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2004 Canadian Races

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:58 am
by Claude Regnier
Time for some thoughts.

I"m going to look into booking a big race for July 1, 2004, in Ottawa.

This is totally seperate from the GRS races series some of us have talked about.

I would also be interested in making it part of a CAN-AM race. This would include an event here on July 1, then a race on the 4th of July in Boston.

Is anyone interested in something like this? I could look into renting a bus and selling ticket packages to help offset some of our accomodations cost while were in Boston.

You would only have to drive here for this race. We book the bus on the 2nd (Ottawa to Boston) and 5th (Boston to Ottawa). So we enjoy Canada Day and Independance Day. You'll Love the fireworks. It would be a great family vacation for some of you as well.

I'd like some feedback ASAP. We could find some sponsors for the Canadian contingent for sure. It will take some time to put it all together and I would have to make sure I don't book myself any sk8camps for that week. That would mean passing up on some much needed income. So if enough of you are interested I'll do the legwork.

Easter weekend 4 Day stops

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:53 am
by Claude Regnier
Hamilton , Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, 4 day Clinics and Races. April 9, 10, 11 and 12, 04

Were on it. We need names and contacts ASAP of Organisers and participants.

We talked about it at the Gathering.

Then there's the rest of the season.

4 days mayhem

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:35 am
by Pierre Gravel
Hey good news! Count me in, i'll try to find a good location and sponsors for Montreal and the serie. But i now have a regular job (yeah that sucks but it's good to get a paycheck, haha) i'll have to be quick and find some time.

Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal that's going to be some intense 4 days... Better find a pain killer sponsor.

Long Weekend Series Race

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 4:04 pm
by Robert Sydia
Hey Guys:

My suggestion is that we combine Toronto and Hamilton into one race - four cities is going to be really tough to organize and to keep our bodies working. In reality, TO and Hamilton are less than 1 hour apart.

If we did Toronto/Hamilton, Ottawa and Montreal would give the organizers in each city time to get everything organized as well as travelling time.

Civ and I can have a pissing contest to see if Toronto or Hamilton would be the better site, in regards to site availability and to gain maximum exposure.

Just my 2 cents


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:12 pm
by Mike Cividino
I agree with Rob, one race here is fine. Toronto is a fine place to do it if Rob can find a better place to race than I have. Im totally in, and will help with whatever needs to be done running the T.O. race. Rob, I called you last night.....ever hear back from McCree? I ordering some soon, and a new out you guys....especially you Pierre. And Pierre I think I will have to wait until spring to grab those Kebbeks, but im still interested. So long for now.

4 city sweep

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:30 pm
by Claude Regnier
I agree I just didn't want to leave anyone out.


2004 Canadian races?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:54 pm
by Gareth Roe
What about Vancouver?? I know it is a stretch for you east coast guys to plan a race in BC. Are there any slalom guys/gals in the BC area? I am always looking for a reason to get to Vancouver.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 3:16 pm
by Claude Regnier
Yes Gareth!

There are some Slalom guys in Vancouver. I was contacted a while back. Don't be surprised if there isn't another Canadian National Slalom Championship held somewhere up here this year.

We are re-establishing the Canadian Amateur Skateboard Association up here and things are coming together.

How's my board coming along? They seem to be all over except here. Also we have to talk about Canadian Distribution for next spring for Roe. We are getting our list set-up in January to add to the Sk8park Website.

RE - CAN AM race and Easter clinics

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 5:19 pm
by Karen Hegmann
Hi everyone

I think the idea of a CAN AM race is a great one. It would also open the door to some American sponsorship - which would be great. The story would be a good one for the media, as the dates would cover Canada Day as well as the American celebrations.

The Easter clinics are also a good idea, although I tend to agree with Rob's idea of working with Toronto/Hamilton and Ottawa/Montreal. Otherwise, there would be a lot of moving around to do, and it might be harder to focus on the training part (at least that's how I feel as a 'skategeezer!')

Would people have the option to choose just a 2 day clinic - or would this involve races in all four cities?

I wish all of you a wonderful holiday, with visions of racing cones dancing in your heads!:)


It's coming soon!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:34 pm
by Claude Regnier
Well I hope you folks have had it good so far. The 2nd half is just around the corner.

I am one of those people whose birthday falls in between this festive season. While enjoying our new skatepark and coaching(which is what I love the most)this year has been one of the best ever!

Our Sk8 trip to Brossard yesterday was a blast. Thanks to the bus driver, the parents and the skaters that were all part of it.

Talk about an end to a great day. I walked back into our park to be greeted by about 50 people and a Live band performing Happy Birthday for me. What a shock! what a blast!

I want to Thank MBL, my daughter Lindsay, wife, family and everyone that were part of it.

If we get snow instead of rain soon we'll be snowboarding on Mondays thru to February. Then there are 2 more sk8camps in March.

Just a reminder - Aril's easter event - We need to know who is taking charge in each city so we can go after Airfare, Lodging and vehicle requirements. Send us a note at this e-mail A.S.A.P.

Happy New Year EVERYONE

Casa Logo

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:46 pm
by Pierre Gravel

BTW, my Easter weekend is booked ! Can't wait to race

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:49 pm
by Pierre Gravel
I will look for a good location for Montreals race, i'll post the datails here as soon as get more.


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:22 am
by Claude Regnier
MB booked some buses including one leaving for Boston from Ottawa on the 2nd of July and returning after the fireworks on July 4th.

Let us know if e are stopping in Montreal to pick anyone up. This will reserved seating.

Once we figure the costs we will let you know. We are also working on accomodations.

The 1st contact was made to try to secure the flights for the Easter weekend event.

Road trips (and air trips!!)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 2:27 pm
by Pierre Gravel
2004 looks really good already, thanks Claude and Mary-Beth for starting it up so well.

I think we could be 4 or 5 guys (and Mia?) from Montreal for the Boston Race, so if you can pick us up at a conveniant location, it would be great.

JimZ and i were there last year and we had a great time, specially after the fireworks, slaloming in heavy traffic in downtown Boston with McCree, Gilmour, Vlad and WesE to go eat seafood. And i got to try to beat WesE this year....

There was a park slalom race the day after too at Rye Airfiled i think they want to do it again this year, i'll ask TK, could be fun to make it a 2 races in 2 days trip. (JimZ finished 4th in the pro at his second day of slalom racing)

About our Big EasterN Canadian Open Salom Series (B.E.C.O.S.S.!!! lol)
I talked to Frank (from Top Challenge) last nite about asking the city for a closed street and he thinks we will have to get insurance for that (for the spectators). So i will look for the Big O, Université de Montreal or a park.

Man do i feel like skating...

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:13 pm
by Wes Eastridge
Is there official info posted somewhere regarding the July 1st race?

I really need cost, location, schedule, airport info, sponsor list and any other info that might be helpful (and quickly - like yesterday!) in order to plan on being there.

I haven’t seen anything regarding this race, other than Claude’s initial post about it back in November on the Canada forum and a few blurbs about it here and there.

If the race is still on, the info should probably be posted in its own topic, and either on the "GRS" forum, or someplace else where everyone will notice it.


Canada Day Race

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:35 pm
by Claude Regnier
Our July 1, 04 Canada Day race will go on. It will however go on as an outlaw event. We are confirming locations and will let you know as we approach the date.

As usual those of you who would like to crash at The Ottawa Sk8park will be able to do so. Just bring yourselves and your gear. Anyone wishing to spend of a few days here are also welcome to sleep over.

E-mail or call us for info - we will decide wether or not to post a sign-up sheet on the contest calendar. 613-798-7275

Wes there will not be any fee's. At least not planned at this point. The Airport you would fly into is YOW. It is fives minutes from my house and about 15 from the sk8park.

Canada Day, July 1 Race

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:12 pm
by Claude Regnier
This is to let you know that the contest will be posted for registration withim the next couple of days.

We will run a hybrid race with a straight line finnish. Not really fast nor really long. We plan on running it from 9am till 2 pm. In case it gets just as hot as it has been the last couple of years. If anyone wants to we can go to another location later and run some single lane stuff. At this point I still don't know the extent of my ankle injury so I may not be participating but the racing will go on.

The event will be Sponsored by the Ottawa Sk8park - Sk8city and the Dovercourt Community Centre. We have also been invited to sleep at the community centre overnight in lieu of the Sk8park. They have showers and even a swimming pool we may have access too.

We will list some hotels nearby as well for any of you that would prefer that.

We need a timing system. Anyone wishing to send prizes please contact us at 613-798-7275.

The First Annual Dovercourt Open

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:19 pm
by Claude Regnier
It's on the contest calendar on NCDSA.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:54 am
by Pierre Gravel

Canada Day, July 1 Race

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:37 am
by Claude Regnier
The 1st Annual Dovercourt Open

Getting awakened by thunder and hard sheets of water flailing against the rooftop and side-walls of The Ottawa Sk8park wasn’t what we had hoped for.

Rob later flipped on the computer to monitor the storm on radar. The ban was moving away and it seemed like we would get a window of opportunity. At around 9:30 or so we loaded the start ramps and some of the gear and proceeded to the hill. The sun was scarecely creeping in and out of the moving cloud cover. Rob S helped me unload the truck and returned to the park.

The 2 staff from Dovecourt were there to greet us and see if there were any special needs; where they were to put the tables and PA system. The sun shone brightly and started to dry the road as I set the course. Once the course was set I asked for some opinions then it was chalked. While Pierre and ? duplicated (nice job) the course it was chalked. I was putting the starting ramps together, 16 screws and two shims with Rob and some of the guys. I then proceeded to put the blower to work clearing the roadway and happily drying out the shaded area that would have remained wet for quite a while.

The racers were raring to go and a few had some problems making some of the techy sections but they pretty much all managed it pretty well. It was very nice to see Karen Hegman come to Ottawa again from Toronto with her husband Vince and complete it after some frustrating attempts. Karen Hegman was the first ever Girls Canadian Slalom Champion Crowned in 1978.

New to the sport was Patrick from Montreal; Parker (a young kid from my City of
Ottawa sk8camp in 2003) and Irene, another person from my city sk8 classes. Irene took several unsuccessful runs and decided to watch and learn as opposed to competing at this time. Although Patrick, Parker and Karen did not make thesemi-final group they sk8’d well and seemed to have a really good time in the process.

Another new girl on the sscene is Briana Klassen. Look out for her, ladies. Although she decided not to compete she is fast and going to be force in the near future. She started ridding ramps at last December, tried Slalom at Easter, then 3 weeks ago during a Team Demo she started runnin’ one of the Slalom courses I set-up and that was it: she’s hooked!

This was the 2nd time Nic made a trip and was skating well and will continue to improve. As for Chris and Alex they’re developing well since they began at Easter their improvement is steady. We will see each one of them beating each other on different courses as their styles are different.

It was nice to see Rob Sydia Slalom skills developing as well. He enjoys Slalom and the racing. He made Jimmy work hard to knock him out. Civ took out Nic. Nic put down a fast time in the 1st heat but took out a lot of cones . He is showing potential as well. Ian took out Chris pretty handily. Chris, knowing that he has some skill, tried really hard to challenge Ian but DQ’d on the first run and hit way too many on the 2nd run. Alex was eliminated by Pierre who proved that his win in Montreal and his 2nd place finish in Ottawa on Easter weekend was no fluke. His Pro model works well under his feet and he is getting faster.

In the 2nd round Civ took out Jimmy and Pierre took out Ian. Then Ian took out Jimmy getting even for the Easter races weekend. In the end Pierre Gravel took out Mike Cividino for 1st place. This was hard fought racing and both racers finished in fine style running the course clean. Pierre’s good start kept him in front from start to finish as Mike showed some tenaciousness.

Cones Heads – Derek, Isaac, Tyson, Corey: Ken, Chris and Nicholas, (Briana’s family) and anyone else I missed (I know there is one young fellow that cone marshaled and we never got his name, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all).

MBL was the Head Cone Marshall, Paul Cormier (the one that drove to cali with me for the 2002 worlds) was the mid-course head cones Marshall. Brianna and Shasta were timers and Shasta also doubled as the timekeeper.

Ian and Jimmy built a timer the night before the race that proved to work wonderfully with only a few missed runs. It was set-up for single lane so everyone had a chance to get a run with the timers. We used a stopwatch on each lane for recording the racing.
This timer is going t be nice when it’s completed. It will be complete with software and all.

We would like to send a big THANK YOU to: The Dovecourt Community Centre. They are looking forward to hosting The Second Annual Dovercourt Open. Rosi’s canteen that set-up the canteen and kept the prices very reasonable. Jonathan Hatchell from Labatt’s breweries for supplying some Adult beverages. Those coolers could be a problem, they’re “Great”. The neighbors. To all the residents that allowed us to take charge of your residential street on Canada day we also Thank you immensely. The police that came by to check us out and seemed to be enjoying it. The spectators, friends and our families that were there to support us. It was great to see my family come out and support me. My Grandson Dorian who sat quietly with a smile for me as he struggled with an inner ear infection.

To my business partner MB goes a special Thank you. As I hobbled around over the last 10 days she worked endlessly on the contest preparation including food, drinks, the barbecue, posters and many other little things that make the big things work out flawlessly. The whole event ran quite smooth and there seemed to be few delays once we got started.

I wish I could have raced and am glad I decided not to. MC’’ing and starting was enough. Everyone seemed to do well on the starting ramps and there were no falls from anyone except for the ones on others parts of the course and there were only a few.

This time showers were provided by the big guy upstairs (complete with spectacular light show). We had a really nice time after the second storm with a barbecue at The Ottawa Sk8park. After everyone left, Civ, Shasta, MB and myself did the 30 minute round-trip (including the fireworks) to see the fireworks. You would have though that we were attached to the 4 X 4 in front of us. No one and I mean no one was getting between us. Nice driving MB! You would of thought it was breakfast time because we were all toast at that point.

Thanks again to everyone that supported, sponsored volunteered and watched the 1st Annual Dovercourt Open.

Canada Day tight slalom results at Dovercourt rec center Ottawa, Ontario.
Position Qualifying runs
1st run 2nd run Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4
1st Pierre Gravel 11.62/11.88/12.31/10.81 +3/11.78 +1/11.72 +2
2nd Mike Cividino 12.41+1/12.09+1/11.84+2/11.9+1/11.94+3/1 1.5+2
3rd Ian Comishin 12.85 2 12.4 +2 12.28 4 13.6 1/12.5+4/12.03+8
4th Jim Ziemlanski12.78/+6/12.47+3/11.93+5/12.06+2/12.06+ 5/12.16+2
5th Rob Sydia 13.13+3/12.63+4/12.34+4/12.68+DQ
6th N icolas Desmarais 14 +1/14 +5/12.97+8/14.03+1/
7th Chris Tingman 14.22+5/13.47+5/DQ/14+10
8th Alex McMahon 13.88 +4/14.62DQ/14.34+3/13.72+4
9th Pat Constantineau 14.6 +1 14.63 +1/14+?
10th Parker 15.75+7/15.59+7/?
Paul Cormier Did not race
Women: Karen Hegmann 18.28+3/DQ/

Brianna Klassen did not race
Mary Beth Lavoie did not race
Mia Efrain did not race
Irene Lepiesza did not race

See you all soon.

For 2005. Is anyone in the East US, interested in planning a 2005 CAN/AM event? July 1 and 2 in Ottawa and July 3 and 4 ? Let's get on it soon if you are interested. IT's 1hour and 40 minutes to fly from Ottawa to Washington and we could call the event The Capital Cup. The 2nd Annual Dovercourt Open will be the Ottawa leg of the Competition.