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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:00 am
by Jeff Bozi
A road trip in a CAR to Mississippi? Didnt you guys see My cousin Vinnie?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:00 am
by Wes Eastridge
Anyone want to practice slalom on Saturday (today)? I really want to, up until at least early evening. I need to get out of the house and I can’t think of a better activity to be doing on a 65f degree Spring day. NW winds 10-20 mph, so maybe it could be Fountainhead, but I’ll ride wherever.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:33 pm
by Wes Eastridge
So, are people going to the G-P&R today?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:12 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:28 am
by Wes Eastridge
Vlad, there is a new manager at Vans that might need some coaxing to allow us to ride there. She was screaming at some kids for skating there last time I was there. Whoever (and however you) got us permission the last time, please let us know how to go about this again.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:33 pm
by Brian Parsons
Anyone wanting to ride Vans tonight??? Vlad?? WesE??

Where's LBK? Slappy?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:39 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 11:12 pm
by Brian Parsons
OK I will be there a little before 9. I want to try my Bahne 48inch longboard in the pool.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:01 am
by Wes Eastridge
See you guys at Vans. I'll be there after 9.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:13 am
by Terry Kirby
Vlad, smash away at he record tonight. I believe you will improve your time. The sickness you feel is nothing more than seasonal allergies. Call your doctor and get some clarinex. You and the Donganator are cyber jocks for sure. But at the Gathering I will rise up and reign upon both of you with my long wheel base torpedo. Cheers. TK

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:10 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:40 am
by Wes Eastridge
Yeah, Vlad, that sucks. If you were wondering why I didn’t come over to hear what had happened, it’s because I had to guard Brian’s stuff, not that I didn’t care.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:30 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:42 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:21 pm
by Wes Eastridge
I could be up for that, Vlad. What time do you have to leave for your Saturday job?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:48 pm
by Jeff Boswell
Sounds good to me too.I do not know were the gathering site is. From what understand the park and ride is at exit 10 off of 270? I hope yoall don't mind me knocking over cones. But I have to restart somewere.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:00 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:13 pm
by Jeff Boswell
Thanks Vlad! My grass needs mowing real bad but I will do my best to be there. does any one have 911 on there speeddail

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 4:58 am
by Jeff Bozi
I will be there. Had a blast last weekend, thanks Brian for stting a course, I did better on the 36"GS board in the tight stuff then I do on my weiner boards, cant wait to try in on a loose fast course.
VLAD!, I see you won a real longboard, you gonna set it up, or wack it into 2 smaller ones?
Have fun, see yall sat.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:43 pm
by Andy Bittner
Vlad... You've pre-marked the pavement at The Gathering Site?! How'd you do it? I've been specifically asked to NOT mark up the pavement there. Hmmm... I wonder whose event will get cancelled if they get pissed? Please be careful, you clever little fellow, about presuming that you can discreetly mark something. I've been using the Cardinal picnic area for four years now, and we've never marked the pavement, but they definitely know who I am. They will also definitely know what the marks are about. I'll stop now, before I start actually seeing red and have a brain hemorrage. PLEASE DON'T MESS UP THE STATE PARK GATHERING SITE. BE SMART!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 3:31 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 5:16 pm
by Brian Parsons
Guys, I will not be able to skate on Saturday. If you guys want to use my timer, give me a call and I will try to meet one of you somewhere to drop it off. Family obligations are keeping me from ripping this weekend...Have fun. I will see you guys at the Outlaw race on the 26th.

Just to reiterate what I think Andy is saying. Don’t do anything to jeopardize the one legitimate spot we have. Every time someone says they are going to skate at the Gathering site. I am a little bit concerned. It will only take one screw up and we could lose this primo spot. It’s a little more of a sensitive situation than the P&R. So you freaks be on your best behavior.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brian Parsons on 2003-04-18 11:17 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 5:59 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:33 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:21 am
by Slappy Maxwell
I wish I was hibernating. I've been working 6 day weeks freelancing until I find a new job. Plus it's hockey playoffs.
Go Caps!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:58 am
by David Riordon
Vlad and the rest of the DC Crew,

Looks like it will be raining early Saturday (April 19, 2003) so while you slalom punks are waiting for the P&R to dry up, I'll running a Surfrider Event from 9am to Noon. The Washington DC Chapter of Surfrider will be picking up trash as part of the Earth Day Four Mile Run Watershed Cleanup Project at the Barcroft Park in Arlington,VA 9am - Noon.

Might see you guys later in the day at P&R if the sun comes out.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: David Riordon on 2003-04-19 00:48 ]</font>

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 8:33 pm
by Jeff Boswell
I got there a little before noon (if I was in the right place)saw nobody. Waited about an hour and left. The pavement was almost dry but the wind had picked up. It might have been hard keeping the cones upright.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 9:00 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 8:07 pm
by Wes Eastridge
Sounds like Vlad had a good time yesterday on the wet.

Does anyone want to ride today? Should be dry at P&R.

Vlad, did you ever get Brian's timer?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WesE on 2003-04-20 14:53 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:23 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:15 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:32 am
by Wes Eastridge
NOAA says dense fog in the morning. I’m not sure whether that will make the pavement slippery or not. I think it will be wet, actually.

If I were planning to skate at RFK, I would probably want to share a ride there with someone. With such a sketchy neighborHood - the fewer cars there to keep track of, the better.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:05 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:36 pm
by Wes Eastridge
As suspected, the ground in the DC area is all wet this morning. If anyone has a covered practice spot, I am all about riding today, flat slalom or whatever, as long as it’s dry. Please give me a call if you would like to share.

If anyone is in outer NW DC, please investigate the bust-factor and pavement quality of the parking garage at 48th & Yuma St (and any others nearby too), in the Spring Valley area.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WesE on 2003-05-10 06:50 ]</font>

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 7:01 pm
by Anthony Smallwood
Is anyone riding on Sunday at RFK? I have my 13 year old son staying with me in town this weekend and I want to expose him to slalom. He actually mentioned a while back that he wanted to try slalom. I didn't know WHERE that came from, then I heard they had a small slalom segment on the new Tony Hawk Playstation 4...oh well, it's a start. I must brag, by the way, that my son took his first pool run in the deep pool @ Van's Thursday. He rolled in from the shallow end and got about 6-7 feet up the wall and pulled a clean backside kickturn. He's always been the typical flip-stick-anti-trannie kid and our last session was all about the walls. I think he understands. Proud papa indeed! I can be reached at 202-607-1495

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:16 pm
by Wes Eastridge
Welp, I was kind of leery of putting a knee pad over my scabbed knee, but what can ya do. John Dillon and I are riding the 4:45-6:45 session at Vans today. After he goes home, I’ll probably start conditioning the employees to slalom, by riding outside the fence for a few hours.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:17 pm
by Rene Hayden
Hey Anthony,

I'll probably be at RFK Lots and thereabouts this Sunday around 7 or 8 PM or so farting around, depending on the thunderstorm and rain situation, and how dilly-dallying my bartender friends are (those dilly-dallyers). Probably a crew of newbies along as well, but, alas, no slalom unless somebody with cones shows up. I'm sure your street skater son will be very impressed with my 4-trick abilities. Only "slalom" board I own is a 44" Fibreflex kick. Only slalom I've ever done was twice (sort of). LBK? Interested in checking RFK out?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:53 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 1:30 am
by Claude Regnier
Wes you may want to put a piece of plastic(lunch baggies) over the cut with some tape then add your knee pad.

It will keep in cleaner with less chance of infection as well allow the knee pads to move freely without causing pain or friction on the wounded area.

It will also allow it to heal quicker.

Many Happy Pumps!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Claude Regnier on 2003-05-10 23:45 ]</font>

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 1:32 am
by Rene Hayden
Vlad--around what time? I live just down the road, so maybe I'll come by with my crappy old longboard, if that's cool... I have a couple of semi-pumpable shorter setups if that's what you plan on running, although they are all pool boards. Regardless, I can also go check conditions if need be.

Cheers, Rene.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-05-10 19:42 ]</font>

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 5:00 am
by Victoria Popov
I'll be there to take pictures and shoot video if it doesn't rain. I don't think getting up before 11 AM is on the Sunday's agenda. How about noon, boyz?
See all of you there. Kisses.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 9:57 am
by Wes Eastridge
Hey, maybe this weather is a blessing in disguise. We can skate in any parking structure we want today. If we get hasseled, we’ll just say we are taking shelter from the <img src="">!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 6:52 pm
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 12:21 am
by Rene Hayden
hey, Vlad,

actually, it wasn't hardly windy at the track at all, dry as a bone with some few puddles. They were having some event there, though, they didn't want anyone far from the end nearest the stadium. Only there until Tues/ Wed., so should be good after that. Found some cool little spots in the racetrack for other skate-stuff (grinds, etc.)

Had a lot of fun skating mini-banks and the lots with anthony smallwood and his friend dave.

It's funny that every slalom event I try and get to ends up cancelled. Maybe this is God's way of saying I shouldn't slalom--or maybe I'm the curse of the DC Outlaws.

Might be going back there in about a 1/2 hour or so with my pals.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 3:18 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 7:43 pm
by Rene Hayden
yup, the 24th... this wkend I'm in Toronto visiting the in-laws for Victoria Day. If you are going to practice in D.C., do do DO check out the democratic national club parking lot on Ivy St. and E (or D, I can't remember). You will be glad you did. Just be nice to the cops if they cruise by.

I'll just have to pretend I'm going to take the bus at the P&R, and just "happen" to have my board, and, hey, what, a slalom race? Maybe that will fool the fates.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 2:33 am
by Vlad Popov
bye-bye :D

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 9:47 pm
by Mike Ohm
Vlad, myself, Brian, LBK, Slappy will be attending the Deathbox contest in Waldorf on sunday. Curt is throwing it, we are ripping it. Come on down, you don't need no stinking practice.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mike Ohm on 2003-05-17 15:51 ]</font>

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 7:42 pm
by Jack Smith

Does anyone out there have Brian Parsons phone number? Please email it to me if you do...thanks.

Brian if you see this please call me at my office.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 4:03 pm
by Rene Hayden
Saturday chance of rain 60%

And the curse continues....

Throw down with the indoor venues, people.