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The Gathering 2004 - Please Read

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 8:31 pm
by Brian Parsons
After discussing this years Gathering with Andy and exploring our location options due to the unexpected lack of availability of the previous Gathering site for Saturday May 1st, I would like to open up a discussion on changing the date of the Gathering from May 1st and 2nd to May 15th and 16th.

The date change would allow us to rent the Gathering site for both days. We do have some options available to us for a May 1st event, however none of these other locations are as safe and legitimate as the previous 3 years location.

If you are planning on attending this years Gathering please cast your vote for the race date. If anyone has already purchased non-refundable airline tickets or hotel rooms for the May 1st weekend, please call or email me as soon as possible. 703-901-5167

The Gathering is one of the longest running East Coast slalom events since the slalom resurgence. This year is sure to be just as much fun as the past three years. Sorry to ask to change the date this close to the event but I feel that this is the best option we have available to us at this point.

We will be making our decision very soon, so please send me your comments as soon as possible.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:02 pm
by Wes Eastridge
How long will this poll be open?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:16 pm
by Brian Parsons
In reality we need to make a decision today and reserve the location ASAP. However I realize this is not optimal. I set the poll for 5 days. If it is clear we have a consensus sooner than that we will make the call sooner. The longer we wait to finalize the date with Seneca Creek the bigger the chance is we will not get the location for any of the dates we want. Please cast your vote today.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:17 pm
by Mike Ohm
Wes, that question will cost you .2 sec in all of your Gathering races.


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:20 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
I'm withholding my vote until I hear from HQ (Mrs. Q) :)

But I'll be voting for #2 or #3, as we've got family stuff May 1.


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:09 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
Mrs Q. has informed me that May 9th is Mother's Day!

My money's on the 15th & 16th...


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:11 pm
by Vlad Popov
15-16 <b> changed to the original dates after puting myself in other peoples' shoes.</b> <br> ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:21 pm
by Seth Levy
can you change my vote to the 15-16? i voted when there were only the first two

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:47 pm
by Guest
isn't May 15th/16th getting super close to Paris? Like the weekend before?

May 8th/9th is a F1 weekend..

May 1st/2nd is the best IMO....

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:51 am
by Seth Levy
the problem with the 8th is that it is my sisters engagement party. the 9th is mothers day. the first/second we dont get the good location. the best day for me (and anyone with children) would be the 15/16.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:03 am
by Anthony Flis
i voted 15 and 16 cuz its later in the baseball season for my brothers college team which means easier to get a ride and the since the 8 and 9 are mothers day weekend i could end up at any random family members house and get screwed out of my first gathering for another year...

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:26 am
by Wesley Tucker
Strictly from a pragmatic view point I'd rather have an event a MONTH AFTER Mississippi than just two weeks. Give me longer to recover financially to make another midnight run past South Of The Border.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:48 am
by Anthony Smallwood
I was planning on having a party that first weekend and figured some G4 attendees might draw up the courage to attend.....two weeks later just gives me more time to get things in order. My mom's in Florida so it doesn't matter to me, but Mother's Day sounds like attendance disaster.

Give me one hanging chad for 15/16

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:53 pm
by Jeff Boswell
The 15/16 sounds good to me. The 15th is the last day of spring turkey season but I should have my limit by then!

Michael Schumacher Rules

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:16 pm
by Nick Krest

My input about re-scheduling the Gathering

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:40 pm
by David Morris
If it comes down to a vote my vote is for May 15 & 16 that is if it is impossible to have it on the May 1& 2 dates.

May 15 & 16 would work perfectly for me since that is my weekend off from the Fire Dept and it is also my weekend that I have both my sons Evan and Aaron.

So without further adieu lets vote for May 15 & 16 th.

David "davmo" Morris


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:58 pm
by Steve Michael
Whatever the date, let's get it in the books soon...those frequent flyer miles seats go FAST!! I voted for the 15-16 if we can get the same place. I'd rather do that then the 1-2 and a place that sucks.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:10 pm
by Eddy Martinez
Here is the BUMMER some of us who are comming in from out of state. Had to request days off months in advance. My hotel is allready booked,my flight is allready booked, my boss granted me the days off a month ago. Maybe if I explain to the airlines and the hotel people they will refund my money. Dont think so. I guess you live and you learn and you, and you dont make the same mistake again. Next time I will book everything a week before an event. Eddy Texas Outlaw

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:26 pm
by Jack Quarantillo

I hope Andy doesn't take this the wrong way.

I think the "live and learn" should be on this end, as in "book the site asap" before someone's random choice of a picnic site throws your Gathering into a tailspin.

I'm fairly certain Andy will be booking VERY early for TG5, as I know this whole situation has to be sucking for him right now.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:34 pm
by Danny Crawford
15th and 16th for me.

Trying to be considerate of others?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:22 am
by Christopher Bara
I know i dont post here often, but i DO read this website all the time, and this time i actually have something to say.
Personally, i'm fortunate enough to be able to make the 9 1/2 hour ride down on any weekend you pick, but I'm really surprised at some of the reasons i'm seeing for the votes being casted. "This date is more convenient TO ME" or "this day fits better into MY personal schedule".
Here's a message to anybody who is within easy driving distance of this event: moving dates is NOT that easy to many of the people coming from across the country! I would only hope Ed from Texas got that point across but in case he didnt, let me try.
For allot of folks, this trip includes taking a day or two off work, meaning you have to ask in advance in many cases. It involves booking a flight, and cancelling it will take $ penalities or worse. It means changing hotel reservations, and almost certainly some folks will lose their room.
We've been planning our trip down to G4 for 6 months now. I had 5 guys coming down with me from Detroit for sure, and the possibility of a few more. 3 of the 5 guys have to cancel with a date change because they've worked the original week into their schedules and it's too late to change.
So any east coast locals who are voting please keep in mind your brothers who are coming in from out state. We're making a big personal investment in this trip.
Try to be pragmatic in the decision you make when you vote.
I understand the venue may be a problem on the 1st, but i'm sure we could get thru it and still have a bomb time. I think it'd be a huge loss if people from across the US have to cancel because they cant change they're flights or days off.
I voted for the first.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:43 am
by Vlad Popov
You guys are right. Minus 1 vote for 15-16 please.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:11 am
by David Morris
I understand how everyone feels about this issue. But you do have to think that if its impossible to have the Gathering on the weekend of the 1st and 2nd it would be a bad choice to have it on the weekend of the 8th and 9th due to the fact that its Mother's Day on that Sunday and many people can't make it due to that fact.

The next obvious choice is the weekend of the 15th & 16th. I am just fortunate enough to be off that weekend. I did however plan on attending the Gathering on the weekend of the 1st and 2nd and had to adjust my vacation time for that very purpose. I understand that it can be hard to get time off etc but in my case I have to plan my vacation time almost a YEAR in advance otherwise I do not get the days off that I would like due to the nature of my job. That is one of the reasons I will not be able to attend LaCosta this year as I had wanted to because the race promoters do not plan that far in advance. Any time any event is planned it sometimes is a crap shoot whether or not you will be able to attend due to any responsiblities you may or may not have.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:15 am
by Eddy Martinez
Chris I recieved alot of positive feedback on The Gathering from other slalom skaters who competed on the GRS series last year . As I left Georgia State Champships alot of the fellow competitors called out to me " see you at the Gathering dude. " keith Hollien said the Gathering is one of the events he would not miss, next to the Worlds Championship. He said the slalom stoke is so heavy there, and that the slalom skaters all share their knowledge with one another and that a slalom skater can learn so much in those two days. Leo from Venenzuela shared the same enthusiasm that Keith had about the Gathering. Is there a brotherhood among slalom skaters. I believe there is. I met alot of cool bros last year on the GRS series. Marcos Soulsby Monroy, Ricky + Josh Byrd,Clifton,Rick Stanziale AKA 66, Tom Thompsom, Jack Smith, Chris Chaput, Brian Parsons,Vlad Popov,Noah,Chuck,Wes E,Mark Mcree,Bobby Mandarino,Dave Gale,Keith Hollien,Steven Daddow,Leo, The knucklehead racing team, Patio Medino,Wes Tucker,Will,Low J,Lisa and Katie, John Dillon,The ST Louis Crew,Jeff Goad who sat down next to me at the bottom of the hill at Luna Slalom Jam 2003 after I didnt qualify,I hadnt really skated in 25 yrs, but here is this punk rocker hardcore slalom skater encouraging me not to give up and keep praticing. Rick Stanziale who was cool enough to pick me up at the airport in Georgia when he hosted his contest. There so many others I didnt name. But I do believe there is a brotherhood among slalom skaters. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:11 am
by Christopher Bara
No question about it Eddy...i agree entirely. I just got back on a board recently, after nearly 18 years off and the first event my parters here and i went to was the Vintage and Longboard day at Vans Potomac. Everybody i met there was great...And it was nice to put faces on all the names i see on line too....I figured going in the folks from these sites would be nice, but I was really surprised at the way they welcomed us new guys from the midwest (read: vast radiant wasteland). That's a big reason i'm coming to G4, as well as Bridge Day...the skating and the people too.
I hope i didnt come off as saying anything bad about any of the skaters involved in this...i didnt mean to.
All i wanted to say is that, when we vote on a date...if it comes down to a vote...then we have to consider what's best for all the skaters coming in from all over.
I'm thinking is there are probably people who were stoked on going and made allot of plans that they cant change.
I'm lucky that i'm flexible and i'm driving there....some folks arent so fortunate...
that's all i meant.
And in reading what Dave had to say. I agree...if the 1st is absolutely a bad idea or impossible, then i'd rather do the 15th than the 8th. I'm still hoping the 1st can be worked out in a good way though.


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:41 am
by Andy Bittner
Don't be too hard on the locals, Christopher. Brian asked for opinions from everyone and we're getting them. While I have had to abdicate "the last word" on this event to Brian, I can assure you that everyone's opinion will get the appropriate weight and travel considerations and long distance schedules are being appropriately considered.

Unfortunately, I did get beat to my preferred date on my preferred venue, but that was months ago. This year, I simply didn't have the cash flow to even attempt to make the reservation any earlier than I did. In many ways, the site we've used for the past three years was what originally inspired me to hold The Gatherings and is really the star of the show. We are really doing our best to create a situation where we'll be able to hold both days of The 4th Gathering on that site.

It's probably appropriate to note here that the survey question at the top of this topic is a poll, not a vote.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:01 am
by Christopher Bara matter what week...or which location...i'll be there looking to have a good time with some good folks....Hot BBQ...cold skatin'.....warm weather and lotsa laughs.....

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:02 am
by Steve Michael
...and all the skate stuff I can possibly pack into my one carry-on, one personal item (such as a computer bag or purse), and two checked bags.

The hardest thing is deciding what NOT to bring. Maybe room in my belly for a Chipotle burrito.

I 2nd, 3rd and 10^6th what is being said...The 1st and 2nd would be BEST, but not if a very cool venue can't be "obtained". If not, then the 15th-16th is the next best choice.

My ONLY request is that a decision is made by this Friday morning.


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:34 pm
by Brian Parsons
I really appreciate all of the comments made here and all of the emails I received. Due to the large number of out of towners that have made significant commitments to attend the Gathering on May 1st weekend I cant in good conscious change the date.

So consider it official the Gathering will be on May 1st and 2nd. The event will have a sign up sheet on the contest calendar on NCDSA today.

Believe me when I say that this location issue will not impact the quality of this slalom event. You all will get in more skating this weekend than you have ever in your life.

If anyone needs any information on lodging, airports or rides from the airports please give me a call or drop me an email.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:57 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
Way to go BP!

I think the date shift would have discouraged the far away attendees, and would probably have had a negative impact on future Gatherings' attendance.

Michael and I will be there as much as possible in between Family Stuff.


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:36 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
Go to NCDSA to sign up for The Gathering 4!!!


Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:07 am
by Brittany Concepcion
i cant may 9 cause its my bros b-day and i got to work may 8th either option 1 or 3 is good for me

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:45 am
by Andy Bittner
It's been decided Brittany. Please note the large, bold, black type a few posts up from here.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:53 am
by Seth Levy
nice to see that Eddy Martinez is signed up!

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:58 am
by Brittany Concepcion
Yeah Andy the wierd thing is I posted my post up a while befor it was put on there lol. Cant wait for the Gathering. see yall there

G4 Sat & Sunday activities

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 3:09 am
by Steve Michael
Now may be a good time to update the tenative Fri, Sat & Sun activities of this year's G4.

Where will we be skatin' on Sat, guys?


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 3:32 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Check the NCDSA link above, but both days are to be at Seneca Creek State Park.

Pheasant Run Area Saturday, Cardinal Area Sunday.


Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 11:33 pm
by Mike Cividino
Thank you, thank you , thank you....I have had so much fun at the last 2 gathering that the thought of missing it this year made me fell Ill. I will be in Italy for 2 weeks before i go to the Paris race and Brands. I was really hoping to have the g4 as a chance to get some tips and get ready to represent Canada in the opens. Thanks Andy and Brian, I know that you do so much work for us slalom junkies. If I could get people up here to the great white north I would love to run something like this...but, thats a little tough. Anyway...thanks again guys...see you in May.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:37 am
by Leonardo Ojeda
Damn, i had a slalom vacation and when i return its all changed up, even Civ its representing Canada in Paris, way to go
well, all i wanted to say its i will miss TG4. i been unemployed for a while and not having the lower fares i used to have by beign a Fedex worker its Impossible for me to travel.
also last year currency exchange was like 1000Bs per 1$ now its up to 3500Bs. Go figure!

anyway, hope everyone has a blast and take a lot of pictures!!

i will really really miss all of you guys.


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:24 pm
by Mike Ohm
CHeck the Pre Gathering post for friday nights events.

T4G Events

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 10:29 pm
by Kevin M. Gamble
I've moved this question over to the Gathering thread.
