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Powhatan Springs Skatepark News (Arlington, VA)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:39 am
by David Riordon
Today on Fox news (7:30 am) was a live feed from the Arlington Skatepark. Jeff Marlow was interviewed while skateboarding was going on behind him. Did anybody see it?

Friday, 10/8/04, there will be more media showing up at the park from 12 noon to 2 pm. Show up if you want to get your ugly mug on TV.

Saturday, 10/9/04, is the grand opening starting at 9 am. I'm going to make a presentation to the county as a thanks for building us a park.

Next weekend is Bridge Day in WV. Haven't slalomed since last years Bridge Day. I'm going to get my a#$ kicked by a number of people but it will be fun.