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Best offset for a beginner?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:54 am
by Adam Daniels
hi, i'm relatively new to slalom and just yesterday i entered my first race and i noticed that i need more traction in my rear end. i have been talking to Joe I and he recommends a split and other have recommended the chicken offsets and i have personally been looking at the tracker offset. price asside, sort of, which of these trucks would be better for a rider under 100lb?


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:02 am
by Terry Kirby
Adam, don't ride an offset untill you learn to ride a regular dewedged rear truck first. Spend the extra money on good wheels.
John Gilmour rode regular wedged trackers for years and ripped the tar off the pavement with them.
Paul Done and Mike Masey rode stock Trackers to the worlds podium in 03/04
Paul Pride rode stock trackers and has won a heap of races on

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:42 pm
by Noah Heinle
Adam, TK is right. You’re best bet for now is to have your trucks upgraded with 8mm axles and hone your skills and style on ‘normal trucks’. GeezerX can do this modification pretty fast and affordably. For your weight, you’d get just as much grip from an upgraded RTS than you would an offset and you’ll be able to pump it easier on the flats. If you’re hung up on getting an offset, you can’t go wrong with a PPS indy or a Splitfire. But I think keeping an RTS or something similar in the back might offer you a little more versatility at this stage.

Good to meet you on Sunday. Look ahead down the course. I was walking up as you were coming down and I noticed that you were looking at each cone as you passed. Look ahead and the board will follow. The faster you get, the more important this is.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:43 pm
by Adam Daniels
yea. i heard you on the sidelines saying to look ahead.....when i was looking down i was doing this to see how much room i had to scrub off some speed so i wouldn't hit/skip any cones at the bottom