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Moscow and Saint Petersburg Summer 2004 Part I & II

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:56 am
by Vlad Popov

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:52 pm
by John Gilmour
Looks like you have some fast Russian women. The guy in the red shirt looks like he will be fast also.

I remember that some Russian companies used to make their own products very similar to some USA products. There were a few wheels in the 1990's that looked like USA wheels. I see this is happening again. At the end of the video I see a long row of porto sans that look very much like American porto sans.

But actually- the cost of making PVD trucks in the USA is very high....but there is likely a surplus of skilled machinists in Russia. Sindolava used to work for the electric boat company that made nuclear submarines- "Red October" was the one she worked on. Likely they had a lot of skilled machinists. Does she have any contacts with any CNC machine shops there?

Moscow Scene

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:54 pm
by Jack Smith
Hey Vlad, thanks for the update. Watched the whole clip, really enjoyed it.
What park were you skating in?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:18 pm
by Vlad Popov
1. Poklonnaya Gora is a park in the west region of the city. It hosted Moscow Slalom Cup last year.

2. Slalom equipment.
Those decks that look like US made are US made.
There’re Roes, a few Turners, 3 DMs, several homemade super light bamboo slalom decks, a couple of Planks and one Bahne replica. There’s also one Bozi and several Insects.

Those boards that are still being made in the republic of Belarus are copies of 1970s US skateboards. The trucks have Bennett geometry. The wheels are 100% plastic (garbage), but the true 8mm factory axles fit modern bearings and wheels. The board is a copy of what Luca had before switching to longer-and-softer this year.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:34 pm
by Vlad Popov
Part II soundtrack is sick. Ever heard a Moldovian boy pop band sing in Romanian? I think 66 is going to like it.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:48 pm
by Rick Stanziale
I enjoyed the soundtrack.