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Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:15 am
by Slappy Maxwell
On 2003-08-27 18:58, Anthony Smallwood wrote:
Yo DC Outlaws,

The Adams Morgan Festival officials have given us the hill (15th Street) for Saturday 6th of Sept. I am reluctant as I don't believe I'll have many Stand-Up riders. Unfortunetly, there is a GSI race the same day in West Virginia and many riders have already committed. We could allow the DC slalom guys half the time on the hill to have a race (3 hours). GS or SlalomCross would be nice. 15th has a nice run-out. No heavy footbraking!

DC Outlaws in DC? An interesting concept!

This REALLY needs it's own forum for emphasis. We need to show up in numbers and race this Saturday.

GBJ and Anthony are so right. In perspective this could lead to the biggest and best East Coast slalom AND downhill competition in the future. It's a great neighborhood and festival that could get more people involved in both aspects of the sport.

Hey Vlad can transfer Anthony and GBJ's posts to over here?

Roll Call for Saturday!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:30 am
by Mike Ohm
What time does this shindig start?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 1:15 am
by Vlad Popov
Ok, let's get GeeAssy!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:03 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Hey Slappy,

Thanks for the rallying cry!
Over?? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?? (Happy 25th, AH)

We have the hill from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm. We could probably do a tight or hybrid race, a GS or Super GS and a stand-up, depending on the # of riders attending. The festival organizers don't know what to expect, which means we can just make it up as we go along. We should, however, meet one night before hand, walk the course and lay loose plans.... We do have to ACT like we know what we're doing.
All in all, it should be pretty laid back.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:06 am
by Jeff Bozi
Whats the parking gonna be like if we get there early? Ill have kids & it would be nice to have truck handy, is that a fantasy?

For nimrods like me, could someone post directions from 270s to 495 to the street where it is, or street where parkings best & where it is in relation to that?

Thanks, Jeff

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:19 am
by Rene Hayden
Hey all,

I think it's important from the numbers point of view if we let Anthony know how many people are actually going to show as early as possible so he can make the decision whether/how to have the slalom race. It would really suck for him to go out of his way to do all this prep for us and then 3 people show up--not to mention lame for the spectators.

So c'mon D.C.! How about it? Who can/can not make it? Remember, I won't unleash my cowichan/tuque hybrid racing technology just yet, so there is a possibility that someone may beat me.

People down to roll so far:

Gimpy Canuck (me)

I would volunteer to set the course, except that I am pathetic at setting even straight cones on flats. anyone?

The swell timing sucks, but hey, there's always Friday, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday to surf.

I volunteer a pitcher of Molson's or Labatt's as a prize. How about a trophy? I've got an old sandalwood bead necklace...

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:25 pm
by Rene Hayden
and Jeff
and Vlad (?)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:27 pm
by Rene Hayden
what about luge slalom?

lame joke.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-03 12:37 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:24 pm
by Vlad Popov
I'll be there, yes.

Can't make people come.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:59 pm
by Rene Hayden

am I being over-excited or under-laconical in my postings? I've no intention of being coercive about things, if your comments are directed at my postings--I am a total noob, after all, so it's not my position to call people out in a serious way. I just think it would be nice for Anthony to have a rough idea of how many people will be there early on so he or we can determine whether or not to chop up his racing day for slalom. The Adams-Morgan fest and DCDC is kind of a big deal in the District, and I think it's quite generous of Snr. Smallwood to give us this space. The alternative, I guess, rather than a race is a slalom "demo", where we have people try boards, etc, like at the Vans longboard day. There will undoubtedly be a lot of scruffy DC skaters about. I'm down for that too.

Given relatively short notice and mother nature's bounty in other departments, I'm positive not everyone will be able to make it. So be it, as long as there are more than four people racing. Personally, it would probably be a bit of a blessing for me if the event was called so I can heal my ankle.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-03 13:01 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:02 pm
by Vlad Popov
Ja ja i dig; i'm there dude.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:16 pm
by Jason Thielke
Cant wait to race man

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:25 pm
by John Dillon
Hey guys...I was planning on going to Chicago but I may stay here in town instead if this race is on...

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:39 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
After talking to many skaters at Van's and on the street, I believe we are going to have a few first timers. If anyone has extra boards to lend, bring them. And cones. I will know what time we start later tonite, but I would guess 8am.

Directions for Jeff and anyone coming from the northend:

From 495 take Conn. Ave south. Travel 2-3 miles towards the Zoo.
About a mile past the zoo, turn left at the Calvert Street Bridge.
Cross the bridge and take a left on Adams Mill Rd. Cross Columbia Rd. and you are now on 18th St.
Take 18th to Fla. Ave (4 blocks) and turn left.
Take Fla. Ave 3 blocks and look for the set-up.

Use 1500 W Street NW or Meridian Hill Park for mapquest.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:53 am
by Slappy Maxwell
Keep the roll call coming!
Don't forget there's stuff for the wives and the kids at the festival.

Do we need a timer? Is Mr. Parsons coming?

What if we had an organizing 'meeting' at Madam's Organ Friday evening? I would say tomorrow but with the NFL stuff going down I think it'll be a mess getting around.

I could rent a PA and bring my CD tables.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:06 am
by Andy Bittner
I am planning on being at the hill between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00, being ready to begin setting something up the minute the road closes at 7:30.

I noticed Anthony mentioned some first timers. With all due excitement over newcomers to the sport, this might not be the time or place to hold a newcomers event/clinic/open house. The hill is big (even if we just use the bottom section) and it could be a real wrench in the works, trying to create a course on this hill that newcomers stand even the slightest chance of completing.

My alternative suggestion is that we create a professional-looking race, that will catch and hold the attention of any potential spectators, with a course that is a reasonable challenge for the better racers in the area. To be more clear, I consider nearly all of the regulars at the Outlaw events to be in the "better" racers category, not just the top five.

I believe we should be able to create lunge-start, dual, hybrid courses on the section of the hill below the chicane, that will be challenging but makeable, and should be visually excellent. That lower section of the hill is a high-visibility area and is almost arena-like from the bottom of the hill.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:46 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Hey Slappy,

Friday sounds great. There is a party at a historical mansion on Friday night. Probably from 7-9. It's basically a cocktail party for the festival organizers, sponsors, neighborhood busy-bodies and racers. Kinda lame, but in a really cool building. The course is a block away. We could meet at the party or somewhere else after 9pm. Madams Organ will probably be packed.
We can meet at my gallery. (1766 Florida Ave) or maybe upstairs at the Common Share.

More to come...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:54 am
by Michael Baker
I know nothing about competetive downhill longboarding. I'v only longboarded around my area with friends. I want to come check it out. How do i get to this street from Metro? I assume i get off at Adams Morgan... but then what?


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:01 am
by Jeff Bozi
It looks like Anthony may have thrown together a cool event last min here, which could set stage for a well planned out major DC event next year.

After getting fairly excited about all this, I relized my 2 soccer kids both have their 1st games on sat. I may be able to make 2nd part of day though, I know Kyle reeeeally wants to see the downhill, seems to be the thing he wants to do most rite now.

There will be a Pintail Complete & a GS36 Deck there for prize from BOZI BOARDS.

Id also like to welcome Anthony Smallwood as the newest Bozi Team Member!
I think he has alot to offer, & is very active in speedboarding, & supportive of any & all events he gets involved with. And like all the others on the Bozi Team, hes a tad off center in a good way.

Team member Pamala Tally just came back from skating NM ditches with Kaylee, Sharon (yes she came out ), & Palmer, had a blast.

There will be a full page on Bozi/Bad Boyz Inc.Project in next CW.........its getting big.......

I want to thank you DC guys for helping spead My name, it all helps. Im involved with alot of things at the moment, ,but the breif times I get to screw around at the park & ride with you guys is some of the most fun I have lately, Thank you.

Sorry to digress from thread here, just wanted to sneak in and thank you where I know its mainly you guys reading.

If I dont see you sat, Have fun!

Bozi ( Make Vlad Speedboard :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:08 pm
by Michel Temoche
This all sounds great. Promised the girlfriend I'd help with some soccer thing she's doing for Adam's Morgan Day but will try and get away and ride that hill. Anybody heard from Riordan? He's got the Brower timer. I'll be in Adam's Morgan Friday night wherever the meeting is.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:49 pm
by Rene Hayden

Congrats Anthony and Team Bozi, you rad bastards.

I'm getting very pumped about this weekend, I'm going to go practice in the rain.

Michael--check for metro directions, and/or mapquest for walking directions. If I'm not mistaken, it's a major street in AM.

Cheers all! See you on Saturday.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:05 pm
by Andy Bittner
The weather looks like it's going to be great, and I can certainly set the course, if needs be. The big question is the timer. In my own opinion, and for the purposes of putting on a reasonably "professional"-looking event... no timer, no race. Driving downtown and arriving before 7 a.m. is a whole lot of hassle just to session 15th St. I think the only way to do this is to do it right, and if we can't do it right, we probably shouldn't do it at all.

Where is Brian Parsons? Is he out of town or something? We need that Trakmate. If we did have to use the Brower timer, have we figured out how to use it to time a dual. Where's everyone else? Riordan, Ohm, Keasbey? Anyone willing to travel? Mitchell, Heinle, Stepanek, Gamble? I know that this is all very last minute, and we haven't much more than a moment to spare in deciding whether or not it's worth doing, but if we can "pull this rabbit out of a hat", it could be a big opportunity for the future of organized slalom skateboard racing in D.C.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:16 pm
by Brian Parsons
Here I am.

I have been trying to rework my schedule to be able to make it this weekend.

My timer is available. I will meet you guys in Adams Morgan Friday night.

Andy I also can meet you on the hill Saturday morning at 7am. The sooner we are able to get things rolling the more racing we will be able to get in.

I am not sure how well the Trackmate will work at speedboarding. Is the tape switch to big of a bump at 30 MPH? We can try it.

I also have large tents that JG gave me. And of course the whiteboard, cones etc. I don't have radios.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brian Parsons on 2003-09-04 10:17 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 5:43 pm
by Kevin M. Gamble
I wish I was able to make it to DC for this, but since I was out of town all last week, I've got to take care of some things around home. I am still planning to get back down to Gaithersburg for the next DC Outlaw race on the 13th.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kevin M. Gamble on 2003-09-04 11:45 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 5:58 pm
by Slappy Maxwell
Congrats to Anthony and Bozi!

Common Share sounds cool to me. I haven't been there in awhile.
We could meet in front of the Zephyr Gallery at 9:15 on Friday night?

I'll get my lazy ass up early and be there at 7am on Saturday.

(Oh yeah, Riordan is on the west coast according to his post in the hurricane thread.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: slappy maxwell on 2003-09-04 12:00 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:05 pm
by Dan Mitchell
OK, I think I can be there. Although to make it by 7:00 I'd have to leave before 5:00. That's AM!!! I'll do my best.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:14 pm
by Rene Hayden
Just to clarify,

7:00 AM is to set up, 9:00 AM is to race, yes? How many folks are needed for set-up? Is 9:00 factoring in warm-up?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:20 pm
by Guest
I'm staying up in NYC for the weekend, running errands and best Gilmour, I and (Noah?) might skate but I won't hold my breath....

I'll be in DC for the next outlaw race though....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Stepanek on 2003-09-04 14:22 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:20 pm
by Vlad Popov
Bozi, we need to talk. Please be there Saturday if you can.

Seven AM, Seven AM? No way!!!!

There is NO WAY!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:35 pm
by William Tway
Nothin' left to do but

<img src=>

13, I don't think Noah will be practicng this weekend...he has a date already.

DC Crew,
Rip it up!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:44 pm
by Guest
I know tway, thus the (?)..but you never know. I remember him telling me that Da Farm was it, no more skating....but he has...hahah

if the weather is nice want to come down to scarsdale some night this weekend after 9pm and run some flat and tight stuff? Call me.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:16 pm
by Jack Smith
Stoked to hear about this race!

Bahne would like to donate a Black Hill deck to the top rookie. Someone associated with the race please drop me an email.

Have Fun!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:42 pm
by Andy Bittner
This is what I'm thinking, although it's not my intention to be stepping on the toes of anyone who might be running this thing. Time schedules will probably depend on how many people show up. 7:00 is arrival for set-up, and it'd probably be cool if we are close to ready to race by 9. The amount of time we will need for racing will obviously depend on the number of people who are present, as will the format. If we've got seven-to-ten guys, it's probably not worth attempting a dual. If we single lane race, we can probably exploit the qualities of the entire hill to a greater extent and run would could be a very exciting and fast GS.

The bottom line is that it'd be nice to have our plan nailed down before we show up, which is why I'm trying to get an accurate count of those who are planning on attending AND racing. I know a lot of you guys really like to know what board you're going to be riding before you even leave home, but this all seems to up in the air right now. One thing's almost certain, due to the size of the hill, whatever we do, the course is likely to be fairly challenging.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:41 am
by Slappy Maxwell
Don't worry about toe stepping Andy. Clearly Anthony has final say on what goes, but I'm sure no one has a problem with you guiding the slalom show.

I'm there in a righthand man capacity. I'm bringing boards but planning on helping run the race rather than ride.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:46 am
by Andy Bittner
We may all have to ride, in order for it to look like anything at all!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:52 am
by Michel Temoche
Just heard from the Kook. He's out in Huntington Beach, CA. He says "By hook or crook the Brower timer will be at the race." He also says he'll be kickin' in either Chaput or Ed Economies door while he's over there :smile:.
The Brower I scored on EBay is won't work for duals. Duals would require a more advanced system.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:53 am
by Dan Mitchell
OK, got my directions printed. I used 1500 W St. NW on Mapquest. Wondering where I should look for a place to park? I have lots of boards and also 50 cones.

PS, Thanks Anthony, hey are you a Bozi Team member? Can you hook me up with a 36". I promise to win a DC Longboard Slalom race with it :smile:

Dan Mitchell, aka PA Dan

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dan Mitchell on 2003-09-04 21:55 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 5:00 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Hey Everyone,

We will have a final posting with all the info at 12:00pm Friday. In my opinion guys, slalom is the main event, so don't worry about stepping on my toes. I'm really excited about showing off slalom to the city. If you guys weren't involved, there would be no event. So, hopefully a type of course can be decided upon on Friday nite that everyone can enjoy. (or Saturday am)

Hey PA Dan, Jeff did include a Bozi 36" deck for the slalom winner and he kicked out a complete Mad Bomber w/ Flashbacks!! Thanks Jeff, once again, for putting your money where your heart is. You Rock!!

Doug D. is also kicking out a Migration stick and I got a few things from Rudy Project Eyewear. We have trophies for 1-2-3 in Stand-Up, but none yet for slalom, though I'm working on it. The Stand-Up trophies are pretty silly so don't feel left out!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:38 pm
by Duane Delaney
I won't be able to make the planning session tonight, but it seems to me that this hill presents the oportunity to set a big GS, the type that cannot be set at most hills. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this. The fact that I am a terrible tight slalom skater doesn't affect my opinion in the least. See y'all in the morning

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:06 pm
by Andy Bittner
Wow! The weather just turned perfect, and is supposed to remain this way all weekend! Woohoo!

The parking situation tomorrow morning is typical city parking. Take it where you find it. Do not park on any part of the hill that is part of "the course". If I recall correctly, they were towing cars out of the way for the DCDC in 2000. Back then I parked at the top of the hill on 15th, just above the area that'd be closed. In the end that left me feeling pretty far removed from my car, as most of what was going on was happening at the bottom of the hill.

Now I'm going to let you guys in on why I'm so cranked up about all of this. Back in the Fall of '00, I'd been into the thing for about a year, had reconnected with an old friend, Chaput, and now there was going to be this downhill event right in DC. I knew the hill on which they'd be racing, very well. My grandfather helped build the walls around Meridian Hill park, my father grew up about 20 blocks away, the fountain inside the park becomes a cool little skate spot in the wintertime, and I'd been driving or riding up that hill (auto traffic flows one-way, up the hill) and through that chicane (sometimes waaaaay too fast), all of my life.

The DCDC that day was cool. I got some good photographs, had fun cruising the hill, and although my Turner got some attention from the downhillers, the suggestion that I'd like to see slalom make a comeback only drew condescending chuckles from most of the downhillers. "...ain't gonna happen."

HA! Who's chuckling now? No offense intended to our friend, Anthony Smallwood, whose tireless dedications to advancing the causes of downhill skateboarding and longboarding are well above such squabbles, whose intentions are beyond reproach, and whose efforts present us with this current opportunity. 2003 and slalom's getting an exhibition opportunity. Who knows? 15th St. and New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. has significant potential as a venue for a major, international slalom event. I still wouldn't really want to horn in on Anthony's DCDC plans, even in coming years, but this weekend is a great one too. The weather stands the greatest chance of being beautiful this time of year, and the proximity to the Adams Morgan Day festivities is wonderful.

I'll be back in awhile with a discussion of format. So, perhaps, we can arrive at some kind of conscensus before tomorrow morning.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:41 pm
by Vlad Popov
Slappy, I can't reach you.

Please call work 202 493 33 79 so that we can arrange something for tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 5:44 pm
by Doug Dupin
The DC Police came to our rescue today in getting the street closed for tomorrow. Be courteous to the officers tomorrow. Cars will be parked on the street, which I think will make a super G event out of the question - there will only be one big lane open for skateboarding. Road closure is scheduled for 9am - 3pm. Time will be split evenly between Slalom and Speedboard, with slalomers taking up the 9 - 12 slot.

Riders meeting tonight.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 6:34 pm
by John Dillon
Yo guys!
I'm in and will be at the hill at 7am to help you Anthony, Doug, GBJ....lbk called me from the west coast and he will be here as well with the timer sat morn...but BP bring your timer just in case he gets held up or misses his plane due to the surf conditions out west or he decides not to return to the esat coast...I'll also catch up with y'all fri eve to check out the hill, plan things, etc...and thanks got to Bozi, Migration, and Bahne Skateboards for donating prizes at the last quote ROCKSTAR,"We're stepping it up in'03!" Yo BP...bring your bullhorn too! Yes, Anthony, I'll emcee when I'm not racing. Let's do it! Stepping it up in '03!My cell # for lost racers on saturday is: 240-344-0084, but Anthony's earlier post is clear enough....just remember that DC is split up into 4 quadrants,ie NE, nW, SE,SW...we will be racing in that confusing, so look at not only the street signs but what quadrant is listed after the street name, nuff said.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:35 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
Hey People,

Everything looks good. We do need a fold-up table if anyone has one.
Anyone who wants to go to the party tonite is quite welcome. The riders are always considered guests of honor, so it's pretty funny. It's located at the Meridian House, right next to the park. It's on the 16th Street side, though I don't know the street name. It's a steep, twisty little hill and the building is the huge gated mansion. 25 paces off 16th and 1 block from the course.
After that, I will be back at my gallery @ 9:15pm. Then we can go walk the course. My # is 202-607-1495.

No butterflies here folks, them's bats!!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:41 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
For the record,

Our first year, we had 8 riders.
Our second year, we had 10.
Next year, I'm totally in favor of giving slalom the hill and day, if we can make it a huge event.
Anything close to the Gathering, in Adams Morgan, would be sick!!

From this point on, we work together.

Hey, did I tell you guys we want to have a Halloween race in Southeast??

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:04 pm
by John Dillon
Hey Anthony!
Any race in SE is scary...even more so on Halloween!!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:22 pm
by Rene Hayden
Hey, don't be talking smack about my neighbors, now, Senor Dillon.

Well, Anthony, you already know my feelings on the Halloween race: awesome!

I went and got my slams out of the way today. Tight slalom beercupping it. Hitting them straight-on is a bad idea, especially when they fracture and wrap around your back wheels.

let me know if anyone needs help setting up. I'll be there around 8:30, but I can make it earlier if need be.

Bring it on Saturday! I'll be wearing pads!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-05 17:27 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:47 pm
by Jeff Boswell
YOU all have fun I wish I could be there. 80 hour weeks suck. I sure hope I can make the next OUTLAW race but it don't look good at this time.

Jeff (tired and grumpy)Boswell

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:11 am
by Wes Eastridge
Does anyone have a clue as to the pavement quality at the section that we’ll be racing on? I’ll be taking the Metro in, so the big bag o’ wheels will not be with me. I’m asking for comparisons with G-P&R, Woodbridge P&R, etc.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 9:56 pm
by Vlad Popov
The hill's ok for Hybrid, GS and TS.
The pavement's ok for 80-94A wheels.

7 ft straight or little offest is doable top-bottom.

Enough space to run a parallel race.

Great day today. Thanks everyone.