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Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 10:47 pm
by Adam Trahan

I would like to make a vinyl banner (or maybe even stickers) to hang at slalom skateboarding races. I'm going to foot the bill for this myself (the vinyl and or stickers) but do not have the resources to pay for a graphic artist.

Is there any of you who would like to design a logo/banner for as a "donation" to the community?


Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 9:12 pm
by Matthew Wilson
Hey, Adam. I am POSITIVE that folks will jump all over this oppotunity. I think that anyone who can should send you a mock-up. I for one would love to take a stab at it, even though I fall <b>way</b> short of calling myself a graphic designer. I will email you soon.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:13 pm
by Adam Trahan
Yes, already two people have stepped up to the plate and made offers, now you.

Thank you very much for your kind offer but I have already made a commitment to work with an artist just yesterday.

Debbie Saili from Fibreflex is working on some sketches, she approached me first and I am sure that she will do a great job.

It's an awesome feeling to have an idea, to propose it to a few friends and have their help, then to work on the idea and watch it grow. I can only imagine how the Tri-Lateral Partners are feeling about the FCR series. is a community effort, not for profit, everyone benifits.

Anyway, we need a logo and I think Debs will do a fine job with who we are and where we are going.

Thank you again for your kind offer and if you still want to work something up, please feel free to go right ahead. There is a place for your work here at the site, absolutely.

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 6:15 pm
by John Gilmour
I think it would be great if someone who reads this site and works in a prnt shop could cut Adam trahan a deal on stickers which could be applied to cones and be easily read from a distance of 40 feet. Nothing else would help more to push our sport forward.

While GS is a rush is unlikely that we can set many GS courses in Urban areas with high foot traffic...the notable exceptions exist (The Trocadero near the Eiffel Tower, GGP) etc. but it is far mo0re realistic that you could set courses on flatter areas in Urban areas...unused parking lots, areas near Arts centers etc.... and the use of a highly visible sticker along with a memorable name like slalom would help bring new participants into our sport.

A teriffic thing would be a banner with the logo that explained the rules of the sport and some "slalom ettiquette" ie pick up the cones on the way up...look up the course while replacing a cone ...etc.)

That way passersbys who stopped would have a better understanding of the the riders longer, read the banner and have the logo hammered into their heads.

A place on the Vinyl banner could be left blank for a Dryerase marker so that the times of regularly held practice sessions could be listed- along with a statement that a loaner board would be available. In this manner people would be able to coordinate their schedules to try out our sport.