas que j'ai posé une bombe ?"


Selon l'hôtesse de l'air concernée par l'incident, citée par une source judiciaire, M. Moulet aurait, au moment de l'atterrissage, levé son poing et lancé : "Oh merde ! La bombe que j'ai posée dans les toilettes n'a pas fonctionné !" Le plaisantin a été présenté le 11 janvier à un juge de la cour criminelle du Queens, tandis que sa petite amie était renvoyée en France. Toujours en détention dans le centre pénitentiaire dit "le bateau", une barge amarrée face au quartier du Bronx, Frank Moulet devait de nouveau comparaître le 26 janvier. "Nous espérons le sortir de là le plus rapidement possible, soupire son avocat commis d'office, John Moher. Ce garçon n'est pas habitué à ce genre de choses. Mais les autorités prennent l'affaire sérieusement en raison des préoccupations de sécurité." Le Français devra ensuite répondre aux questions de l'immigration américaine, qui souhaite l'interroger. Il encourt jusqu'à quatre ans de prison.

Diane Rousseau-Vellones, 18 ans, avait de son côté été invitée à passer trois mois en Californie, chez des amis de ses parents, pour découvrir le pays et améliorer son anglais. Son séjour n'aura duré que cinq heures, le temps d'être interrogé, à l'aéroport de San Francisco, par les agents de l'immigration américains, avant d'être renvoyée en France à ses frais.

L'étudiante a été arrêtée quand les autorités ont découvert sur son passeport qu'elle avait déjà effectué, l'année précédente, un premier séjour linguistique de trois mois aux Etats-Unis, dans une ferme appartenant à des amis de sa famille. Aux nombreuses questions sur son emploi du temps de l'époque, Diane a répondu qu'elle s'était promenée, était montée à cheval, avait gardé deux ou trois fois les enfants du couple "pour qu'ils puissent sortir en amoureux". Etait-elle payée ? "Je n'avais rien demandé, mais ils m'ont donné quelques dollars, pas plus d'une trentaine, pour me remercier." Cet aveu a suffi aux autorités américaines pour la déclarer travailleuse clandestine et la menacer de prison si elle ne quittait pas immédiatement le territoire américain, d'où elle est désormais interdite de séjour pendant cinq ans. "Ils ont épluché tous mes papiers, pris ma photo, mes empreintes digitales, se souvient-elle. Je ne comprenais rien, c'était Midnight Express. Ils me parlaient de prison et d'amende, ils rigolaient quand je pleurais. J'étais une criminelle." Quelques heures plus tard, Diane reprenait un vol pour Londres, sans avoir pu prévenir ses parents affolés.

"Ce genre d'affaires aberrantes se produit régulièrement, soupire un haut fonctionnaire du ministère des affaires étrangères à Paris. Les autorités de l'immigration américaines sont extrêmement pointilleuses et désagréables, surtout depuis le 11 septembre 2001. Ce genre de comportement nuit à leur image, mais ils s'en moquent." Un copilote d'Air France doit encore être jugé pour avoir déclaré, en août 2003 à l'arrivée d'un vol à New York, qu'il avait une chaussure piégée.

Alexandre Garcia

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:13 pm

...320.5 and I'm not done yet.

Rick Stanziale
Red Clay Racing
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Tue Jan 27, 2004 9:32 pm


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:17 pm

Guillaume Olivieri
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Post by Guillaume Olivieri » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:30 pm

1121.7 yeah right!
paraboloid balistic curves sucks, you got to swing the pinguin in his tummy to get a decent score! i'm sure it would be better with a golf club or a crank...
-->9 minutes later:1214,7 schweee! for a second, i tought it was kind of a russian user friendly game...

Adam, could we start a cyber-penguin challenge?
Last edited by Guillaume Olivieri on Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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