Adams Morgan Fest Race THIS Saturday Sept 6

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Brian Parsons

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Sat Sep 06, 2003 9:59 pm

Hey all, what a great time, although I am beat.

Mr Dillon, you missed a lovely, lovely time.

It was a burly hill, and I'm so glad I managed to make the hybrid course (sort of). Wes E was clocked at 27 mph [edit: maybe I misheard him]. GS was a lot of fun, too. I'm looking forward to next year already. Bonus was watching Ricardo run all three slalom disciplines CLEAN, on a longboard. That boy has some skills.

Just for the record, though, Anthony, NO WAY should you ditch the downhill section. It was pretty awe-inspiring to watch you guys rip it.

Brian, I will email my address to you.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-06 19:28 ]</font>

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:30 pm

So... I ask myself, self, how much more stoked could you possibly be? and the answer is NONE. None more stoked.

What a cool day. All told, the slalom wasn't much more than a standard outlaw-type event, but the chance to test slalom on this particular hill was ideal. What a fit! Most people look at this hill the first time and think "no way". Let's call it the "Avila-effect". In fact, as I began setting a course, I was thinking "no way", and thinking much along the lines of the course Don O'Shei set at Avila last year. I even managed a little fall, sliding out on the big, speed controlling turns I was setting. I readily admitted before I began that I have no experience at setting a course on a hill that steep, and fortunately I was vetoed by Mike Ohm. Mike then proceeded to set a fairly normal, hybrid-type course, pretty close to the fall line. Now I was REALLY thinking "No Way".

I pussed out and didn't run it. I'd fallen once, my back was hurting, and I really can't afford to be hurt right now. However, it was extremely interesting to watch the other guys take on the mental challenge of just launching oneself down this hairball-looking hill. Even though I didn't take it today, the experience was clearly like that of dropping in to a larger skate spot or ramp than you're used to riding. It seemed that everyone's first run began with a tentative, almost foot dragging start, and that pretty much everyone was really lunging off the starting line and pumping the course by their third run. (Incidentally, nobody was clocked, on-course, completing the course, at 27 mph. I had the radar gun most of the morning, and the top three finishers were consistently crossing the hybrid finish line at 22 or 23 mph. Curiously, finish line speeds for the GS were 2-3 mph slower than that. If the radar gun briefly registered 27 on a slalom run, it was because it was mis-aimed, moving, or at a bad angle.)

This leads me to one of the real highlights of the day for me. At some point, as practice seemed to be ending, and everyone was pretty much ripping, Anthony Smallwood decided to give it a shot. Now, Anthony's one of those full leather suited downhill speed freaks; one of a group of guys whose sanity I am continually questioning. So, Anthony stands at the top of this course, rolls in, takes about two or three gates, jumps off and runs, exclaiming, "You guys are NUTS! That's crazy!" I probably never even imagined it before, but today was the first day I ever heard a downhiller call a bunch of slalomers "crazy". Thanks, Tony!

The end result is that this is a great slalom venue, which will host a major international slalom race in 2004. I will be finalizing arrangements with the powers that be during this week, and should have a MAJOR RACE ANNOUNCEMENT next week.

Rene, it is amazing to watch the downhillers come ripping through that inner city intersection at 40+ mph, no doubt. However, the concensus amongst many world class downhillers, arrived at back in 2000, is that the hill is not long enough or big enough for a world class race... and that was BEFORE they put in the two sets of rumble strips at the top of the hill. Any major slalom event could include a downhill demo. I love to watch it, and I'd love for people to see it. However, it just wouldn't be practical to try to hold a whole, international-level slalom race AND a downhill race, on the single day that we will have the hill.

I also want to be clear on just how much I appreciate the opportunity that the DCDC guys seem to be offering us. If I understood these guys correctly, they are not opposed to this being a major, all-slalom event next year, offering me their contacts and all of the momentum they've already gathered in working with the local community and powers-that-be. Thank you, Anthony. Thank you, Doug, and thanks to the rest of you DCDC guys. This is a major opportunity and a major gift to the slalom community.

Oh well, I'm talking too much about some things I haven't finalized yet. Let's just say that I've already talked to a promotional interest, city officials and a certain purveyor of fine burritos, today. More news later.

John Dillon
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Post by John Dillon » Sun Sep 07, 2003 6:15 am

I'm glad you guys had a fun time and were able to race saturday....I had planned to be there at 7:30am, had set 2 alarms for 5am...but after getting back from checking out the hill fri eve with Anthony, Vlad,Victoria, Slap-hap, and Mike at 3am.........I was awakened by Brian's phone call at 7:30am...I had, unfortunately, slept through both alarms and there was no way I could've made it there by race start so I decided not to come afterall and go skate the roundwall at Charles County Sk8 Park....I'm sorry I missed it...I should've stayed at the Gallery last time ...atleast I got to party at the Meridian Hill Mansion fri eve

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:42 pm

Hey Everyone,

Hope a good time was had by all. I can't believe it went down for the third time. Again, i've got to say, Adams Morgan is one of the coolest, most skate-supportive neighborhoods anywhere. The support from the cops was overwhelming, considering the reputations we have for hating each other.
Yeah Andy, I did freak out on the slalom. It was weird because after the third or fourth cone, everything got blurry. I just couldn't see it.
It did bug me because I rode pretty damn well at the Gathering, which was my first attempt at slalom. Then I figured it out.
Being that I've gone the previous 72 hours with very improper food and sleep, and non-stop running and stressing, I had no concentration. Zilch. In slalom, you've got to SEE the cones and focus.
In stand-up, It's just mad bombing and survival skills! Not so much concentration as self-preservation (at it's finest)
I'm totally on the slalom tip and can't wait for the Worlds.
There's no slalom in the world though, that's as scary as what Doug's wife put us through last nite.
She was announcing the band Live at the concert on Penn. Ave.
Before she announced the band, she said she wanted to introduce some special guests. The crowd started to boo her off the stage.
She then dragged me, Doug and Ricardo out and I walked onstage carrying the Bozi 36" over my head. The crowd then started to cheer. Everyone loves the Bozi 36"!
Cool. Ok, let's go. Nope.
She says, Anthony Smallwood's going to say a few words. AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
Well, I was petrified and I'm not sure what I said but it was quite a way to end the day. Thanks Rebecca!

I want to thank everyone who showed to race and to help out. Slappy, Rene, Tim and Dave were huge. You guys all went big and I was stoked to see East Coast, DC locals ripping it up!
My lowlight was also a highlight.
I wiped out stopping on my last run. As I fell my board shot out and was heading towards the traffic. I looked up from the ground and saw Slappy barely make this reach back, toe grab save of my board. The coolest, most athletic move off the day.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Bozi Boards
Honolulu Hut
Migration Boards
Rudy Project USA Eyewear
Zephyr Gallerie
and Jason, who donated a skatedeck with a cool work of art and who showed big nads for his downhill approach. Good job, Jason.

Also, Andy, I can say from talking to folks that if we DIDN"T have stand-up, they might put my head on a stick. Just give us two hours at the end. We'll have 8-16 riders and that will be enough. We don't need the World Class Elites. We've got enough locals at this point. Demos suck!
No question, It's the crowd favorite.

Can't wait 'til next year.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:59 am

Andy GBJ--

I won't be running in a "world-class" slalom event anyways, but personally, I think it would be totally bogus to marginalize Anthony and the DC downhillers from an Adams-Morgan day slalom race. Perhaps if we can secure the hill for both days of the fair, have one like we just did--amateur slalom and downhill--and then expert whatever slalom, that would be best. But it would be nice to at least consult or co-plan with the downhillers on the use of their hill, no?

Even if you're talking about having a completely separate event from Adams-Morgan days races, I still think it would be nice to keep the downhill-slalom vibe alive. Anthony was cool enough to let us in on what was really the downhillers' day, so maybe the slalomers should be decent enough to let the downhillers in on theirs, particularly if it's held in Adams-Morgan, on their hill.

I'm looking forward to the Anacostia Halloween race. I have dibs on the skeleton costume, dudes, and I'll be there representing if I have to run cones alone.

[okay, here's how it should have read:

Andy! I'm stoked about your stoke! Not to step on your toes, but have you talked to Andrew and the downhillers about this to make sure it's kosher with them for us to take up the whole day? I think it was really a lot of fun to have our two races side-by-side, and I'm worried that it could be kind of bogus if the downhillers got sidelined by a slalom event during AM days. If anything, I'd love to see the wondertwin powers of downhill and slalom activated again.]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-08 10:51 ]</font>

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:18 am

I also wanted to say a huge thanks to everybody on a great event, even the cops --it was really great meeting all the downhiller type folkses. Sorry I couldn't hang out and help more at the end.

Also: a very big thank you to Bahne for their kind prize. If Ricardo had actually had a slalom set-up, I'm pretty sure he would have kicked my butt.

Not my best racing day ever. It's amazing what injury and a big hangover will do for your confidence and coordination. See y'all Saturday! No Friday parties this time!

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:53 am

Big thanks to Anthony and Doug for letting us in to slalom at the fest.

I had a ton of fun.

Rene, I agree with 100% that there should be a downhill event in future Adams Morgan Day fests. I'm also with you on keeping the downhill-slalom vibe going. They are all great guys.

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:15 pm

Wow! Rene... lighten up! I have no interest in being "bogus". Just because you don't know who was consulted and what was discussed, doesn't mean that people weren't consulted and options discussed.

During the day on Saturday, I "consulted", at least briefly, with Anthony Smallwood (DCDC), Tom Oliver (Adams Morgan Day Festival Director), and the Special Events Director for DC Emergency Management, as well as many other DC downhillers.

My reaction to what was an offer of the whole day next year, was nothing short of amazed and extremely grateful. Amidst a discussion of my desire for two days, Anthony said something like, "if you can bring anything close to the number of people that come to The Gathering to this intersection, you can DEFINITELY have the whole day,".

A discussion with the city EMA Director revealed that two-days is out, because on Sunday, with 100,000+ people a few blocks away at the Adams Morgan Day Festival, the police force is otherwise occupied.

I know that I didn't speak directly with Doug Dupin, about the whole day issue, and sometimes I'm not too sure who represents what in the DC Downhill Crew.

In order for me to do the event I was considering, I should have two days, and I am still seeking a second venue for a second day. Even then, the majority of the appeal of this race will be the 15th St. venue, and I'd really need a full day there. In fact, in discussing this with the City official, I was assured that a dawn to dusk closure (the amount of time I really need) was do-able.

With ALL due respect (again!) and thanks to Anthony, Doug, the rest of the DCDC and everything they've already created, I have no intention of becoming the bad guy in all of this. Three days ago I had absolutely no thoughts or plans for ever staging a large, international-level slalom event on 15th St. NW, on Adams Morgan Day weekend or any other time. It's really not an issue for me to return to that state-of-mind and let the DCDC continue to have what is rightfully theirs. If Anthony has re-considered his enthusiasm from the other day, that is certainly his prerogative, but I like Anthony, have no major beef with Anthony, and will henceforth keep the organizational business of anything that might happen next year cordially between the two of us.

So, Mr. Hayden, as I said at the beginning of this post, lighten up. There was absolutely no cause for you to take this matter to the emotional level that you have. The most bogus thing that has happened yet is that some relative newcomer to the whole situation, with very little background knowledge, has publically stirred up things in which he has no cause to be so concerned, causing me to need to spend this time explaining that everything's okay, and nobody's going to get screwed, and nobody's going to be "bogus". In fact, this post took almost as long to write as the total time spent consulting with people on the hill. You (and everyone else) have now been briefed.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2003-09-08 08:35 ]</font>

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:10 pm


I am very light! I am not intense! I didn't mean any disrespect in my spiccolism to folks that have been nothing but kind and supportive, nor to stir things up. I am only expressing my very light and non-intense kooky noob opinions frankly in a public forum--which I thought was pretty much just the DC outlaw folks--because things seemed to be moving quite rapidly towards a semi-official state on your end, and I have enough experience with both skaters and organizational politics to know that the best of intentions can lead to bad blood when they are half-stated or poorly expressed.

I knew what Anthony said here about giving us the whole day. But it was also obvious to me at the race that it was enough of a big deal to Anthony and the downhillers that they printed T-shirts, etc. Downhilling and the AM days kind of go hand-in-hand in the public eye, too.

But, I am not the one investing time and effort into planning events, I was not privy to all conversations, and yes, this should be something fully hashed out between you and Anthony, so, yeah, I am being a bit of a buttinsky. So you are correct, sir, that is pretty much some big bogosity on my part, full-on in the vector of bogus, how bogus? None more bogus.

[ed: Oh, I just re-read my language on my previous post. I guess I was a bit harsh in my phrasing. Double bogus for me.]

My apologies. See you on Saturday.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rene Hayden on 2003-09-08 10:21 ]</font>

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:55 pm

Understood and accepted. Thanks. Rest assured, we're on it. There will be something at 15th and W on Adams Morgan Saturday, and it'll be fun.

As for what the public expects or associates, I am much more inclined towards concern over what the downhill community thinks, because they are my friends and they are invested. Public? I just don't see that there is any significant public audience associating donwhill skateboarding with Adams Morgan Day. Maybe the "us"-public makes that association, which is to assert that we, ourselves, are certainly not insignificant.

In my opinion, the skateboarding use of this hill, on Saturday of Adams Morgan Festival, is still in its' formative stages as a "tradition". Believe me, so far as any general public is concerned, if they see about 100 of the top slalomers in the world on that hill next year, with banners and PA systems and scoreboards, as well as incredible skating and (frankly) the likelihood of some pretty heavy slams, they're only going to remember that it even started as a downhill-thing, because we're going to constantly remind them by continuing to associate the whole thing with DCDC (if things go the way I'd see it).

It's an incredible opportunity, and I'm going to take it, if it's offered to me. Furthermore, I'd bet it's safe to say that even if the USSSF doesn't take the opportunity to make this a Nation's Capital showcase event for the sport, there'll almost certainly be, at least, as much slalom on the hill next year as there was this year.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:12 pm

Right Arm!

Okay, can I have a big faggy hug, now? (re: NCDSA)

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:02 pm

Hey Board People,

It's all good!! No worries, we're gonna have a great show next year with slalom AND downhill.
I think many of our problems were solved on Sunday when I saw the festival set-up.
They used to close down 18th all the way to Fla. Ave. and put a stage at the very end.
This year they put the stage at Cali. St. and the road was closed and wide open from Cali to Fla.
Four lanes wide open for two blocks.
So, we run some sort of slalom and downhill on Saturday on 15th and some sort of slalom, festival day, on 18th. I told you, it's all good!

I did say the slalom guys could have the whole day. Statements, like contracts, are simply to be RENEGOTIATED!! Ha Ha...
Seriously, This isn't about my ego or respect for the DCDC, it's about providing a unique and exciting event for the locals and festival attendees and I think slalom will do a great job of that. Especially head to head.
The problem is, everyone (spectators) I talked to FREAKED when I told them it would be all slalom next year. Everyone simply loves the stand-up.

At this point, ANYTHING that happens regarding sk8ing in the neighborhood, will reflect on me.
Even if I'm in China at the time.
So we'll work together and we'll all have a great time.

Hey R.ene, sorry bro, I already laid claim to the skeleton suit. We'll have to be the "Bones Brothers"!!!


Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:17 pm

Damn, Damn, Damn,

After reading the slalom posts on ncdsa today, and for the last few years for that matter, I'm not so sure I want slalom racers to come from "all over".

I really don't know any slalomers except the DC guys. They are solid guys for sure, but I wonder about the visitors. There is a sizeable gay poulation living in DC and especially in NW, and there is also the majority Black population to consider....If you don't like the fags, then it's probably safe to say you don't like the niggers either.

I just don't want that element in our neighborhood.
Anywhere else, it's none of my business, but not here.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:26 pm

I can't add anything to the previous post.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:48 pm


Don't get freaked. Trust me, it's all talk. I came back to slalom two years ago and have travelled to events all over the East Coast and Î made it to the West Coast once last year. It's all trash talk.

Like I said, I've been to several events and have only experienced a "bad scene" once. Coincidentally, it was with the same skater who caused a little incident at the Gathering in May, which I didn't make this year.

As you have experienced with the DC Outlaws, it's pretty much the same with all slalomers once they get offline and get on the street. I can't think of a race that was "down" because of any bad vibe. Everyone is stoked to race, they enjoy the opportunity to travel and run cones on a good hill with lots of good people. What's more is slalom skaters love to talk about their sport. When they aren't on the course, they'll be on the sidewalk talking to anyone who will listen about what they do, their boards, their experiences and especially just how much fun all this is.

Again, take the garbage and nonsense on NCDSA and here on for exactly what it is: trash talk. If, though, you want to be involved in a groovy scene with lots of people totally stoked about being involved, then hold a slalom race. You won't be disappointed.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:55 pm

One of the reasons I don't want to go MB is the trash talk...that makes the entire atmosphere slalom unfriendly. I've heard enough personal insults from Groff and his girlfriends who don't wear tights.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:39 pm

But then again, chances are good “they” won’t come. And chances are even better that if “they” come, “they” won’t be able to resist NOT to “comment”. “They” will consequently be removed by the Police in no time. Booked, in fact, with charges pressed and all. Full-blown “learn to behave before your son grows his moustache” program!

Why not? This is not SoCal, NCDSA or Breckenridge! This is DC! Everyone is welcome! And everyone should be treated equally!

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:26 pm

Hey Wesley,

I'm not freaked over how the riders treat each other. They can beat the piss out of each other for all I care.
I'm concerned about how they'll treat the locals. If a gay man, in all his stereotypical glory, strolls by, can they handle it??

Can't they f*****g ignore it??

NO ONE. in our neighborhood gets disrespected and any offenders would get seriously bounced. See, Adams Morgan has a long history of tolerence and community activism. We were even laughing about how Doug and I "tied" for first place.
Typical "everyones a winner" liberal attitude that's prevalent in this neighborhood.
I would like riders to come and have fun and give something back, not just come and take.
I guess my idea of doing a slalom demo for some kids living with HIV probably wouldn't fly.

I don't want to sound like some over-sensitive liberal. I'm not. It's just that living here all my life, I've seen a lot of pain in a lot of peoples eyes, and I'm just kinda sick of it.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:36 pm

There are three basic approaches to the “cockroach” issue.

First. The passive approach. Participate in competitions and forum discussions and ignore the remarks, the negative attitude and the humiliation.

Second. Pro-active "bitch" approach. Try to be on the “right side” with the abusers. Keep the line of communication open. Play, kiss *, negotiate, try to avoid sharp corners and potentially explosive situations. Go with the flow. Pretend to be “democratic”, practice the double standard. Do whatever to be liked by the cockroach. He doesn't repect anyone, even self, so don't try too hard. Just try being liked.

Third. Reactive approach. Do something to stop/limit the cockroach attacks. Stand up and face the cockroach. This has already been done on this forum.

We might live in different universes, but I choose to stand up to Groffs and avoid them “actively”. Instead of being scared of the bullies, we can use (not abuse!) the goods that the US system has to offer. No one will protect you unless you ASK for it. This abuse will go on if the cockroaches are allowed to feed on human weaknesses, tolerance and ignorance.

I say NO to cockroaches. I say NO to those sites that selectively delete anti-cockroach posts and I say NO to those slalom races that don’t provide any anti-cockroach security.

To each his own. Everyone has choices.

Keep DC cockroach free! (not literally :smile: )

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:55 pm

Your East Coast racing sounds like a ton of fun.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Michael Stride on 2003-09-08 17:44 ]</font>

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:07 pm

One of the best 2003 DCDC race moments…ahhh…five of them, to be exact…each is 0.2 seconds long.






The album is coming soon.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:18 pm

I put old batteries in the camera by mistake, so I don't have much.

<center>2003 DC/DC Race</center>

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:20 pm

Shouldn't that be "cock-a-rrroach!"?


Straight-edge. Need I say more?

with all due respect, punk rockers and esp. skaters were never immune from brainless herd conformism, xenophobia, factionalism, and the racism, etc. problems you mentioned, at least where I come from.

But having said that, I agree that it's pretty rare. I'm not really sure Gruff is all that extreme in his views, he's just pretty vocal about them. I don't mind his recent posts.

I wouldn't want to ban him from D.C. That would just play into his considerable vanity. Rest assured, Vlad, if anybody ever decided to try anything, I've got your back.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:06 am

Hey Anthony,

could you include Bahne in the list of sponsors for DCDC? Even though their deck didn't get to the event before we ran it, I think it's important not to forget Jack's kind and important gesture of support for the DC slalom community and their grassroots recruiting efforts (especially because I was the recipient of said gesture).

Thanks Jack!

"If everyone in the world just held hands... nobody would be able to make a fist!"

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Post by Cabbage » Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:20 am

found out too late about the race, guys are freaks and I'm glad to see that'DC guys are so much more open minded, then SF guys, everyone and everthing is it's also good to know that guys older then me get all vibed out on message boards. For awhile I thought it was just me.
lastly Joe straight edge is bigger then ever, I have a handfull of 'em for good friends, good kids.

lastly for those that didn't know Tori and I had a healthy baby boy, named Mason on Aug 20th. He was 10.5 lbs 22.5 inches long, so I been a little busy..Can't wait to show him off one of these fall races.

See ya in Morgan adaM next year, keep it local, DC outlaw summer series finals sound good? Have to qualify maybe? suggestions

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:48 am

I think they're sexy.


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:53 am

Slappy! You ***** bastard! You made me spill my beer all over the desk! You are good. Really good.

Thanks for the laughs!

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:56 am

Cabbage, congrats!

I think it is time for me to come out....I'm....I'm....There is no easy way for me to say it...but the time is right....I'm....I'm...

I'm Russian.

There. I said it. Deal with it!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: vlad popov on 2003-09-08 20:15 ]</font>

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:40 am

Yo All,

Hope I didn't sound to radical. Just want everyone to have a good time. Including the freaky locals!!
I think the vibe is so cool, that any grunting, angry types will leave smiling. No one's banned and all are invited, but please, respect the locals!

Congrats to Cabbage and family!!

Just to let folks know, I have found the hill for the Halloween race and it's a sweet one. More to come...

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:52 am

Congratulations on the sprout, Cabbage! I’m gonna have to find myself a wife that can kick ass in order to bring in some competetive produce.

Acceptance of people different than oneself is the qualification for DC area slalom events. Even if the person to accept is Slappy.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Tue Sep 09, 2003 3:37 am


After the serious seriousity of today, Wes and Slappy, you should take it on the road!

Funny as all hell.

Good news: I'm working construction, making $18/hr.

Bad news: I might have to work Saturday.

Michel Temoche
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Post by Michel Temoche » Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:08 am

I think I had the fastes slam. Crashed at the second cone on the GS. Here's what it looked like last night. ... 001175.JPG

Duane Delaney
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Post by Duane Delaney » Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:23 pm

Anthony, can you let me know what the streets / intersections are for the Halloween race ? I may be able to check it out since I blow through town every once in a while. I CANT bring a 75 lb. bag again; it sucks when your only injury on the weekend is from carrying 4 boards / gear. That way I can select the right gear ahead of time. I'll make it to the race if I can. Thanks again for a blast. Next time I'll push.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Sep 10, 2003 3:54 pm

I just opened Mitches crash file and I think it ain't nothn! Mitch! See you on Saturday.

Here's Dalv's latest.


<font size=1>Credits Slappy.</font>

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Wed Sep 10, 2003 7:40 pm

Sorry, Vlad.

Get well soon, Mitch.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WesE on 2003-09-10 14:19 ]</font>

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Sep 10, 2003 7:51 pm

On 2003-09-10 13:40, WesE wrote:
That doesn't look like Slappy's work.
If I say "credits Slappy" it means it's his work. If there's an easier way to say the same thing, I'm open to suggestions.

How about "I got that picture from BoL from the recent motorcycle discussion and e-mailed it to Slappy last night with a special request...with one goal in make Mitch's crash look insignificant, to cheer him up and to have fun". Houze dat?

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:06 pm

On 2003-09-10 13:40, WesE wrote:
Sorry, Vlad.

Get well soon, Mitch.
Dude, we're still friends, aren't we? :smile:


Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Wed Sep 10, 2003 11:04 pm

Hey Wes. I dig the new pink tight crew ya got going for the next race.


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Sep 10, 2003 11:08 pm


Another one!

I'll bring my inlines.

John Dillon
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Post by John Dillon » Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:00 am

Hahahahahhahahhhahahahahahahhahaaahahahhhah....I'm dying of laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michel Temoche
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Post by Michel Temoche » Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:32 am

It doesn't look a whole lot better today. The bruising has spread more and that whole leg is fatter than the other one. My folks are saying "Why don't you follow suggestions?" I said "Sure I follow suggestions, I followed the one that said, Go for it!" Next time, I'll try to get a practice run in, before attacking the steepest slalom hill I can ever remember running. The whole thing had me a little scared and I overtightened my trucks and tried to turn sharply but the board said no.

Michel Temoche
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Post by Michel Temoche » Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:35 am

Thanks, Vlad, Wes, Slappy. I'll probably sit out this saturday.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:52 pm

Take care of yourself. As my good friend Bob Turner used to say: "there's always another race".

Eric Wallgren
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Post by Eric Wallgren » Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:50 pm

Mitch, dude. It's time to retire those Hyper Stradas. Having coned 4 year old slalom wheels gives you old school cred, but it is way dangerous. I'll GIVE you some used Avalons.

Michel Temoche
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Post by Michel Temoche » Fri Sep 12, 2003 4:10 am

Those wheels are only 3 years old. They are looking about as small as my 62 mm FibreStradas. Eric, you missed the race last week right?
Doc told me it could be a month before it's back to normal. I've gone from ice to heat now.

Michel Temoche
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Post by Michel Temoche » Fri Sep 12, 2003 6:57 pm

Actually I think they're only 2 years old. Thanks for the offer Eric. I won't be able to take you up on it for a while.

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Sat Sep 13, 2003 10:00 pm

Mitch, I knew you were going to get one hell of a hipper from that fall. Ugly bruise.

You won't be able to sleep on that side for a couple of months. The last one I got like that was on a longboard going no faster than walking. My leg was all black and blue and swollen. The bruise alone scared the mess out of me. Doc said in time it would go away and it did but damn it hurt if I bumped into it.

Get well soon

Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:46 pm

LBK you made me feel better. I was going slow on my new longbord(first ride) when I hit a stick or something. I was on the ground before knew it. Now I'm out for six weeks or so the doctor says.

Jeff Boswell

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:38 pm

Sorry to hear that, Jeff. Think of it this way though - at least you can walk around nomally. I've scaled my vert-riding back to hardly much at all, due to the trouble that a broken ankle caused me after an akward fall at the Vans pool in 2001. I would rather not skate than wear an aircast for another 8 weeks.

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