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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:33 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Thanks, Wes!

Should someone post these to Jani's Contest Calendar Thread? or are we more "under the radar" than that??? (they already have TG IV)


Bad Information Stopper

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:44 am
by Andy Bittner
Correcting bad information just provided by WesE...

The 4th Gathering: Peace, Love and Pavement is on Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2, 2004, not on April 30. I guess Wes just decided to add a day.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:52 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Mebbe Wes is already thinking about a "Pre Gathering Warm-up"?


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:06 am
by Wes Eastridge
Jack Quarantillo wrote:Mebbe Wes is already thinking about a "Pre Gathering Warm-up"?
That's exactly what I meant. We've had something going the Friday night before the last two Gs. We might as well call it a 3-day event for us in the DC area.


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:45 am
by Andy Bittner
Wes, I can appreciate what you're addressing, but the Friday events before The Gatherings are not part of The Gathering, and I don't want people to start thinking they should book flights so as to be present for a Friday event that I have no plans of providing. Just because people have fun at someone else's event, piggybacking along on the night before The Gatherings, does not make that event part of The Gathering and does not give those who've enjoyed previous pre-Gathering Friday night events any right to simply announce an extension of the dates of The Gathering. Wes, you want to throw an event on Friday night? You go ahead and do that. However, to use my efforts to make that event more successful or attractive to racers is pretty ballsy.

Let me see... WesE? One of the Directors of the USSSF? Nope. Ever really helped set-up or run a Gathering? Nope. Ever really helped to set-up or run any significant racing event? Nope. Ever even show up on time for a significant racing event? Rarely. Often makes things far easier for race organizers? Nope. Ever authorized to make schedule changes or schedule change announcements on behalf of the USSSF or The Gatherings? Nope. Balls big enough to anoint himself a decision-maker in the whole situation and then act publically upon that decision? Apparently so. Wes... next time ask, don't presume.

I know that this is going to make me sound like a total downer, yet again, but I'm not in favor of the events on Friday nights anyway. As much fun as they might be, they tend to keep a not insignificant number of Gathering attendees out so late the night before The Gathering starts, any plans made for Saturday morning at The Gathering seem to get compromised in the process. The result is that Friday night's event is not so much "in addition to" The Gathering, it's "instead of" Saturday morning at The Gathering.

There will be some provision made for this complication at The 4th Gathering, but I still find it unfortunate that the Friday night-thing has actually manifested itself as being in competition with the efforts of those who are working to produce the larger, older, more well-known event on the weekend.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:58 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Q will respectfully remove himself from the center of something he has no opinion, or history on...

Lemme know when the smoke clears...


btw, I'm really psyched that I live so close to the gathering that it is a no brainer... I'm there

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 5:05 am
by Wes Eastridge
Andy! How long did it take you to write that? I agree with Jack here. I'm not going to touch (nor read) any of that. See you around sometime, maybe.

Slalom Skateboard Slumber Party

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:11 pm
by David Riordon

I'm going to announce a night before the Gathering event, the first "Slalom Skateboard Slumber Party" where we can stay up all night talking about slalom skateboarding, changing wheels, putting on new trucks, cleaning our bearings, and doing Slappy's hair. Then I say we don't go to sleep at all so we can be first ones at the Gathering the next morning.

Heavy Doody

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:34 am
by Andy Bittner

I'd like to begin by apologizing for the angered tone of my last post. I regret the fact that I didn't delay or temper my reply (Wes, it took me about 3 and a half minutes to write... why do you ask?), because now, the fact that I can be a real jerk will become the issue rather than the other very real issues included in that post.

Q, Please understand that, although I was barking, I definitely wasn't barking at you.

Wes, I was bummed when I thought a mistake had been made in your posting an incorrect date next to a T4G heading, but became downright pissed when your next reaction was a justification rather than what it should've been... an apology. Your last post, attempting to completely recuse yourself from the situation is just absurd, considering that it was you and your actions that precipitated all that has followed. I also have no idea what, "See you around sometime, maybe." means. Is that a threat that you might not come to my events and be a total pain in the ass? So, I won't have to deal with you being disagreeable over whether you're going to wear your number on the front of your shirt, the color of the cones, or whether you'll be ready to race when it's your turn to race. Ouch! Hurt me.

Oops! Now that I've gone and done it again (act like a total ass), I really hope any interpersonal issues I might be having with Wes, won't distract too much from the questions I've raised about the pre-Gathering, Friday night events. Dave, it's not my intention to be unappreciative of the efforts that have made these events successful. I enjoyed last year's Friday night race as much as anyone else, staying, pretty much, until the end, and think the Slumber Party may actually be the best way for me to actually get through the weekend. However, last year the Cyber Slalom Cup was scheduled for first thing the next morning, and as late as I'd been out the night before, I had to be (and was) there on time for that event to be ready to start pretty close to on-time. Unfortunately, that event was delayed anyway, wasting the better part of two hours of a beautiful morning, as much of "the field" for the CSC was missing and most of those present were arguing for a delay.

Actually, we haven't faced this situation before, because in previous years we've had rain or wet pavement first thing on Saturday morning, but my primary intention for the Gatherings has always been about getting as much slalom into the weekend as possible. Those wasted hours on Saturday morning felt very unfortunate to me at the time, and I've since decided to focus the events of Saturday morning at T4G on junior and children's racing. That way, Friday night revelers can arrive later in the morning or toward midday, while Saturday morning can be used to emphasize family racing and some specialized, junior level racing.

All of Us Are a Pain In the ASS

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:17 am
by David Riordon

We are all on your side, including WesE. We are all also pains in the ass, including WesE. So we all will be at the next Gathering enjoying the scene. I know what it is like trying to put together an event and at times we (who put on an event) get stressed out. Just ask John Dillion, he had to put me in my place a couple of times at the Vintage Day last weekend. John just kept on reminding me that why we were hosting the event is for all to have a fun good time.

Now lets get this thread back on to sessions.....

......John Dillion is looking at skating a Sunday 10am to noon session at Vans. Skate for a couple of hours and then do some holiday shopping afterwards.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:18 am
by Jack Quarantillo
So, I still have an unanswered question...
Jack Quarantillo wrote: Should someone post these to Jani's Contest Calendar Thread? or are we more "under the radar" than that??? (they already have TG IV)
You know me and the little Q will be there for the early stuff, I've gotta set him up with a board that he can pump on...


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:02 am
by Slappy Maxwell
I've popped a continuation on the 'Gathering' thread.

Van Dorn Downhill Day Dec. 14th

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:05 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
If anyone is interested in giving stand-up or street-luge a try, this is the time and place. I'll be riding with Bob Swartz and probably Dr. No and a few others on Sunday December 14th, high noon to sundown. We have extra helmets, leathers, speedboards and street-luges. The road is about 1/3 mile with plenty of runout space (it actually goes uphill) and is basically one big right-hand sweeper. A Super Duper Giant Slalom is possible if one feels the need. The road is actually called Oakwood Dr. and it parallels the exit to the Beltway. I believe it's the first left at the top of Van Dorn, just past the Day Inn hotel on the right. All first timers are welcome, it's just a fun session, nothing intense. Call me at 202-607-1495 for more info.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:40 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Van Dorn

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:35 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Ah...a nibble. Hope you make it Vlad. And I hope you bring some of your compadres. This is the place to ride your skateboard faster than you've ever ridden it before, with a high level of safety. And the streetluge is ton's of SAFE fun.
Geezer X, where'ya at? Slappy, feeling better? Rene, need a ride? Parsons gets a pass (for the next three years) but we sure hope to see a couple of the slalom guys.
A 20-25 cone monster GS could be set up with no interference to the gravity vehicles' lines. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of you guys can beat me on a big GS. Ha Ha, just kidding!
But if we do set a BIG course and run times with stopwatches, I'll give a DCDC t-shirt to anyone who beats me. I know you guys are laughing at the prospect but it won't be THAT easy!!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:52 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:03 am
by Slappy Maxwell
I'll be there.
That hill is scary as crap if you start from the top.
Has anyone ridden it lately? The last time I was there the housing development was getting close to being finish at the end.

Van Dorn

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:46 pm
by Anthony Smallwood

I was there with Dr.No about a month ago and it was pretty vacant. Anything can happen in a month though, so I'll check it out this weekend. Some people have suggested building a bonfire but I think that's pushing it. The cops showed up once and basically said we were cool to ride since we all had safety gear on, so there shouldn't be any hassles.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:23 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:06 pm
by Slappy Maxwell
There shouldn't be any traffic on a Sunday.
The only real traffic on Saturdays are construction trucks. They aren't that frequent but dump trucks can make it interesting.

NE1 up for Vans tomorrow afternoon?

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:38 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
Considering Lansdowne is prolly snowed in,

Me and bertleboy will be hitting Vans tomorrow afternoon....

If anyone else wants to skate, let me know. If you need a ride from Gburg, again, let me know...


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:39 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Van Dorn

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:44 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
The weather is supposed to be crappy this Sunday, and if it is, we'll cancel the downhill session 'til early January. Bitter cold air doesn't count. If it's dry out, we'll be there. We'll probably ride until 3pm so people can get home to watch the Redskins game.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:53 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
No downhill today obviously, but me and Beastie are hitting Van's from 12-6, if anyone wants to ride.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:31 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:54 pm
by Slappy Maxwell
Hey Anthony,
Do you think with your DC Sports Commission contacts you could look into us being able to train in RFK? You could say we are a real club that is in training?
Also didn't you mention they told you there was an unused velodrome in the basement of the stadium. I wonder if it could be used for banked slalom?

I set up a deck for Oakwood Rd. So I'm ready for a dry weekend.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:59 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:15 pm
by Slappy Maxwell

It now goes to 10.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:05 pm
by Jack Quarantillo

But can it go to 11? 11 is MUCH stronger than 10. ;)

Actually, Spinal Tap references aside, it looks like the 9 is still the kick @$$ version. 10 just a "jubilee" version, weighing it at the same level as the 4...


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:11 pm
by Brian Parsons
Whats a velodrome?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:26 pm
by Vlad Popov
Jack Quarantillo wrote:...10 just a "jubilee" version, weighing it at the same level as the 4...

4 is dark. 10 is light porfume. 3 is urine. 0/1 is water. 9 is a double kick. 5=8=1=0 (+ some porfume). 3=7.

Two times nine and who cares that the Caps lost to the Wings!

Go Capwings!!!
______Wingcaps suck!!!!
____________Go Capwings!!!
___________________Wingcaps suck!!!!


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:48 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Thanks for the breakdown, Vlad. I was basing my assessment on alcohol content alone, as I've only tried the #4 and #9. I had a 9 the other night, and it kicked in nicely...

As for the velodrome, it may exist, but without an arena (like we care), cuz I read about a 2012 olympic bid for DC/Baltimore where one of the things on the list that they needed to add was a velodrome.

I'd love to skate in one of those things...

They'd have to have "Left" (clockwise) and "Right" (anti-clockwise) sessions to keep everyone from running into each other.



Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:50 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Well Slappy, it won't hurt to ask. Are you talking about inside the stadium itself (flatland??) or on the racetrack? Coming down the walkways inside the stadium would be wicked itself. Maybe for a Giant SlalomCross or something.

As far as the velodrome goes, it's buried in the basement of the Armory in a bunch of huge pieces. I believe it was purchased from the University of Connecticut or somewhere else on the East Coast. I'm not sure why they bought it but it was offered in early race negotiations. They just wondered if we could do anything with it. I should try and make an effort to check it out. I'll call and try to set something up after the holidays.

Parsons, what are you doing on the computer?? I told you to go get some sleep while you still can! A velodrome BTW, is an indoor, circular, banked bicycle racing track, or something like that. Probably won't really be of much use or interest, but worth a look.


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:48 am
by Jack Quarantillo
Anthony Smallwood wrote:A velodrome BTW, is an indoor, circular, banked bicycle racing track, or something like that. Probably won't really be of much use or interest, but worth a look.
Are you kidding? I shouldn't have to explain this to you (being that you are a surfer at heart)...

I'd be like an endless wave. Although I'm not sure what the transition is like...

Drop in, bottom turn, and pump and pump, top to bottom, swoop through the "bowl" section of the turn, and keep going. I'm sure if you got the hang of it you could ride till your legs gave out.



Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:14 am
by Anthony Smallwood
Yeah, sounds like too much work for me....

Now, if it would spin left I could pump it right off my backhand, THAT would be cool. How about a cylinder like Upland that spun could ride up the face, slash it, then ride down against the spin, then ride up, slash, repeat! Real concrete surfing, 'cause in surfing, unlike the static mediums of skating and snowboarding, it's gotta be moving!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:22 am
by Wes Eastridge
I hold the same level of excitement about it as Jack. It could be like a big, continuous, Revere-like bank. There is loads of potential here. I just talked with Anthony about it. The problem is that it is just the banks, broken down and in storage. Man, if we had an indoor place to set this up at...Woowhoo!!! Surfing the banks and slaloming the flat middle section! Oh usual, I am clueless as to where to do this hobby during bad Winter weather.

Edit: Imagine - We could put cones on this thing and have a totally roots banked slalom! My heart is aflutter.


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 5:03 am
by Jack Quarantillo
While we're dreaming...
Velodrome with an inner bank the same size...

basically an oval half pipe



Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:35 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
Now that, I would be into. This whole velodrome-buried-in-the-basement sounds like a caper, which I love, so I'll get on it after the holidays. Jack mentioned the need for a velodrome for the 2012 Olympics, which probably explains it's purchase, but the bid however, went to another city, most likely rendering the velo useless. Could be interesting.....

The old velodrome hoax

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:19 pm
by Eric Wallgren
I was emplyed in the bicycle industry in the DC area for ages, and raced on the road as well as track for quite a while. The nearest velodromes are in Trexlertown PA, in the Lehigh Valley, and a scary old pockmarked asphalt beast in Kissena park in Queens, NY. You'd get flats from needles on the racing surface, seriously. The story of the portable velodrome in pieces in the basement surfaces occasionally. The problem is that an Olympic velodrome is 333.3 meters in length. Also, there's some stipulation that it be made of poured cement. I'd just stick to Lansdowne. I suspect it would work better for what we're trying to do.

Now, the idea of indoor practice at the DC armory or the old convention center...That's pretty cool.

Indoor practice

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 1:10 am
by Andy Bittner
Once upon a time, my brother had a storage bin at an indoor rental storage place that was essentially two warehouses long with an interior, 8' wide, basically level, seamless concrete walkway down the center. It was a self-service, 24 hour facility, so I used to borrow my brother's passcard and go over there at night, and skate, flat and straight for hours at a time. It was a long time ago. I wonder if that place is still in business. It might be worth renting a storage unit.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:06 am
by Jack Quarantillo
nice idea, andy...

We need some creative solutions.


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:59 am
by Seth Levy
secret skatepark that is for only those that have a key. like this, only on a much smaller and less public scale autumnpark

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:12 am
by Jack Quarantillo

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:32 pm
by Jeff Boswell
What about a area indoor roller rink? Have never been to one before. Are they big enough for cyber? Just a thought.

Roller rinks and storage bins

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:05 am
by Andy Bittner
Jeff, most roller rinks (and dry ice skating rinks, for that matter) are actually quite small. I think most ice rinks (and roller rinks, for some odd reason) are the size of a regulation NHL hockey rink, which I believe to be 200' long x 85' wide w/ rounded corners. A full cyber slalom would leave a skater with very little run out space, although running across the rink diagonally would buy a little extra. A 20 cone course would be feasible though.

As for the storage bin... I kind of let my memories run away with me a little. Back then I was one of about ten slalom skaters that I knew of in the world, and I was always skating alone. Looking back on it though, I'd have to imagine that there was some kind of resident manager on the premises, and there's probably no way we could get away with multi-skater sessions or slalom parties. I will check the place out, next time I'm in the right neck of the woods and report back here.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:51 am
by Anthony Flis
what about building a long concrete path big enough for a slalom course to be set on in the middle of no where or in the woods somewhere?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:11 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:56 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:05 pm
by Jack Quarantillo
That's a good price...

But this weekend, we're off to Philly...
Will be on a hill nearby (Philly) on Saturday.


Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:19 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D