Reguarding "more than I can handle"

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Brian Parsons

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Brian Parsons
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Reguarding "more than I can handle"

Post by Brian Parsons » Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:27 pm

Reguarding Jack Smth's post on the "Random Slalom Topics" forum.

I think that since DC is the most active forum on this site it is only appropriate that someone from our area take over whatever is involved in keeping this site maintained.

I am not sure what it involves but it only seems fair.

Anyone interested?

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:09 am

Maybe the solution is not one person but a group of people with various tasks. Is there anyway to break down what those tasks would be?

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:19 pm

I was thinking if we have a bunch of people who's opinion is respected on the forum. They make all the decisions and lets say that they don't have access to a computer. They can phone ahead to someone else who checks the board frequently and post the news. I usually check this board at least once a day during study hall so if need be I could do it. The main problem was that there were conflicts due to lack of internet availability so if we just set up a phone chain of people forwarding the new to eachother then someone will end up posting it on here.

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Sun Oct 03, 2004 4:38 am

Sounds like Danny is on to something here.

Eric Wallgren
Posts: 67
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2003 1:00 am

Yeah, what he said...

Post by Eric Wallgren » Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:37 am

I'll help out where I can...

There are like a zillion dead headings and threads on this site that no one would miss.

A little culling and ix-naying would reduce the sprawl some, which would make riding herd on this mess easier.

So. Lemme know how I can be of use, and I'll do whatever.

Andy Bittner
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tread carefully...

Post by Andy Bittner » Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:55 pm

Before we get too far down the planning path, I think it's wise to remember that, just because we think it's a good idea doesn't mean the rest of the world will agree. Again, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I think anyone involving themselves in this effort would be well served to go back and read all the posts relative to the change from Adam to Jack. I think there was a group of Europeans who already offered something like this communal effort, and it didn't fly then.

Personally, I think that the DC area is a major hub of slalom skateboarding activity in the world, and it'd be really neat to anchor this website in this community. I also think there would be people, more closely involved with the founding and early development of this site that might deserve such a shot before we get it or be hurt or offended if they didn't.

The logo in the upper lefthand corner of this page has a long history, most likely belongs to Jani Soderhall, and isn't there just because it looks cool. The logo in the upper right hand corner of this page says "The International Slalom Community", and I wonder whether it is ever smart to put one of the most large and powerful members of a broad and diverse group into the power seat.

It seems to me that what should probably happen with this site, given the unfortunately temporary nature of Jack Smith's involvement, is that it should go back into Adam T's hands, at least while Adam gives fresh consideration to who should have it next. If it then happened to come our way, it'd be a much more legitimate shift.

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