Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Brian Parsons

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David Morris
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:00 am
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia


Post by David Morris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:12 pm

The DC OUTLAWS now have their very own my space.

Just about anyone and everyone has a MySpace these days that they use for networking, making friends, showing other people who they are and what they represent.

Personally I thought it was time for the DC Outlaws to have such a page since so many other slalom skateboarders already have a MySpace.

I mentioned it before about the DC Outlaws having such a page and I didn't hear anyone say "nay" so it had to be a "yay" so I stepped up and started putting a page together.

You can check out its early incarnation and here is the URL:


Now I think that perhaps I should create sort of a roster of Who's Who and I can make a list of who are the DC Outlaws. This is where I will need a little help. Could any of you either email me or post a little something about yourself, send a picture or 2 or 3 or 50 so we can make this page a little more Outlaw-ish. Remember this can be fun and it doesn't have to be all serious.

Also if you have any ideas, comments, think that there should be something on the page that you would like to see please by all means step up and be heard. Remember this is "YOUR" page DC Outlaw and I want it to represent the DC Outlaws and not just whatever I put up there.


David Morris
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:00 am
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Send me some text

Post by David Morris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:25 pm

I almost forgot.

If some of you guys have stories about the DC Outlaws, its members, how the DC Outlaws came into being its history etc email it to me and I will create a blog on the DC Outlaw MySpace page.

I think that there will be some interest because some of you guys were some of the skaters who really gave slalom skateboarding a chance to come back and I think you need to be recognized for your efforts.

So send me some material and I will be happy to go over it, edit it if needed, and I will post it on the blog that you can do on a MySpace page. Send the stuff to me at: davmo@cox.net


David Morris
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:00 am
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Pass it along

Post by David Morris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:32 pm

I forgot something again.

Pass the DC Outlaw MySpace Page to your other DC Outlaw friends email addresses so they can all check it out. And while you are at it if you don't already have a space you might consider creating one for yourself where you can list your interests, post your pictures, and network with your other friends that you have things in common with.

I think if all the DC Outlaws had a MySpace page we could all stay in closer contact with each other and say if we wanted to have an outlaw race, or anything else for that matter one of us could send out a MySpace Bulletin and all the members would all get the message at the same time. That means that if we had a outlaw race at any given time it would no longer be the case of some of the Outlaws not knowing that an event was being held. Everyone would be in the loop at the same time.

So quit being a techophobe and create yourself a MySpace page.

If you have any questions about creating yourself a page drop me an email and I will help you if you need help to get started. Thats what its all about, one Outlaw helping another Outlaw.

Wesley Tucker
1961-2013 (RIP)
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:32 pm

I thought THIS was the DC Outlaws "my space?" :-)

(I'd go look at it Dave, but my DSL is Kaput. No telling when it will be fixed. Just loading SS.com and a couple of other websites takes all day.)

David Morris
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:00 am
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Post by David Morris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:36 pm

Hi Wesley,

This is also the Outlaw page or forum, however it does have its own audience and not everyone knows about or even looks at this forum. Also if you post something on this forum you might not get into contact with the other outlaws for days, weeks, or not at all.

So why don't you have a MySpace page with everything and all things parallel ?????

Also send me some cool pics of you riding parallel and I will put it on the DC Outlaw MySpace page. You are an Outlaw.

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