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Surely Indy Kingpins aren't a custom hardware piece?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:41 pm
by Joel Crawley
I have a set of Chicken Indys that have very short kingpins (2") which I'd like to be able to switch out to 2 1/2" but they are those button top ones with a knurl to fits into the hanger.

Is there anyplace that I could get such a bolt? I would just go to the hardware store and get a pair of grade 8 bolts and replace them but if I ever wanted to adjust the trucks I'd have to take them off the board every time or the kingpin would just turn inside the hanger.

What's the solution if any?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:05 pm
by Mike Cividino
I used a small piece of coathanger and bent it over the bolt head in the baseplate and hammered it in there, It keeps things from spinning and I have a longer kingpin now. I dont have any pictures but its easy to figure out, just jam something in there to keep it from spinning.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:36 pm
by Joel Crawley
That's an interesting idea. So basically you're using the piece of rod to sort of jam the bolt in the hole? If I get your meaning.

I thought about (actually it was suggested to me) using something like JB Weld to hold the bolt in place. My only concern there would be if I ever needed to replace it I would guess it to be a bear to do so.

Thanks Mike.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:15 am
by Steve Collins
I've used JB Weld on a number of different kingpins and recommend it. It's also easy to knock the kingpin back out. Scrape off the old JB Weld and do it again. An extra benefit is the removal of slop. Just make sure you wipe off the epoxy from the threads.