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Yabba Dabba Doo! Who is up for this...?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:28 am
by John Dillon
Hey folks....anybody up for a banked park slalom at Lansdowne the saturday during Halloween weekend? Cabbage, lbk, and myself were thinking about putting this together. Your comments, please. Where are you, Mr.Parsons?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:13 am
by Danny Crawford
As long as my dad is up for the drive.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:52 pm
by Jack Nagle
where is this place?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:57 pm
by Danny Crawford
Middle of nowhere Maryland I believe? You can find websites with it where you can find exactly where it is.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:28 am
by Andy Bittner
Lansdowne is in south Baltimore, inside the Baltimore beltway, just off of Hammond Ferry Rd.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:59 am
by Brian Gilbert
yeah i'd be down for banked slalom at landsdowne

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:23 am
by Kevin M. Gamble
Here is a link to some Lansdowne pics: ... rket=en-us

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:03 pm
by Jeff Boswell
WOW, that place looks cool! It just might be worth the trip up there.
Any advice on what kind of board to bring would be helpful.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:25 am
by Nino Almazon
hey John, tell Cabbage i'll be down. bring it!

board suggestions.... hmmm. fast poolboards or longboards w/ a tail if you prefer. i'll be bringing my Pocket Pistol Hardcore. longer, GS type boards with long wheelbases from 21"-23" should be the ticket. i have been enjoying taking runs on a Gravity Mini 27" w/ a 15.25" wheelbase, but if there are cones in the back section, i'll be more confident on a longer wheelbase.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:51 am
by Seth Levy
soft wheels. it is an awesome place to skate, one of my favorites. the gravity mini (nino has it) KILLS it there. soft wheels and loose trucks. im down, i go about every other weekend anyways...

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:52 am
by Seth Levy
wow nino that was soooo weird, we posted at the same time

Ref: Lansdowne banked park slalom...

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:33 pm
by John Dillon
Thanks for the comments, folks, I'll let you all know what's up when I secure the OK from Pks & Rec. How's the bullet wound, Andrew?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:44 pm
by Brian Parsons
Bullet wound????

Is there a story?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:11 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
Brian Parsons wrote:Bullet wound????

Is there a story?
the story... (or at least part of it)


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:52 pm
by Wes Eastridge
I’m sorry to hear of the air-rifle attack. I must say that I am not surprised. The time before last when I was there, someone shot my car (parked on Bero, across the street from the upper path and house with the trampoline out front) with a paint-pellet gun. Based on the way a certain trio of kids was acting before it happened, I have my suspicions as to the culpret. It would be great if Andrew could have the person responsible for his attack be legally punished.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:16 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
At least with the new parking lot, you can keep your eye on your car these days.


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:56 am
by David Riordon
Damn........I can recall getting shot at with BB Guns 20+ years ago while skateboarding Landsdowne. Too bad not much has changed in two decades. Hope Andrew is OK and I hope the kids that did it learn a lesson and straighten themselves out.

However, I say let's try to turn a negative incident into a positive one. On Saturday Sept 19, 2004, there is a scheduled grand re-opening celebration of Landsdowne Skateboard Park. John Dillion has put some serious hard work in getting the celebration together for Baltimore County. Volunteer with us to help run the event. John has had local skate shops and business donate a load of swag to give away. We could do free raffles or hold contest where the kids trying their best (not just the best skateboarder) wins skateboard equipment, etc.

For me, I find that it is easier to take from skateboarding. Conversely, I find it much harder to give back to skateboarding. All of us should try to give back something to the historical skateboard spot that Landsdowne is known for. I know that it is a natural reaction to point out the bad eggs in Lansdwone but instead lets try to thank the cool Baltimore County citizens that have and are supporting the Landsdowne skatepark.

Andrew, how about showing up with me and John Dillon? We could skate in peace and show them you are a bigger man for it. And if need be I can guarantee the day will be safe for everybody.

David Riordon,
Surfrider Foundation Chairman- Washignton DC Chapter

Saturday Sept 18th....Lansdowne Grand there.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:21 pm
by John Dillon
Echo what lbk said...Yes, I want everybody who reads this to come out to Lansdowne and help us Celebrate! I want Andrew to return as well....the shooting won't happen again. We will have fun. I need help setting up early saturday sept 18th in the morn, then u can skate until I have to kick everyone out so the politicians can give their speeches and get their photo ops.Then we charge the skatepark and resume skating. Friends....this event is blowing up and I want you to participate and witness the Funfest. Yes, despite all the rumours you have heard, I am even throwing down a lil inline contest too since a couple of the shops have donated some inline if ya know a frootbooter or have one in the fam, drag them along. I will be at The Downer at 7:30am...anybody who can help me hang banners and prizes on the fence, set up The Surfrider Foundation table, assist Baltimore County Parks and Recreation staff with their set-up, please see me when you get there...I anticipate the parking lot filling up u may need to park in the hood. I may even recruit some of you to help judge but you will be able to skate amongst your age group. Maybe I can enlist the bb gun toter to guard the prizes on the fence? Andrew, please come to this event.....I will not allow what happened to you happen again. As always, everybody please bring elbow and knee pads and a helmet. If anybody else wants to contribute some swag...get in touch w/me before the end of this wknd(443-610-8488cell) so your name will be included in the program(YES, we will have a program to hand out). Did I mention that this is a free contest? Oh yea, this is a fun free contest!!

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:39 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
Wish I could be there, I'm goin' on a cruise with my family. It's more like a sentence than a vacation, but Mom is old and wants to hit the high seas one more time, so what am I gonna do?

Kick some butt for me John and LBK, I'll be there in spirit!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:54 am
by Danny Crawford
I'll try and be there? About how long would it take to get there from NoVA?

Only live things we shoot are birds

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:41 am
by Brittany Concepcion
Im up for it. I dont have to work anymore so Im free WHOOPIE!!! But Im in if I can scrap up a ride. Andrew I hope you feel better and those kids learn their lesson and get a foam target.