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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:34 am
by Brian Parsons

We finally were able to pull off a race in DC with out rain. After about 5-6 rainout weekends we had an absolutely awesome day to skate.

Vlad, clearly sold on PlankeR technology, had Dalv custom make a longboard for this event. Vlad makes slalom look easy. He is clearly the rabbit in DC everyone is chasing.

We had exactly 16 guys in the Open slalom race so to give the middle of the pack racers a little more race time I decided to break the group into two brackets of 8. To me this really worked out well and actually the racing was closer and more exciting in the B class. Slappy and Eric Moore killed it in the finals. Eric was holding his own against Slappy but the pressure of close racing forced him into a DQ and Slappy took the victory. Arron Morris raced OG DC outlaw racer Mitch T for third place and won by only the slightest of margins in one of the closest races of the day.

In A Class it was the Vlad and Noah show. WesE nearly eliminated Noah after he DQed in the first race of the dual. In the second race WesE hit one to many cones to allow Noah to overcome the 1.5-second time penalty.

Considering we have not had a dry weekend in over two months and the last DC Outlaw race was over 6 months ago, everyone came out with the same stoke that every DC event has. It was killer fun.

Thanks to Cabbage and BOZI for donating prizes for the races. And of course Yvonne and Kevin for all of there help.

The next DC Outlaw race will be on Saturday July 12th. I am working on revising the schedule to add several more races before fall. So look for the new dates very soon.


Longboard Slalom
1. Vlad Popov - 14.274
2. Brian Parsons – 15.923
3. Cabbage – 16.199
4. Kevin Gamble (KMG) – 16.292
5. Dave Reiordan (LBK) – 17.136
6. WesE – 17.268
7. Eric W (Geezer X) – 17.626
8. Mitch Temoche – 17.649
9. Dave Morris – 18.160
10. Arron Morris – 18.254
11. Jeff Arington (Bozi) – 19.216
12. Kyle Arington (Bozi) – 19.324
13. Eric Moore – 19.672
14. Timbobwi – 21.170
15. Evan Morris

Open Slalom – A Class
1. Vlad Popov – 14.76
2. Noah Heinle – 15.69
3. Mike Ohm – 16.17
4. WesE – 17.34
5. Chris Stepanick – 16.00
6. Eric W (Geezer X) – 17.29
7. David Reiordan (LBK) – 17.52
8. Kevin Gamble – 17.54

Open Slalom – B Class
1. Slappy Maxwell – 18.23
2. Eric Moore – 19.56
3. Arron Morris – 19.20
4. Mitch Temoche – 20.10
5. Kyle Arington – 20.03
6. Dave Morris – 20.47
7. Jeff Boswell – 22.71
8. Jeff Arington

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:14 pm
by Tim Keasbey
Photos and video of this race are posted in "DC Photo and Video" area