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Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 4:28 am
by John Gilmour
At the Grass roots level.... it is important to find practice spots that are visible to the general public. And for that reason it is important that simple parallel straight slalom not be completely lost as a slalom discipline as the course is easy to be set and can be set on flat or easy slopes where people can see the sport. So you could practice GS on a large low traffic hill somewhere, and tight slalom on another hill and straight slalom could be practiced near shopping malls, public parks and other high foot traffic areas to expose our sport to the public. Without this type of flatland high foot traffic exposure....growth would be at a snails pace and perhaps not be enough to keep the equipment manufacturers interested.

Matt Wilson suggested an informational slalom flyer which is an excellent idea as it would explain the sport and give a list of websites. A simple two sided color flyer could explain the sport and give email addresses so that others could come and try the sport.

I also think some stickers that said "" stuck on the cones would be a good idea for passersby to read so that they might tell someone about it- or check in on the website itself. As the moniker is self expanitory and memorable it might be just the thing to spur new growth.

It may not be the contests that get us exposure.... but practice sessions held in the right places.

See a Road Race that is going on in your area scheduled for next week? Find out the route the runners or Bikers will take. All the adjacent streets will be closed off- "prime" for the slaloming. See a street fair or block party being announced? Call the promoter and get a few friends together to do a slalomskateboarding demo. These events might be the only chance you get to ride that "Killer Hill" with "perfect asphalt" that was just repaved and that would be inacessible otherwise. News crews are always at these events. I had a impromptu slalom practice session at the Head of the Charles Crew regatta in Boston... my slalom course was teeeming with skaters the very next week. We grew 5 fold in just 3 weeks going from 5 regular skaters to 30-50 regular skaters and about 20-30 new ones showing up to check it out. The majority were Inline skaters- but within a year the number of slalom skateboarders grew by about 4 fold (and that was when there was no gear available).

BUT- there must be a way for people who see the courses being set to make contact with the existing skaters. The passersby/spectators should realize that
1. Its free
2. It is open to the public (you don't have to join a group)
3. The skaters are friendly, helpful, and would loan gear
4. The courses are set with some regularlity and that there is a website to check if a course is being set and where.
5. The sport is simple and easy to learn nad you can become highly proficent (World class level)in less than a year

Perhaps a sign that said-


Might work- sounds a little corny...but hopefully it seems inviting enough that people would try it.

So has anyone had success in setting up a slalom spot that has lots of passersby in any place other than a public park? Do you allow inline skaters to skate your course?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 3:25 am
by John Gilmour
This video clip format is a great way to get people involved with the sport. It givbes a little taste of racing and the 10-20 second clips are enough time to demonstrate a technique or offer critque on a course.

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:43 pm
by Mike Johnson
In August 2003 we hope to have a flatland slalom competition in tandem with an Aircooled VW event at Cosford Air Museum in England. The VW community always put on a good show and the event is ideal for getting people involved in the sport, the event attracts around 3000 people. Chris Linford and the UKSSA will be directly involved in the setting up of the course and the timing, ramps etc. There will also be a course where attendees will be able to try out a simple course with gear loaned by Michael Stride of Octane sports and other possible sponsors.There will be toilets,a restaurant and other attractions on the day and its close to a major motorway jucnction and an hour and a half away from Birmingham International airport...hopefully rain wont stop play but if it does i am trying to find out if we can use one of the aeroplane hangars....they got lots.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 3:09 am
by Howard Gordon
See page 16 of the latest issue of Girl's Life Magazine (circulation 800,000) - for a short feature on Girl's 2002 FCR Series slalom champ Lauren Gordon. Note her nice reference to how slalom skateboarding is a lot like surfing and snowboarding.<br><img src="">


note - I just realized I should have put this post in its own thread, so there is a duplicate post in random slalom topics.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Howard Gordon on 2002-11-21 18:02 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:11 pm
by John Gilmour
Way to go Howard! Good promo for our sport.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 4:29 am
by Claude Regnier
I dont' know if this is something you'll like or not Adam.

I hope you do. I'm going to place some slalom chat rooms accross various other chat sites in order to try and atract some new people.

All the while the intent is to draw them to this and the other site that doesn't seem to want to do anything in a joint venture.

hopefully it will help us grow worldwide.


Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 6:08 am
by Lauren Gordon
Gilmour had some good ideas. You just need to put the sport right under the public's noses. Show them that is this fun and easy to get started. I really like gilmours idea bout having sessions every saturday of the week or so. Just get it out there. How bout Sports Illustrated magazine?
Rock on! :grin: