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Off Slalom Topic... "Skateboard Madness, the movie"

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:35 pm
by Jim Mather
I caught the last 30 minutes of "Skateboard Madness" the movie on Fuel TV the other day and could have sworn it was Phil Hartman's voice doing the narration.

I missed the credits and was wondering if that really was Phil Hartman and if it was, did he used to skate?

Also, how did this movie do in the theatres?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:11 pm
by Jonathan Harms
I don't know the answer to any of the other questions, but it definitely was Phil Hartman.

Here's my GUESS: At the time, Phil H. was probably just another struggling actor/writer in L.A., and he either knew Hal Jepsen, or he happened to know someone who knew someone who knew someone (etc.) who had something to do with this movie. They needed an "announcer" voice, he had one, and so on.

While such a scenario sounds plausible, remember, it's just a guess. Perhaps Rene Carrasco or some other true O.G. can give more firsthand info.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:01 pm
by Jim Mather
That's really cool.

I assumed the same thing... the struggling actor bit, but you never know. Maybe he skated at the local parks or something.

Does anyone have any press clippings? I assume this was all over Skateboarding Magazine or whatever was being published at the time.

Don't ya'll think it's time for "Skateboard Madness II"?
I'd love to see a film with the typical Tony Hawk/Danny Way/X-Games Mega-Structrure Super Star skating, along with some slalom, longboarding, downhill, pools, street, etc... I think it'd be great for the sport to have a video where your average kid (or adult) can pick up his or her board and try it out without being afraid of breaking something.
Concrete Wave's Evolution DVD is getting close... but it's too much of an infomercial for my personal tastes... but how many sports can boast it's atheletes will sit and watch a very long commercial over and over again (like I have)? It's a marketing dream!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:11 pm
by Jim Mather
This isn't really "movie" related... but kinda.

I'm sure you've all heard about the new PS3 and Nintendo's Wii coming out.
Of course Tony Hawk has a new game called "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam" and check one of the descriptions of play:
Choose from a wide variety of skateboards such as current, old school "fishtails," longboards and '70s skateboards, all of which have different attributes that will have an effect on gameplay.
maybe we'll see some slalom games in the future, though I don't know how fun pressing left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right would be.
Do you think it'll be a Tony Hawk slalom game or Jason Mitchell slalom game? When the game boots up, you can press L+R+A+B and you'll unlock "Juggy" from the DHB and you can race him!